Home learning 10.11.21

Here are the activities for those needing to self-isolate.

First, practise your spellings and read some of your reading book.

Forest School/ Outdoor Maths

Today in Forest School we did some measuring in the woods using our handspans and talked about how different people may find different measurements because all of our hands are slightly different sizes! We decided it would be better to use a ruler to measure in centimetres. This is called a standard unit of measure. When we measure with a ruler, it is very important to make sure we place the ruler at the start of the thing we want to measure so our results are accurate. If you have a ruler at home, look at the numbers on it. What is the highest number? If it is a 30cm ruler, have a look around your house for things that may be the same width, length or height as the ruler. When you have done that, can you find something that is less than 30cm?


Today we were writing questions for our parents and grandparents to find out what sorts of toys and games they played with when they were little. What does a question end in? Can you write three questions? Remember to use a capital letter to start your questions.

Now ask an adult your questions. Can you write down what they say? You could have fun googling (with an adult) these toys to see what they looked like!


Today, the children were using clay to make models. This is very tricky to do at home! You may have designed something to make last week. If you have playdough or clay, you may want to try and make your model. Here is a recipe for making playdough if you want to! playdough

Alternatively, you may want to make an autumn collage using natural materials like leaves and pine cones. You could also have fun with junk modelling materials and make an autumn sculpture.

Have a super day! x


Home learning 9.11.21

Here is the home learning for today for anyone needing to self-isolate.

Don’t forget to practise your spellings and to read your reading book!


Today, the class were measuring different lengths and widths of things around the classroom choosing whether to measure in handspans or in strides. Find a door, a window or a picture in your house. How many handspans wide is it? Remember that a handspan is the distance from the tip of your thumb to the tip of your smallest finger when your hand is stretched. Now measure the length of the hallway in your house in strides using your legs. How many strides long is it? Can you find other things around the house that you can measure in this way? Can you think of any problems measuring like this? What if an adult does the measuring using their handspan or strides? Do they get the same measurement as you do?!


Watch this video all about owls (Thank you Mrs Copsey!). What new, amazing information have you learnt about owls that you didn’t know already? Think back to the questions you wrote yesterday. Have any of these questions now been answered from watching the video? Write down three amazing facts that you have learnt! Owl video


We have been looking at the graphemes ‘wh’ and ‘ph’. Tell an adult what sounds these make and join in reading the words on this short clip: wh and ph 

You could try writing some of them too, if an adult dictates them to you.


Today was PE. Join in (as best you can) with the second of the BBC dance routines: BBC Let’s Move

Have a lovely day and see you soon! x

Home learning 6.11.21

Here are the activities for anyone having to self-isolate.

First, make sure you practise this week’s spellings. These were posted on Saturday’s web post if you need to see the list of words.


Today in English we were learning about question marks. Start by watching the video and have a go at the activity with an adult: BBC Bitesize question marks

What would you like to find out about owls that you don’t already know? Can you write three really good questions to ask an expert? Make sure you start with a capital letter and use a question mark at the end. Practise reading your questions out in front of an adult or sibling.


Today, the children made apple crumble and it was delicious (I have sampled it!) We talked about Seasonal food. You can watch this clip Seasonal food to find out more. Can you help an adult prepare a meal? This might be something like a fruit salad where you can practise – under supervision – using a peeler or a knife to chop with. Remember to wash your hands and the fruit first.


Due to cooking today, the children did not get onto doing maths. Can you do some practical counting? This could be counting your teddies or counting the stairs. Once you have counted then see if you can count back down to zero.



In P.S.H.E on Tuesday, we will be thinking about the special people in our lives. Please could your child bring a photograph (or two) of the people who are special to them. The children will bring their photographs home on the same day.

Thank you

Mrs Smout

Spellings and home learning 5.11.21

Hi everyone,

Apologies for the lack of home learning on the website yesterday. I was off school myself with a dreadful cold. Below are some activities for those who were unable to attend school yesterday.

As a result of being off myself, I was unable to issue spellings so the children will receive these on Monday morning. If you like to get a head start on practising, then the words that will be given out are below. The colours refer to the sheet colour that your child has in school. Hopefully they should know what colour they are. If not, most children have the green spellings with higher ability having blue spellings and lower ability having the yellow sheets.

Yellow spellings (children who find sounding out tricky): shin, ship, shop, mash, rush, posh

Green spellings (most children): out, shout, loud, found, about, was

Blue spellings (higher/very confident): outfit, shouting, louder, prouder, roundabout, there

Home learning

On Friday, the children would have done their spelling test using the words they practised last week. Test your child on their spellings without them peeking at any of the words! If the test was completely independent and you have the yellow spelling folder at home, feel free to record the score on the score sheet.


Think back to the story of ‘Owl Babies’ and how worried the babies were because Mummy Owl had left. Do you think it may have been a good idea for her to have left them a note?! What would she have said in this note? She probably would have told them that she was off hunting and that she would be back soon. Can you pretend to be Mummy Owl and write the note to the owlets? Start with ‘Dear Sarah, Percy and Bill’ and finish with ‘from (or love) Mummy’.


In maths, we have been talking about non-standard measures. This means measuring with something like cubes or handspans (and not rulers or tape measures yet!). Find items around your house and measure their length or height using your forearm, handspan and finger! measuring in body parts!


Did you see any fireworks last night? What is your favourite firework? Have fun (and do your best if you don’t have a partner!) joining in with this dance routine from the BBC. Let’s Move – Fireworks


We are learning to use a computer/laptop keyboard. If you have access to a computer, have a go at the activities labelled next to ‘1 – Home Row’ on Dance Mat Typing

Have a lovely weekend, everyone. x




Twit twoo

I hope you all received the letter about our owl visitors next Tuesday. I have attached the letter here just incase. Room 5 Owl Experience We are all very excited in Year 1 to be welcoming several species of owl into school! The visit will enhance the children’s learning during our English unit based on the book ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell. The team from the Shropshire falconry centre are brilliant with the birds and the children! They aim to show us the different owls, owl pellets and talk to us about lots of owl behaviour.

