Home learning 31.3.22


Today, we were looking at patterns in numbers and using these patterns to help us to complete addition and subtraction number sentences. If you had 6 teddies, how many more would you add to make 6? 0! How about if you had 5 teddies? How many more do you need to add to make 6 in total? Use teddies or soft toys to find the answers to these questions:








Do you see any patterns in the numbers? Discuss this with an adult.

Now see if you can answer the questions on the sheet. If you have enough soft toys, they could help you with this!



We have been looking at alliteration today. Can you find examples of alliteration in these poems? https://www.classroompoems.com/alliteration-poems.html

Choose a sound to work with today. It could be any sound but you need to be able to think of an animal beginning with that sound/letter, an adjective, a verb and a noun all containing that sound. Here’s an example if I chose ‘b’:

animal: bird

adjective to describe the animal: beautiful

verb: building

noun: branch

Now, put the words in a sensible order to write a full sentence. Mine would be

The beautiful bird was building on the branch.


We heard the Creation story today, both in class and in assembly. Watch the story Creation Story (up to 2:11) and then discuss with an adult what happens on each of the days. In class we acted this out in small groups. Can you draw a picture or write about what happens on each of the days using this sheet? Creation_worksheet

Home learning 29.3.22


Today, we solved subtraction questions using a number line. Remember that, in Year 1 when we subtract, we start from the biggest number. Start by watching this video: using a number line

Use the number line carefully, counting back to find your answer. Subtraction from 10


We looked for features in poems today. We started by going back over features of a poem and agreed on the following list:

they can have rhyme

they can have verses

there may be alliteration

there may be onomatopoeia

Can you find these features in any of these poems? poems


This afternoon, the children have been talking about how we change as we get older and thinking about things that we have learnt to do in Year 1 that we didn’t know how to do before! The children started by listening to the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. How does the caterpillar change? The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Can you think of three things that you can do now that you couldn’t do when you were younger? How are you able to do these things now? Have a good discussion with an adult. Maybe you could write down your ideas as sentences.


The class have PE this afternoon with Crossbar. Enjoy the sunshine by playing in the garden or going for a walk – if you are well enough of course!

Home learning 28.3.22


In maths today, we have been solving addition questions by using a number line. Even though we can do addition in any order, it makes sense to start with the biggest number. Solve these questions, keeping that in mind. The number line at the top of the sheet will help you:


In English, we will be looking at animal poems for the next couple of weeks. We started today by discussing what a poem is. We agreed that often a poem has rhyme in it though not always, that a poem is shorter than a story and that it is not information writing. Have you got any poems in your book collection? See if you can find one and have a look what else you notice. We talked about the writing being organised into verses and how each line starts with a capital letter, even when it is not a new sentence. Have a look at some poems and see if these features apply! If you do not have access to any poems, see if you can find some on the internet. This website may help: https://childrens.poetryarchive.org/


Did you remember to change your clocks at the weekend?! You may have noticed that it is lighter for longer in the evenings now that we are in spring. Have a go at making a pictogram, using the information on the table, which shows the number of hours of daylight for each season. Answer the questions too. You will need to visit this website and then download the free activity. daylight hours pictogram

Have a great day and see you soon.

Home learning for 23.3.22


Yesterday, the children were looking at how addition facts can be used to work out subtraction facts. For example, if we know that 2+3=5, then 5-2 must be 3! Use counters or similar to work out the answers to the addition number sentences and match each one to the right shield. Then, work out which of the subtraction number sentences would go with each addition. Your practical equipment will help you to see this! Calculation Rescue


The children were looking at adding ‘ed’ to a verb to change it from present tense to past. For example: Today I walk. Yesterday, I walked. Have a watch of this short video: adding ‘ed’ Can you write down the past tense versions of these verbs and read them to an adult? You will hear that sometimes ‘ed’ at the end makes a ‘t’ sound, sometimes a ‘d’ sound and sometimes an ‘id’ sound.






Next, put each one in a sentence using a capital letter and full stop.


