Name change!

Just to make you aware, as a result of my upcoming divorce, in September my name will have changed from Mrs Garcia to Ms Vincent – hence the name change on my emails and on this post! My new class have been told this, but it’s not a problem if anyone forgets as I answer to most things!!

Have a great summer everyone.

Thank you, Room 5 parents!

Hi everyone,

We just wanted to say a massive thank you for the lovely cards, gifts and vouchers. We are all very grateful.

It has been a challenging year but an enjoyable one in very many ways. Thanks to you all for your continued support throughout the year.

Wishing you all a fabulous summer!

Best wishes,

Mrs Garcia, Mrs Davies, Mrs Roberts and Mr Tipton


Reading Books

Just so you know, we won’t be sending any more reading books home now as we need to make sure that they are all collected in again ready for next year. So please send reading books in to school as normal tomorrow, but please be aware that they won’t be coming home again for the rest of the term.

Please can you also have a good look around your house to see if you have any that are lurking around and send these back into school too.


Many thanks,

Miss Roberts and Mrs Garcia

No Forest School on Monday 12th July

On Monday, we will be walking to church for an assembly. As a result, we will not be doing Forest School but some fun, outdoor team-building games. Can children come to school with trainers please and bring school shoes to change into after our outdoor session? They will not need Forest School clothes.

Have a super weekend,

Mrs Garcia x

05.07.21 Home Learning

This is the home learning for any children self-isolating.

Forest School

Can you think of any teamwork games that you can play with your adult or siblings?

We also did a treasure hunt around the outside of our school to look at how we work well as a team and the importance of listening to everyone’s ideas. Parents/guardians could you please give your child a small treasure hunt around your homes/gardens.


After Forest School we met our new teacher for when you are in Year 2! If you didn’t know already, Mrs Pope is your teacher from September and I am sure she looks forward to meeting you soon! Maybe have a chat with an adult about any questions you may have about starting in Year 2. You may want to write any questions you have for Mrs Pope on a piece of paper and bring it in with you when you return to school.


In science this afternoon we did a little assessment to see what we have learnt over this term about plants. Can you make an information poster full of information about plants? Can you remember the different parts of plants? Can you remember any names of flowers or trees?

We also looked at how the plants outside, that we have been growing, have changed. Can you go around your house and gardens and draw 3-4 plants/flowers and describe what they look like? It could be that you have a sunflower and then you may have written that it is yellow and is 20cm tall.

Have a go at these tasks at home with an adult.

Plants Home Learning

Have a lovely day and see you soon!

Mr Tipton

02/07/21 Home Learning

This is the work for any child self-isolating.


Today we are looking at counting to 10 and 20 using what we already know and any number patterns we know such as counting in 2s or 5s.

Have a go at this game with an adult to get our brains working. Can you count in 2s up tp 20? You may have played this game in class before! counting in 2s and 5 game

Once you have played the game, complete these 2 worksheets. If you complete the counting to 20 sheet and found it easy, with an adult can you count to 30?

Counting to 10

Counting to 20

What is the biggest number you can count to? Ask an adult to help you with any of today’s activities if you find them challenging or get stuck.



Today we are speaking about being responsible and how does it look to show you are a responsible person?

Can you think of a time you have had to be responsible? It could be helping your parents put the dishes away. Either today or over the weekend, can you do something with an adult where you have to be responsible?

Have a lovely weekend guys and hopefully see you next week!

Mr Tipton


01.07.21 Home Learning

Those children who are self-isolating at home, have a go at these tasks.

English 1

We were due to do a writing assessment today. Can you spend 5 or 10 minutes telling an adult everything you can remember about plants? What sorts of flowers can you name? Can you name the parts of a plant or a tree? Do you remember that we said that bees are really important to have in our garden? Why are they important? How do they help us? Can you spend about 20 minutes or so writing down some of these ideas as full, interesting sentences? Remember what sentences need to start and end with! When you have written your sentences, read back through your work and check you can read every word.


Enjoy a relaxed story time with an adult. Speak about any characters in the story. Did you like the story? Why did you like/dislike it?

Have a snack break

English 2

Session 2 of English will be a comprehension activity. Honeybee Comprehension 

We are learning about honeybees and trying to answer some questions on them using a non-chronological report. If you find reading the report challenging, work with an adult and discuss each question as you work through the sheet.

Tell an adult the fact about honeybees that you liked the most. If you are confident once you have answered the questions, can you identify any features of the non-chronological report that you have read today?


In phonics we are covering alternative pronunciations for /ay/.