As always, these visits can not go ahead without your support. Please see the letter for details on how to contribute.

Many thanks

Mrs Smout & Ms Vincent

Home learning 4.11.21

Here is the home-learning for those self-isolating.

Spellings and Reading

Practice your spellings and read your reading book.

In Letters and Sounds today, we have been learning how to spell the tricky words: Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked. Can you write these sentences down when an adult says them to you?                                                                                                                                   Is it Mrs Brown’s birthday today?                                                                                         Mr Green called today and asked if he can help.                                                                 Mr and Mrs Smith looked sad this morning.


In Maths today, we compared heights and said which items were taller or shorter. Can you order the people who live in your house in height order? Who is the tallest? Shortest? Then try ordering some of your teddies/toys in height order. Find items in your house that are taller than your favourite teddy then find items which are shorter.


Please watch the Owl Babies video again Owl Babies

Can you role play the story with others at home? Think of something which Sarah, the tallest Owl Baby, might say. Draw Sarah sitting on her biggest branch and draw a speech bubble next to her. Write the sentence you think she might say in the speech bubble. Repeat for Percy and Bill. Alternatively, print this Owl Template


In RE today, We began thinking about Christianity. Who or what is God? Draw and describe what you think. Where could we look or who could we ask if we wanted to find out more?


We continued with our Music lessons today. Explore sounds you can make using your body! Try clapping, stomping, patting your knees and clicking your fingers. You could watch one of these videos for some inspiration! Body Percussion song

Have fun!


Home learning 3.11.21

Here is the home-learning for those self-isolating.

Spellings and Reading

Practice your spellings and read your reading book.

In Letters and Sounds today, we have been looking at words with ir in them, e.g. stir, girl, birthday, third, bird, dirt. Can you think of a sentence using one of these words?

Forest School

We went out to Forest School today so try and get out in your garden if you can and spot the signs of Autumn. You may enjoy using this sheet: pdf_autumn_spotter_sheet


We began our unit on measuring today. We did lots of activities including making shorter, longer and even longer play-dough caterpillars and measuring ribbons against a given amount of cubes. What does it mean if something is long? Can you find something around your house that is really long?! Now try finding something that is super short! What about something that is somewhere in the middle? Have a look at the trains on this sheet and see if you can answer the questions: comparing train lengths


We are looking at Toys in our History unit this half-term. Today, we talked about our favourite toys. Ask everyone in your house what their favourite toys are or were when they were little. You can talk about what they are made from and what they do. What is your favourite toy and why? How does this toy work? Does it move? How? Does it need batteries? What is it made of? What colour is it? Is there a reason why it is this colour?


We began looking at Sculptures in Art today. We planned what we would like to make out of clay in our Art lessons. You could plan yours too. It could be anything you like.

Sculpture is 3D artwork. Sculptures can be shaping materials such as clay, metal, wood, stone or ice or they can be made by putting materials together. Can you make a sculpture out of household objects at home or out of your recycling?

Have a lovely day and see you soon.

Home learning 2.11.21

Here are the home learning tasks for those of you having to self-isolate.

Start by practising your spellings!


Today we have been looking at word problems involving addition and subtraction. Can you solve the problems on the sheet? What could you use to help you? Maybe a number line again (see yesterday’s post for the interactive, online number line) or anything that serves as counters (dried pasta is good!). au-n-389-addition-and-subtraction-to-10-word-problem-challenge-cards-_ver_1


Do you know what these words mean?






These are all words that would be found in ‘Owl Babies’.

Today, the children looked for capital letters and full stops in the story. Can you hunt for these in one of your books at home? Where do you find capital letters? Are they just at the start of sentences?

Your next task is to write a few sentences using capital letters and full stops. Using the words above, can you put each one into a full sentence? Confident writers may wish to use ‘and’ to make their sentences longer.


In PSHE today we were talking about similarities and differences in people and how it is good that we are all different! Think about three of your best friends. Which things about your friends are similar? Maybe they all go to Pontesbury Primary School! See if you can think of 5 things that are similar and then 5 differences. Do you all have the same hair and eye colour?! Do you all like the same foods?! Enjoy watching this lovely story about being ‘different’. Bedtime Stories

Have a lovely day! x

Home learning 1.11.21

Here are the activities for anyone needing to self-isolate.


Today we have been using number lines to help us work out problems involving missing numbers. Watch the video to remind you how a number line works: number line video

Work out the answers to the questions, ideally using a number line to help you. Here is an interactive one: interactive number line

Where the questions involve ‘finding a difference’, start on the first number and jump in ones to the number after the equals sign. This is your missing number!

Plant Problems

Here are some challenging problems for those of you confident with numbers past 10:

addition and subtraction challenges


In English today, the children have started to look at the story of ‘Owl Babies’. Do you know anything already about owls?

Enjoy listening and watching the story: Owl Babies story

Do you remember the ‘ow’ grapheme? How many other words do you know that have this sound and spelling pattern in them? Using the picture of the owl, can you label the different parts? labelling_of_owl Yellow (easier) labelling_of_owl G & B (harder)

We have practised our spellings today, too.


We did a little science assessment today based on some of the work we did on Everyday Materials. Can you revise what some objects are made from? Pick 6 objects at home and tell an adult what they are made of and why this material has been used.

Remember to read your reading book too!

We hope to see you soon.

Mrs Smout and Ms Vincent x