Old toys research booklets

Hi everyone,

You may remember that a few weeks ago, the children brought home a small A5 booklet with a couple of questions in it for adults to answer about toys. There are a few of these that are missing. If you know where the booklet is, please can you send it back into school even if it’s not filled in? (Nobody’s judging!) Your child can then go and ask their questions to an adult in school.

Many thanks.

Old fashioned toys

Morning all,

I was wondering if anyone had any of the following old (or old fashioned) toys at home that they wouldn’t mind their child bringing in to show the class? I’m after these in particular:

spinning top (metal, the sort with the ‘pumping’ handle!)

yo-yo (wooden)

ball and cup

traditional domino set

Jack in the Box

wooden pull-along toys

really old teddies or dolls (these would be handled only by me and your child and treated with the utmost care)

If you can help out, it’s tomorrow that we are talking about these. Wednesday would work too though. Many thanks.


Christmas Parties and Post


Next week we will be holding our Christmas Parties on the following days.

Monday 12th December – Years 5 and 6

Tuesday 13th December – Years 3 and 4

Wednesday 14th December – EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2

Please remember to bring your party clothes in a named carrier bag for the afternoon and a contribution of £1 towards sweets and prizes would be most appreciated.  Payments can be made via school money.


The children may also use the school post boxes to post their Christmas cards for delivery by our Year 6 elves!   The post boxes are in the area by the office.

Please remember to include the name and class name or year group on the envelope.

Last day for posting will be Thursday 15th December.

Special people

Tomorrow, in PSHE, we are going to be talking about people who are special to us. If your child would like to bring a photo of someone, then they are very welcome. Please don’t feel like you have to scrabble around looking for a picture, though, as we will have plenty of discussion.


Rainy days and keeping dry!

Hi everyone,

Now that the weather is turning cold and there are more rainy days and puddles, it would be really helpful if children can come to school wearing warm coats. I am also happy for wellies to come into school along with waterproofs, which we can help the children change in and out of so that they remain dry. A spare pair of socks is also a good idea, although we do have some in school.

Thanks for your support.

Year 1 PE this week

Hi everyone,

I totally forgot to notify parents that our PE for this week has changed! Outdoor PE is now on Wednesday. The Thursday PE session remains the same.

Don’t wash the PE kits! We went out for an extended daily mile this afternoon but the PE kits won’t be dirty. Children will need to come to school in PE kits this Wednesday.

Apologies for any confusion! Next week will run as normal.


Year 1 research

The Year 1 children have been looking at examples of ‘old’ toys today (that is, toys I used to play with as a child!!). They will be bringing home a booklet with two questions that they have written so that they can find out more about the toys that parents and older relatives used to play with. It would be great if you could support your child with this and tell them all about games and toys that you used to enjoy. It would be lovely to see photos of these or even some of the actual toys if anyone is happy to allow their toy to come to school. Any toys that do come into school will be well looked after and returned the same day.

Nativity costumes for Year 1

All of the Year 1 children are villagers in this year’s nativity play. Please see pictures below for costume ideas. The idea is to keep it simple! An oversized, plain or striped t-shirt works well with a fabric belt or scarf tied around the middle. A waistcoat over the top is not necessary so don’t worry if you don’t have one. In terms of a headdress, a tea towel does the job perfectly! Fabric headbands are great at keeping these in place. Leggings or ‘skinny fit’ trousers can be worn on the bottom to keep little legs warm!

Please send the costumes in as soon as you have them, ensuring that the clothes are named and that they are in a named carrier bag. We will then keep these costumes in school ready for dress rehearsals and then for the performance. Please ensure that your child’s costume is in school by Monday 28th November. You do not need to send shoes with their costume as for safety reasons all children will be in bare feet.  

Please come in and ask if you have any questions about costumes. Also, if you have any animal costumes that you would be able to lend to a child in Year 2 that would be helpful (Please contact Mrs Pittaway or Mrs Crane about this). 

 Many thanks, 

Ms Vincent and Mrs Manna