The children were learning about life in the Tudor times and how people were not quite so hygienic as we are today! Start by ‘visiting’ this Tudor town and make notes about what you see: Tudor town What do you see that is different from life now? How might life have been quite difficult back then? (lack of electricity, smoky etc.) Ask an adult to read you some of the information on this website and write down three new facts! hygiene in Tudor times

Have a lovely day.

Home learning for 22.3.22

Morning! Here are the home learning activities for yesterday.


We started off by recapping doubles facts up to 5+5, making sure that everyone understood what ‘double’ means. Tell an adult these facts, using equipment if you need to see the two amounts being added.

We then looked at how we can use doubles facts to help us solve other questions more quickly. If we know that 1+1 is 2, then how can we use this to help us solve 1+2? 2 is one more, so we can just add 1! How about using what we know about double 2 to solve 2+3? Double 2 is 4, then add 1 more! Have a go at the questions on this sheet. The first one has been partly done for you, but you will need to match the number sentence with the cake showing the correct amount of candles as the answer.


In English, we have been ordering events from ‘Room on the Broom’ and retelling the story. Use these pictures to order what happens. Then, use the pictures to talk through the story. room-on-the-broom-sequencing

Yesterday, we moved on to reading the ‘Room on the Broom’ playscript and some of us were brilliant at using voices for each character. As you retell the story, see if you can do any of the voices for the witch, bird, dog, frog and dragon etc.!


Enjoy playing some games using your phonic knowledge, on PhonicsPlay. Choose a grapheme that you feel less confident with, within Phase 5. Phonics Play (User is pps1, password is apple).


The children had PE in the afternoon. Make the most of the sunshine by going out for a walk. What new plants can you see? Can you spot buds on the trees?

Have a super day and see you soon.

Home learning 18.3.22

Here are some activities for those having to self-isolate.


In maths today, we have been looking at how kitchen scales work and reading them to say how many kilograms something is. Have a go at this online game, reading the scale every time you weigh something. What number is the ‘hand’ pointing to? Then, read the question and click on the item which is either heavier or lighter each time. weighing game

If you have some kitchen scales at home, why not see if you can make the hand on them point to 100g, 200g and so on, by weighing different items from around your house?


We started English today with our spelling test. Ask an adult to read out each one of the spelling words. Can you write each one, without peeking?! See how many you got right and well done if you are a super speller!

We then thought about the characters of the witch and the dragon from ‘Room on the Broom’ and came up with some good adjectives to describe each of them. We put these words into sentences. Can you write two sentences about the witch and two sentences about the dragon? Here is a sheet with pictures of the characters on: Room on the Broom characters


This afternoon, we will be using the laptops to program the wolf to visit each of the little pigs’ houses, using directions such as ‘forward’ and ‘turn’. You may already have had a turn at this last week but, if you have, see if you can put all of the commands into the box and then press ‘start’ to see if the wolf follows visits each of the houses correctly! You’ll need to click on ‘advanced’ to do it this way. This is quite tricky! direct the wolf

Have a lovely weekend!

PE on Friday

As the children have been invited to come in wearing their own clothes tomorrow and the class have a PE lesson, I would advise sending your child in wearing trainers ready for PE or bring their trainers in a bag.

Thank you.

Changes to PE

From now until we break up for Easter, Room 5 will now be having two Crossbar sessions. The PE session on a Friday will be outdoors so we will not be doing Forest School on a Friday for the next few weeks.

The indoor session will now be on a Tuesday.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Home learning 8.3.22


Today we were counting in ‘lots of’ to find totals. Have a practise to start with, counting in 2s, then 5s and then 10s. Then, use these skills to match the right total with the amount of bugs. Remember not to let yourself count in ones! How many bugs?


Today, we did a reading assessment. You will get the chance to do this when you return to school. Why not have a go at this reading task as practice! Early Reading Comprehension


Enjoy playing a game on this site: Forest Phonics – mobile friendly (ictgames.com) Choose a grapheme which you need extra practise with. Remember to also practise your spellings. What is the grapheme in this week’s spellings? Can you think of more words that have this grapheme?


This afternoon was PE with Crossbar. Go for a walk with a grown up or spend time playing in your garden. Look for some signs of spring whilst you are out! Here is a yoga routine if you prefer an indoors activity: Squish the Fish