Year 1 ‘Toys’ topic

I hope that everyone has had a lovely half term and is excited about starting back at school tomorrow.

The Year 1 children will be looking at the topic of ‘Toys’ in their history lessons this half term. The unit will start by looking at the toys that children play with now and what makes them enjoyable. Therefore, if your child would like to bring in a favourite toy for this coming Wednesday (3rd November) then they are welcome to do so. We would discourage bringing anything in that could be easily broken or anything of sentimental value. All toys will be kept safely in the classroom until the history session and will be taken home again the same day.

Many thanks.

Home learning 22.10.21

Here are the activities for those of you having to self-isolate.


Start with asking an adult to test you on your spellings. These will be in your yellow folder. How many can you get right without peeking?!

Can you sing the alphabet? For each of the letters of the alphabet, can you write the lower case letter and the capital version? It may help if an adult displays these for you as you write them. This poster may help you: letter display


In maths, we looked again at ‘finding the difference’. Look at the towers on the different cards and try to answer the questions. You could try making these towers yourself. Which is bigger? By how many more is it bigger? Repeat this for some different examples until you grow confident talking about the difference in amounts (for example: one tower has three bricks and the other has 8. The difference then is 5, because 8 is 5 more than 3). t-n-7479-building-brick-towers-find-the-difference-posters


We were talking about fabrics today and trying to learn some names of different types. We learnt the names cotton, felt, net, polyester, wool and silk. Have a look around your house. What fabrics can you find? How do they feel? Can you name them with the help of an adult?

Have a super half term everyone.

Ms Vincent x

Home learning 21.10.21

Here are the activities for anyone self-isolating today.


Our maths today involved looking at ‘finding the difference’. Lots of us found this very tricky! Start by watching this short video: find the difference

Have a go at the questions on the sheet using the example to help you. How many jumps ‘fill the gap’ between the number that is the flower and the number where the bee is? find the difference


Today we learnt ‘ie’ as in ‘pie’. Can you sound out and write these words?

lie, tie, cried, fried, spied

How many ‘ie’ words can you find in this phoneme spotter story? You may need an adult to read the postcard to you. t-l-54792-ie-phoneme-spotter-postcard


We looked at the inside of a gurdwara using this fabulous website:

We then used junk materials or construction equipment to make either a model of the outside of the gurdwara or one of the rooms inside. Some of us decided to make the raised platform and canopy where the Sikh holy book is kept. See if you can make your own model!

We hope to see you soon!

Ms Vincent x


Home learning 20.10.21

Here are the activities for anyone having to self-isolate.


Today in maths, we looked again at addition and how it can be done in any order. Practise using small toys to add two small amounts together (within a total of 10). Can you write the matching number sentence to show what you are adding? What if you start with the second group of toys and do it that way around? What would this number sentence look like? What do you notice?!


Our focus today in Geography has been sustainability and ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’. Can you have a chat with an adult about what this means? Have a look at the rubbish in your house. What rubbish could go in the recycling box instead of the rubbish bin? What are these items made out of?

Make a poster to inform people how important it is to ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’. Make sure it is eye-catching!


Today we have been making mini pizzas on a wrap base. Maybe you would like to do this activity too or help to make a sandwich? Can you chop, slice or grate different items for your pizza or sandwich? Make sure you are very careful and that an adult is watching at all times!


We have been learning ‘ay’ as in ‘play’, ‘stay’ and ‘way’. You may enjoy playing ‘Buried Treasure’ on PhonicsPlay: Make sure you choose ‘Phase 5’ and ‘ay’.

Here is a phoneme spotter postcard which you may also enjoy. How many ‘ay’ words can you find? ay phoneme spotter

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Smout and Ms Vincent


Home learning 1.10.21

Here are the activities for today for anyone having to self-isolate.


In maths today, we looked at subtraction and used pictures to help us solve take away problems. Can you work out the answers to the questions on the sheet? Cross off each item as you take it away. Try and explain to an adult how you are working out your answers as you go. subtraction questions


Today we imagined that Mummy Pig is planning a party for her three little pigs because she’s so happy that they are safe and sound! Write a shopping list for Mummy Pig so she can buy lots of fun things for a party to celebrate! Remember to use bullet points in your list and to write one thing at a time.


We have been learning about the British artist, Andy Goldsworthy. He makes sculptures using natural materials. How many natural materials can you name? With an adult, do a safe search for art work by Andy Goldsworthy. What do you notice about the sculptures that he makes? There is an example of his work on this attached sheet and an activity you might like to try too. Andy Goldsworthy art

When you’re out and about at the weekend, keep a look out for some amazing, natural sights!


Have a go at saying your sounds using the flashcards: Phase 3 flashcards

We recapped ‘ch’, ‘sh’ and ‘th’ today by playing games. Can you write down three words that have ‘ch’ in them? Can you do the same for ‘sh’ and ‘th’? You may want to try and put these words into a sentence.

