Christmas activities to keep children busy!

Good morning everyone,

I thought you may appreciate some ideas for how to keep little ones busy during their two ‘days off’ school! There are some ideas below. I’d also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas and New Year. On behalf of all the adults in Room 5, thank you all for your support throughout the autumn term and for the kind wishes, cards and gifts.

Online games:

Christmas jumper designer

Decorate the Christmas tree

Christmas patterns

And more! Topmarks Christmas games

Paper-based games and activities:

Christmas Snakes and Ladders

Draw the nativity scene: stable outline

Other ideas:

Write your own Christmas quiz

Show an adult how to make snowflakes using scrap paper

Make a Christmas decoration for your tree

Find out more about Christmas around the world:

Have fun, everyone! See you in January!! x

Home learning 1.12.21

Happy December! Here are the activities we did today.


Today we were learning about toys in the olden days. We looked at Victorian photographs and then we made our own Victorian-style toys. Enjoy watching ‘Magic Grandad’. Old toys video How are the toys in the video different from those that we play with today? Have a go at making your own thaumatrope: make-your-own-thaumatrope-craft-instructions-_ver_1


Today we have been counting in ‘lots of’ 10. First, join in with the song counting in 10s. Counting in 10s song Then, see if you can use your knowledge of counting in 10s to complete the sheet: Counting in lots of 10


Last week, we were looking at Matisse’s ‘Snail’ collage and created our own snail collages. Have fun today creating a brand new collage in the style of Matisse. Here are some ideas: Here are some ideas:

Have a great day. x

Home learning 30.11.21

Here are Tuesday’s activities for those of you self-isolating. Remember to keep reading!


Today, we have been counting in ‘lots of’ 5. We found this tricky. Listen and join in with this song to recap counting in 5s. The counting goes quite high, but some of you that are away today may enjoy the challenge of counting beyond 50 and seeing the pattern continued: Counting in 5s song

Next, try the activities below.

Can you answer these questions?

How many toes are there on 3 feet?

How many toes are there on 5 feet?

How many toes are there on 8 feet?


We are focusing on handwriting today. Can you practise writing your name really neatly?

Next, watch this video: robot letters Practise the letters that you see in the video as carefully as you can.

Reading Skills

Enjoy watching Kipper’s Toybox and see if you can answer these questions:

How does Kipper feel at the beginning of the story? How about at the end? How do his feelings change throughout the story?

What did you think was in the ‘sock thing’?

What did Kipper do with all the mice at the end of the story?

Do you like this story? Why? What is your favourite part of the story?

Have a lovely day, everyone. x

Home learning 29.11.21

Hi everyone. I hope you’re keeping warm! Here are the activities for those of you needing to self-isolate. Please remember to read your reading book (or a book you have at home) and to keep practising your line for the nativity.


Today in class, the children have been learning to count in ‘lots of’ 2. Start by practising counting in 2s, joining in with this song: Counting in 2s song

Using pencils, Lego bricks or any other similar small toy, give yourself and an adult two of the item each (so you have 2 pencils and the adult has 2 pencils). How many people are there? (2) How many pencils are there? (4). So, 2 lots of 2 are 4. If you have other available children or adults at home, keep adding extra people! Give the extra person 2 pencils. How many people are there? (3) How many pencils are there? (6). 3 lots of 2 are 6. And so on.

Have a go at the sheet, looking at how many pairs of socks there are each time and how many individual socks there would be in that many pairs: How many socks?


Do you have a favourite toy? Listen to this story all about Dave’s favourite toy, Dogger. The story is read by the author, Shirley Hughes.

See if you can answer these questions: Dogger questions


Today we have learnt that the letter ‘i’ can be pronounced in two different ways. The first is as it is in the word ‘dig’ or ‘kit’. The second way that ‘i’ can be pronounced can be heard in the words ‘kind’ or ‘find’. Look at these words. Have a read of them and then sort them according to how the letter ‘i’ is pronounced (kit or kind): alternative-pronunciation-for-the-letter-i-sorting-game

Have a lovely day, everyone. We hope to see you soon. x

Home learning 26.11.21

Here are some activities for children self-isolating today.

We started today with a nativity practice. Please keep learning your line until you can say it confidently and loudly!


Today, we were counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Use Paint the Squares to practise this, starting with 2s and then doing 5s and then 10s. Talk about the patterns you notice. Most children find counting in 5s very tricky. See if you can order the multiples using this sheet: Ordering-Numbers-in-5s-to-50-Activity


Ask an adult to read your spelling words out loud whilst you try to write each one without peeking! Please let us know if you get them all right. Can you put each of your spellings into a sentence and write the whole thing? Don’t forget to use capital letters and full stops.


Today we went outside to play some games. One of these was ‘Pac Man’. We played in teams and developed strategies for winning. Have you got a game like ‘Connect Four’ or Ludo? Have a game with an adult and see if you can develop your skills.

Alternatively, you may like to join in with this dance session: Autumn weather

It’s going to be quite cold this weekend. The weather getting colder is a sign that winter isn’t too far away. Do you know of any other signs of winter? See if you can spot some on a walk with a grown up.

Wrap up warm everyone! See you soon. x





Home learning 25.11.21

Hello, everyone. Here are Thursday’s activities. Don’t forget to read your reading book and practise your spellings too.