Spend 5-10 minutes working with an adult playing this game. Phonics game for /ay/

Have a quick break for a drink 


Today we are learning about animals and their babies. Watch and listen to a reading of ‘Monkey Puzzle’ by Julia Donaldson. Monkey Puzzle

Work with an adult and go through the PowerPoint which helps us to learn about Animals and their babies. Do you know any names of adult animals and the baby animals? For example. An adult female cow is called a Cow, but an adult male cow is called a Bull. A baby cow is called a Calf. Animals and their babies

Finally, work with an adult to identify which animals are born from an egg and which animals are not born from an egg. Do you know any animals that come from an egg already? Where do all of us children and adults come from? Animals- Egg or Not Egg

Have a great day guys and hopefully see you soon!

Mr Tipton


30.06.21 Home Learning


This is the home learning for any child self-isolating from Room 5.

English 1

In English today we are due to do 2 assessments so instead can you please have a go at the following activities.

Find a non-fiction book at home and work with an adult having a go at these questions. (Non-fiction definition: writing that is informative or factual rather than fictional and made up.)

Can you remember what a non-fiction book looks like or is about?

Can you identify any features in the book that we learnt when we did non-chronological reports? (Title, Sub- Headings, Sections, Captions etc).

After reading some of the book with an adult, write 4-5 questions that you either want to investigate or ask the author.

Are you able to remember the punctuation we must use to end a question?

Internet Safety

Attempt to create a poster which shows why we need to be careful when using the internet. Watch this video for some inspiration. Internet Safety Video

Take a little break from learning.

English 2

Have a go at one of these SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) mats. Once you have tried to answer one, ask an adult to go through your answers with you. Were there any questions you found tricky? Tell an adult about how you found attempting the mat.

Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 3 Mat 4 Mat 5 Mat 6


Today we are going for a walk around Pontesbury looking at different buildings and their ages. We are looking at our local history and attempting to draw some of the buildings. To help you at home, Mr Tipton has prepared some short videos of the places we are going to visit. Can you draw the 4 different building ages shown in the videos? Have a chat with your adult about any features in the town/village you live. Are there any features or places that your town/village is known for? If it helps, I have inserted a worksheet for you to use for your drawings. Local History work sheet

Watch videos 1 and 2 and then have a go at drawing the new buildings being built by school. Introduction to local history. Video 1    New builds. Video 2

The next part of our walk takes us to look at buildings that are about 50-60 years old. Do any of these buildings look similar to the place you live? Do they look different to where you live? Have a go at drawing a building you see in the video. Medium aged buildings. 50-60 years old. Video 3

The third stop on our tour of Pontesbury takes us to The Plough pub and the little stream alongside it. Tell an adult what you notice about The Plough’s appearance. Do you think you know which era the building is from? Watch the video below and there is a couple of clues to help you. Attempt to draw the building or stream. Old aged building and stream. Video 4

We finish our walk at St George’s Church, a place I am sure you have all been before so will know lots about it and how it looks inside. Have a chat with an adult about anything you notice about the church. It could be what it looks like, the colour of the bricks, the stained glass windows and so much more.

Introduction to St George’s Church. Video 5

St George’s Church. Video 6

Have a lovely day guys. Be creative with your drawings in History!

Mr Tipton

Remote learning 29.6.21

Here are the activities for those having to self-isolate.

Maths – 2 sessions

Today’s maths started with recapping doubles. Can you remember what ‘doubles’ means? Do you know any doubles without needing to work them out? Look at the butterflies on the sheet. What would you need to do so that these butterflies show double the amount of spots? Draw in the spots and solve the number sentence. butterfly doubles

If you are quite confident with doubles, you may want to have a go at this extension sheet. Use what you already know about doubles to help you find answers to the ‘near doubles’ questions. near doubles extension

You may also like to have a round of ‘Hit the Button’, choosing the doubles option: doubles game

Our second maths lesson looked at using a number line to solve addition questions. When we add, we can start with either number. So, if we were to add 3 and 4 (3+4=), we can also solve this as 4 add 3 (4+3=). Watch the video clip and try the activity to remind yourself how number lines work: number line clip

Solve the questions on the sheet using the number line each time. Start with selecting the biggest number in the number sentence and circle it on the number line. Your second number is the number of jumps you need to do up the number line. Choose the sheet most appropriate for you (your child will know which maths group they are in):

Yellows: adding within 10 on a number line

Green stars: adding within 15 on a number line

Green rectangles and blues: addition within 30 on a number line


Start by going through the flashcards (phase 3 and 5). Username: pps1; password: apple Flashcards

Then, have a go at these games looking at ure, oor and our (as in ‘your’). Can you find all the graphemes? Have a go at sorting the words too, according to how they are spelt: ure games and story


This afternoon is PE. Explore this dance resource: woodland comes to life You may have to adapt some parts of it if there is just you doing it! You may also like to do a Cosmic Kids routine to stay fit too: yoga routines

Have a super day, everyone. x