Room 8

Dear Room 8

As Mrs Smout does not work on Fridays, I would be grateful if any home learning queries or questions could be directed to me using the email below.

Mrs Smout will set work as usual on Thursday but please do not email her on Friday.

Many thanks

Mr Langford


Wear What You Want Day-Friday 13th November

This Friday is ‘Wear What You Want’ for Children in Need. Room 8 have PE on Friday, they are welcome to come in to school in an outfit of their choice but if you would like your child to get changed for PE then please send them with a ‘school PE kit’ so they can get changed. Otherwise they will do PE in their own clothes but they are likely to get very dirty. Thank you.

Mr. Morris What is your favourite sport?

I was looking at the other blogs and I loved the question that Mrs. Hilditch asked. What is your favourite sport? She is so right – it would be nice to hear about your favourite sports this week. I wish I had thought of the question myself.
I like a few sports even though I am more of a spectator than a participant. I enjoy football, rugby, cricket and athletics. My favourite sports day event was always the egg and spoon race. Tell me about your favourite sports and sports day events. I wonder which ones will be the most popular.

What’s your favourite sport?

As it is our Sports Week this week I’d like to ask what is your favourite sport?  You may even include a photo of you doing your favourite activity.

For me I enjoy dancing and swimming.  I also enjoy keeping fit using a range of exercise video classes at home – although I do sometimes struggle to motivate myself to do it, I always feel better afterwards.  I also started the Couch to 5K programme but I seem to be stuck on Week 5!!!


What are my top five favorite subjects and why?

My top five favorite subjects:
1. Art
2. Maths

My favorite subject would have to be art. Why? Because in art you get to express your feelings and it helps relax me.

I like maths. The reson being, that the proplems can be difficult and I like figering them out. Even when it is hard I keep trying.

I like crochet. Because it is ralaxing and it may take a long time to get but it is really fun and worth it. You can make amazing creations.

I like dance. Why? Because you get fit and helthy whilst having fun with my friends. My favourite song we dance to is don’t call me up.

I like english. The reason being when we are writing storys I like making them up as i go along with it. Even though I am not the best at it, [because i am not the best at spellings ] i keep trying until i succeed.

And they are my top five favourite subjects. Stay happy, stay safe :} by Maddie

Hello Everyone!

Hi Everyone!
Welcome to our class blog page.  We are hoping this page will allow you to share what you have been up to at home and to keep in touch with everyone a little easier.
You can make a comment on a previous post or you can add your own post and include a photo.  Check out Room 8 and Room 7’s pages to see what they have posted so far.
Please make sure you add your first name to your post so we know who it is from.  A member of staff will check all posts before they are published.    Mrs Andrew will text all parents with the password for our blog page soon.
So to get us started what has been the best book you have read during your time at home? I have enjoyed The Boy Who Grew Dragons by Andy Shepherd, this was a fun story about a boy who discovered a Dragon Fruit tree in his grandfather’s garden that actually grew dragons! I’m sure lots of you would love this story too.
I can’t wait to hear what books you have enjoyed and hopefully we can inspire each other with a few recommendations.

Madeleine Livsey – blog

My favourite subject at school is maths. I enjoy it because I like solving problems and finding patterns. My other favourite subject out of school is music. My flute teacher Katy always sets me challenging work. It is great that I can still have lessons on zoom. I’m hoping to take my grade 7 soon.

Films I have enjoyed!

I have just read Amelie’s post and am thinking of some of the things I have enjoyed watching since lock down.
I am addicted to the Great British Sewing Bee (you can watch that on iPlayer) and I loved Malory Towers (also on iPlayer). I thought the adaptation of Noughts and Crosses was amazing but it has some very challenging content so talk to your grown ups at home before you watch this.
We really enjoyed watching Jumanji The Next Level and Shazam! (this is a 12A, so again – you can only watch this with your parents’ permission).
Over the last week George and I have enjoyed Alex Rider on Amazon Prime. Really exciting! I would definitely recommend this to Alex Rider or Jake Atlas fans.
Here is a link to the trailer:

Just trying this out!!!!!

Hi everyone!!!! How are we all? I miss you lots and think that this is a great idea.:):):):):):)
I hope that you all have been having fun during this time despite the current pandemic and that you have stayed in contact with all of your friends. I have been doing lots of baking, mainly cakes such as carrot cake and a few Victoria sponges which tasted delicious!!!! (If i do say so myself!) I have also been watching plenty of awesome films, quite a considerable amount feature popcorn:^) Have you been watching any films? If so what films have you guys been watching ???

I hope that you have enjoyed reading this post and find it to you liking.
Stay safe and well,

The Bookbuzz Books from The Book Trust

Have a look at this fantastic list of books produced by The Book Trust:

Book Buzz Book List
This is a list of 20 great books that have been chosen particularly with Y7 and 8 pupils in mind. However, I know that many you would already enjoy many of these titles.

I have read 3 of the books on this list (A Darkness of Dragons, Crater Lake and Check Mates) and they were all really excellent. A Darkness of Dragons is a really interesting twist on The Pied Piper of Hamelyn traditional tale. Crater Lake is a bit like a Scooby Doo adventure for Y6 and above: it has loads of humour but also has some very tense moments, as well as some shocks and horrors! Check Mates is a brilliant story about a boy and his grandfather. The boy finds himself struggling to concentrate and do well in school, but he turns out to be great at chess. This story weaves together that special relationship between a child and their grandfather with some fascinating historical stuff thrown in too.

I spotted one book on this list which I was very drawn to (it might fall into my shopping basket at some point…). I wonder if you can guess which it is?