This morning, we looked again at the sentences we had written to retell the story of ‘Owl Babies’ and read our work out loud. We also talked about the importance of needing capital letters for names. If you have been off for a few days and have finished writing the story, can you read it out loud to an adult?

Use the owl template to create your own owl. It could be Sarah, Percy or Bill! Choose which one of the owl babies you want it to be and then write the name of the character underneath your picture. In the classroom, we used scrunched up tissue paper and cotton wool. You could use things like this too if you have them. Otherwise, you could turn your owl into Mummy Owl and use some autumn leaves as her feathers. owlet outline


Today, we listened to the story of The Prodigal Son (also known as The Lost Son) from the New Testament. We talked about the messages in this story and what it teaches Christians. Watch the story and answer these questions. The Lost Son

What did the youngest son ask his father for?

What did the youngest son do with the money?

How did the father feel when the youngest son returned home?

What did the oldest son do with his money?

How did the older son feel when his brother came back home?

What do you think are some of the messages in this story? (This is tricky! As a class, we talked about the importance of saying sorry and how happy the father was that his son was safe. We also talked about the need to work hard and not to be wasteful.)


In our phonics session today, we were looking at a-e. Watch the clip from Mr Thorne and join in with sounding out the words: Mr Thorne a-e Can you have a go at writing some of these words if an adult says them aloud to you? Have a look around your house and see if you can find things that have a-e in them!

Have a lovely day, everyone, and keep warm! x

Home learning 24.11.21

Hi everyone. Here are today’s activities for those self-isolating.


Can you remember what a repeated pattern is? Can you find three different examples of repeated patterns around your house and explain to an adult why it repeats? (Bathroom tiles or wallpaper may be quite good for this!) Can you make your own pattern? You may know a drawing app that you could use for this. You could also use household objects that you have plenty of, such as Lego bricks or pencil crayons. This is a fun game you could play where you need to use the right shape to complete the pattern: shape patterns


Today, we continued to rewrite the story of ‘Owl Babies’. How did the owlets feel when they woke up to find Mummy Owl gone? Where did they think she was? What did they decide to do? Please have a look at yesterday’s home learning post if you would like to watch the story again.

Write some sentences for this part of the story. This first sentence might help you:

One night they woke up and Mummy Owl was gone!


We looked at different sorts of puppets today and talked about how puppets have changed over time. Have a read of the information on this website: puppets

Can you name three different types of puppets? How do they work?

Can you think of some ways that puppets may have changed over time? Watch a snippet of this old episode of Andy Pandy: Andy Pandy What do you think about this programme? How is it different from programmes today? Andy Pandy was a string puppet. Watch again and see if you can notice the strings helping Andy to move.

Now, have a watch of this clip from The Sooty Show.  Did you know that Sooty, Sweep and Soo are all puppets too?! What sort of puppet do you think they are? How are they moving?

Which show did you like best – Andy Pandy or The Sooty Show? Why? How were they different? Which one do you think is a more enjoyable show for children? Do you know any other children’s shows that have puppets in them?

Have a super day, everyone. x



Home learning 23.11.21

Hello! Here is the work for those self-isolating at home.

Please make sure that you practice your spellings and read your reading book.


Today, we looked at number bonds to 5 then 10. Can you take 5 items then move one slightly away from the group and write the number sentence for it eg 4 + 1 – 5. Repeat for all the other number sentences up to 5. When you have mastered that, move onto number bonds to 10. Number-bond-sticks-activity-sheets here to help Number-bond-sticks-activity-sheets


We have been reading the Owl Babies book by Martin Waddell so today we began to retell the story in our own words. You can find the story here Owl Babies video Can you retell the story in your own words to someone at home? Write the beginning of the story down. The beginning of the the story introduces the Owl characters and the setting – that’s where they live. Can you remember what happens one night? Just write up to the part where the owls have woken up and how they are feeling about being left on their own for the first time. Remember to use Capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

We have been practising our Nativity play today so please could you practise your words.

We had a visit from The Shropshire Music Service today. Mr Ricard played his guitar to us. If you would like to play an instrument please do ask Mrs Smout or Ms Vincent for a leaflet.

We also did P.E. You could try and do some exercise. You could try some yoga Yoga video

Keep smiling, Year ones!

Home learning 22.11.21

We hope you all had a great weekend. Here are some activities to keep children who are self-isolating busy!


Today, we have been learning to count in tens and looking for patterns in the numbers that we say. Can you count in tens? Use Paint the Squares to count in tens from 0 – 100. Highlight the numbers as you say them. What do you notice about all of these numbers? Can you write these numbers down in order? You may want to cut and stick the multiples of 10 using this sheet: counting in tens


The children completed some independent writing today, retelling the Nativity story. If you haven’t already, watch this short animation of the story of Christmas: The First Christmas 

Have a go at verbally retelling this story to an adult before writing some sentences to retell it. For those children who may find this tricky, try to sound out the names of all the animals who may have been in the stable that special night!


Today, the children have learnt the grapheme ‘o-e’. Enjoy watching Mr Thorne explain this and join in with sounding out the words you see: o-e grapheme

What o-e words can you find in this picture? Make sure you spell them using this spelling pattern! find the o-e words

Today is a great day for looking for early signs of winter. Why not go for a refreshing walk. Have a look at the trees. Do they still have their leaves?

Have a great day, everyone, and we hope to see you soon.