Have a super weekend everyone,

Ms Vincent x

Home learning 30.9.21

Here are the activities for anyone having to self-isolate today.


Today, we have started looking at lists. We thought about when someone may write a list and what a list looks like. If you were at Forest School yesterday, think about the stick house that you made. Which of the three little pigs made the house out of sticks in the story? What is needed to make a house out of sticks or twigs? Use the writing frame below to write a list of what you used/what the pig would need. Can you see the big black dots that begin each line? These are called bullet points. You need to write each list item next to a bullet point like in the example list.


In music we went for a sound walk around school using the map of the school. We hovered outside different rooms to see what we could hear and then marked them on the map. Go for a sound walk around your house, visiting the different rooms and your garden. Listen really carefully in each place. What can you hear? Are these loud sounds or quiet sounds? Are they nice sounds? Why? Why not?


In maths we have been doing some more addition, using number lines. Watch the video up to 30 seconds to remind yourself how to use a number line to add. number line

Have a go at completing this sheet, thinking carefully about how many jumps you need to do to add on the right amount. What number will you ‘land’ on? Kangaroo addition


In RE, we recapped the 5Ks worn at all times by Sikhs. Can you remember any of these? (bracelet, uncut hair, comb, shorts, dagger)

Then we looked at the Sikh flag and had a go at making our own. The symbol in the middle is very important and is made up of two daggers, a sword and a circle. You could try and find out what these mean to Sikhs by doing some research.

Using paper, a straw/stick and the symbol below, have a go at making your own Nishan Sahib (Sikh flag). It is usually orange or blue and looks like this:

What is the saffron flag (Nishan Sahib) on the Gurdwara?

Khanda (Sikh symbol) - Wikipedia

Hope to see you very soon!

Ms Vincent x




Home learning 28.09.21

This is the home-learning for those children who are at home isolating.

This morning, in English, we have been busy writing labels for items in the classroom. We found lots of trays had the labels missing! We used ‘s’ for plurals eg when we wrote shells, bricks, cups, jigsaws, etc. Groups of children also went on walks around school in search of examples of signs and labels. Could you find any examples in your house?

For letters and sounds, we looked at some tricky words; were, there, little, one. Then we looked at two-syllable words, such as windmill, treetop, lunchbox, sandwich, starlight and sandpit. These are also known as compound words. Here is a link to a game involving similar words. compound word challenge

Log in: PPS1     Password: apple

In Maths, we began adding numbers below 10 together using pictures. Have a go at solving some similar questions on this sheet number addition

In Geography, we continued to look at map symbols and followed a simple map of the school, focusing on directional language eg left, right, forwards and backwards. Ask an adult to direct you from one room in your house to another, using this language.

We also had PE today so try and make time to exercise and keep healthy. You may like to try this: Cosmic Kids Yoga


Home learning 23.9.21

Here are today’s activities for anyone needing to self-isolate.


We started this morning by finishing our own versions of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Can you remember the animal that you chose for your own story? Draw a picture of this animal and describe it in the style of Michael Rosen. For example:

One _________________________nose!

Two __________________________ eyes!


It’s a _______________________________!

Add your own brand new sentence on the blank line.

Have a chat with a grown up about why Michael Rosen used exclamation marks in this part of the story.


Today we were learning about position and ordinal numbers. Get three of your favourite soft toys and line them up. Who is first in the line? Who is second? Who is third? Do you know what position comes next? See if you can name all the positions for ten soft toys from first to tenth. When we write down the positions, we can either write in words are by using numbers. Have a look at this list with an adult:

First is the same as 1st

Second is the same as 2nd

Third is the same as 3rd

Fourth is the same as 4th

Fifth is the same as 5th

Keep going all the way up to 10th.

Have a look at the sheets attached here. Have a go at one of the sheets. The second one is more tricky if you would like more of a challenge.

Ordering toys

Enjoy recapping ordinal numbers whilst keeping fit with this fun video: Ordinal numbers keep fit



We learnt about the 5Ks today and why they are special to Sikh people. Start by watching this short video: The 5Ks

Can you add the 5Ks to the outline of the person below? The illustration below may help you! 5Ks outline


Look through the flashcards for Phase 3: Flashcards

Have fun playing Buried Treasure using Phase 4 CCVC words set 1-7.

Hope to see you soon,

Ms Vincent x


PE and Forest School for Year 1

We hope you are all excited about the start of a brand new school year! We are really looking forward to seeing you on Monday.

Just so you are aware, Year 1 children will be doing PE every Tuesday so will need to come to school wearing their PE kits that day. They will be doing Forest School every Wednesday and will need to come to school wearing suitable ‘scruffy’ clothes (nothing too smart!) ready for the session. Can they please bring wellies in a named bag as well  as a waterproof coat and any other waterproof items you wish for them to wear? As the weather gets colder, they may also need to bring hats, gloves and scarves.

Can all children please make sure they bring a named water bottle into school every day?

Happy weekend, everyone, and see you on Monday!