What’s your favourite sport?

As it is our Sports Week this week I’d like to ask what is your favourite sport?  You may even include a photo of you doing your favourite activity.

For me I enjoy dancing and swimming.  I also enjoy keeping fit using a range of exercise video classes at home – although I do sometimes struggle to motivate myself to do it, I always feel better afterwards.  I also started the Couch to 5K programme but I seem to be stuck on Week 5!!!


Hello Everyone!

Hi Everyone!
Welcome to our class blog page.  We are hoping this page will allow you to share what you have been up to at home and to keep in touch with everyone a little easier.
You can make a comment on a previous post or you can add your own post and include a photo.  Check out Room 8 and Room 7’s pages to see what they have posted so far.
Please make sure you add your first name to your post so we know who it is from.  A member of staff will check all posts before they are published.    Mrs Andrew will text all parents with the password for our blog page soon.
So to get us started what has been the best book you have read during your time at home? I have enjoyed The Boy Who Grew Dragons by Andy Shepherd, this was a fun story about a boy who discovered a Dragon Fruit tree in his grandfather’s garden that actually grew dragons! I’m sure lots of you would love this story too.
I can’t wait to hear what books you have enjoyed and hopefully we can inspire each other with a few recommendations.