Nativity lines to practise

Hi everyone,

All Year 1s have been allocated a line for this year’s nativity performance. You will find it in their reading wallet or filed in their spelling folder (at the front). Please can you help your child to learn their line and encourage them to say it with a lovely loud voice!

Many thanks.


Every Friday, your child is allocated an ‘e-book’ which supports their learning across the week in phonics. I am aware that some of you are accessing these and enjoying them! It is not mandatory that you access these and perfectly fine if you prefer your child to not go on tablets and devices. If you did want to have a look at these with your child, please check your emails for unique log in information.

It is worth mentioning that the books have a ‘read to me’ element which is easy to use if your child prefers to follow along.

Please let me know if there are any issues, questions or queries about these e-books. The video below tells you more about the books and how to access them.

How to use Bug Club e-books


Bring a toy to school day!

Good morning,

The Year 1s are about to start a new history topic of ‘Toys’ (my favourite!) so I have invited them to bring a toy to school next week which they can present to the class. The idea is that we begin by looking at what children in 2022 play with so no very old toys please! I would recommend that the toy is not something breakable or anything with sentimental value, just in case it gets damaged in anyway. Other children will be encouraged to ask questions about the toy, such as:

What is it made from?

How does it work?

Why do you like it?

If you would like to ‘prep’ your child by having a discussion about the toy they will bring in, that would be great. There is no pressure to bring in a toy if you would prefer them not to. I’m sure we will have plenty to look at!

If your child would like to bring a toy in, please can they bring it in a named carrier bag on Tuesday next week? No earlier as we are lacking space in the classroom! I will ensure that all the toys go home with the right child when you collect them on Tuesday! The toy will not be allowed outside with them at breaktimes and will be kept safely in the classroom.

Many thanks for your support.

Ms Vincent

Reading and Phonics

Please read the Bug Club reading book letter that your child brought home today. Further information can be found on the school website in the English Reading and Phonics area: English | Pontesbury CE Primary School (

A copy of the letter sent home can also be found there and a helpful Parent Guide with more information on how to navigate the Pupil World homepage, including accessing the e-books. The children have their own username and password and the school code is wkxl.

The e-books will be assigned each Friday and the first one will be assigned on Friday 30th September. Next week, we will begin changing paper reading books twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child brings their paper reading book into school EVERYDAY.

Mrs Pittaway

Library books

Hi everyone,

I had meant to post this last week so apologies! Our library day is Tuesday. Children are able to borrow a book from the library which they can keep for a few weeks if they like. Many children, however, like to swap the book once a week on their library day and we cannot let them take out a different book without them returning the one they have already. There is a box in the classroom for children to pop their library books in so, when they have read the book, they will need to put it in the box prior to the Tuesday library visit so they can take out another.


No spellings until next Friday


We’ve had a super first week in Year 1. The children have been amazing at settling in the morning and have been working hard already!

There will be no spellings coming home today. We will start that from next Friday. Your child will have a yellow folder and their spellings will be filed in it. The spellings will be appropriate for your child’s ability. The idea is that the copy that comes home, stays at home and practise happens daily. The only time we need the yellow folder back is on a Friday so that new spellings can be filed in it and your child’s score in the spelling test can be recorded. They will have an identical spelling sheet at school so they can practise every morning here.

There will be a box in the cloakroom labelled ‘reading wallets’ and we shall be encouraging the children to place any reading books that need changing into this box upon coming in in the morning (the whole wallet goes in the box). If you could remind them to put their reading wallet in the box, that would be fab.

A little reminder that it is PE on Monday so PE kits need to be worn.

Thanks for your support,

Ms Vincent and Mrs Manna