Home learning 19.11.21

Here are some activities for anyone needing to self-isolate today.

This morning, we practised our nativity play. If you know your line, please practise saying it until you know it off by heart. Don’t forget that when you come back to school, you will need to have a cowboy/girl costume for the play. Please bring this to school in a named bag. Thanks.


These are our new spellings for next week:

Yellows: ring, sang, long, wing, bang, out

Greens: sea, tea, pea, teach, cheat, you

Blues: teacher, reaching, streams, steamy, cheater, some


Revise what you know about 2D shapes. Can you find items around your house that are the following shapes? A square, a rectangle, a circle and a triangle. How do you know that the item is that shape? How many sides are there? Are they straight or curved? How many corners are there? Are all the sides the same length?


If you haven’t already, have a go at the ‘home row’ option on Dance Mat Typing.

You may also wish to have a go at using Word (or similar) to try typing your name and those names of people in your family.


This afternoon was PE. Have a go at joining in with this dance session all about animals in autumn: BBC Let’s Move

Have a great weekend everyone and we’ll hopefully see you soon. x

Home learning 18.11.21

Here are some activities for those children self-isolating today.

We have done two assessments today. One was a grammar test and the other a maths booklet. Your child will have chance to do these when they return to school. This afternoon, we did some handwriting, listened to the Nativity story and practised the Christmas play.


Have a go at solving these word problems. Do you need to add or subtract? It will help you to use some equipment such as buttons or dried pasta shapes to work out the answers. y1_add_sub_word_problems


Practise some of our tricky words using this spelling game. Make sure you choose ‘year 1’ and then click and drag the letters into the space to spell out each word. Little Bird Spelling


Today we have learnt the split digraph ‘i-e’. Watch the video from Mr Thorne: i-e grapheme and sound out the words you see. How many i-e words can you find in the postcard? You may need an adult to read it to you. i-e phoneme spotter

Remember to keep reading your reading book too!

Enjoy your day, everyone! x


History booklets

During last week’s history lesson, the children were given booklets in which they wrote questions for a grown-up to answer about the toys they used to play with. Thank you to everyone who has brought these back into school; the responses have helped the children to draw comparisons between modern toys and those from a few (!) decades ago.

If your child has not yet returned their booklet, then please can you send it in as soon as possible? They will need the booklets to be stuck into their history books here at school as evidence of their learning.

Many thanks.

Home learning 17.11.21

Here are today’s home learning activities for those of you self-isolating.

As it is assessment week, the day looks a little different to the usual! In addition, we have also been practising the nativity performance. Don’t worry if your child has missed an assessment as they will have chance to do this when they return.


The children started with a nativity practice first thing this morning. What can you remember about this story? It is the first story in the New Testament and tells us all about Baby Jesus being born. Enjoy listening to the story: Nativity story

Can you remember the ‘characters’ in the story? Who are the most important people?


Today we were comparing today’s toys with the toys that parents and grandparents used to play with. If you haven’t got the answers to the questions you wrote in your booklet already (this is in your reading wallet), can you ask an adult them today and write down what they tell you?

Watch the clip 100 years of toys with an adult. Which of the toys do they remember?! Can you sort the pictures of toys into those that you would play with, those a parent would have played with and those a grandparent would have played with? You may want to use the timeline to put the toys in order. At the start of the timeline, please write ‘Grandparents’, in the middle write ‘Parents’ and at the end (on the right hand side) write ‘me’! toys timeline


This afternoon, the children have completed a maths assessment. The focus of this assessment was addition and subtraction. Use this online game to practise your adding: addition to 10 and this one to practise subtraction: subtraction to 10

Have a great day everyone. x


Home learning 16.11.21

Hi everyone,

Here are the activities for those of you needing to self-isolate. This week is assessment week in school so our timetable will look a little different from usual. The children did a reading assessment today. Don’t worry, your child will be able to do this upon their return to school.

All of the Year 1 children have a line to say in the nativity. If you would like to know what your child’s line is so that you can get practising, please email me! Helen.Vincent@ppce.co.uk

We had an author visit us today. Her name is Sarah Griffiths and you can find out more about her by clicking here: https://sarahgriffithsauthor.co.uk/

Who is your favourite author and why? Maybe you particularly like books by Julia Donaldson. She has written a LOT! Can you find out three interesting facts about your favourite author and write them down in full sentences? Remember that an adult needs to be with you when you are googling on the internet.


This afternoon is PSHE. The children will be talking about special people in their lives. Can you draw a picture of a person who is special to you and either label the picture or write about it. Who is your picture of? Why are they special to you?


The children have their PE session with Crossbar this afternoon. Have fun joining in with this dance routine as best you can! BBC Autumn dance

Don’t forget to read your reading book and practise your spellings. Here is a reminder of the words:

yellow spellings: thin, bath, path, moth, three, do

green spellings: pie, lie, tie, cried, tried, one

blue spellings: tried, spied, cried, replied, denied, one

Have a lovely day. x

Home learning 12.11.21

Here are Friday’s activities.


Today we have been counting in 5s. Most of us found this a bit tricky. Use this game Paint the Squares and choose the 1-20 option after pressing ‘play game’. What is the first number you say after 0 if you count on 5? It would be 5! Highlight this on the number square/rectangle. What would the next number be? Carry on until you have highlighted 5, 10, 15 and 20. Do you notice any pattern? What do you think the next number would be if you were to carry on? Why? Practise saying these numbers a few times. Confident children may want to use the 1-50 option and keep counting in 5s up to 50.


Today we were writing noun phrases to describe things in a setting. A noun phrase is two words together, one being the item (noun) and the other being an adjective. For example, ‘bright moon’. Look at this picture of the setting in Owl Babies. What can you see? Can you write some noun phrases for some of these things? (branch, trees, leaves, owls)


This afternoon was PE. We did circuit training using four different activities. Use a timer to time yourself for 1 minute doing the following (one thing at a time!):

star jumps

stepping up and down from your first stair

running from one point in the garden to another (or walking in the hallway)

touching your toes

How many times can you do each of the above before 1 minute runs out? Have a second round and see if you can beat each of your scores!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and hopefully see you next week. x

Home learning 11.11.21

Here are Thursday’s activities for those of you self-isolating.


Today, we have been learning to count in twos. Join in with this fun song: counting in 2s 

Try counting in 2s up to 20 and back. Do this a few times until you are feeling quite confident. You may need the numbers written down for you as you say them.

Now, have a go at filling in the missing numbers in these patterns: t-t-2544388a-winter-path-missing-numbers-counting-in-2s-to-20-activity-sheet-black-and-white


We were writing some sentences about the owl lady’s visit. Can you remember a fun trip you went on? Maybe you saw some fireworks last weekend. Can you write a recount of your trip to tell other people all about it? You may want to use words like ‘first’, ‘then’, ‘after that’ and ‘finally’. Don’t forget to use capital letters and full stops.

Remembrance Service

We went into the hall for a special assembly for Remembrance Day. Can you find out more about Remembrance Day? Who are we remembering and why? Why do people wear poppies? You may like to watch this animation from CBeebies to help you understand it better: Poppies animation


Today we were learning the ‘ew’ grapheme. Watch the Mr Thorne clip and join in sounding out the words: ew grapheme

Can you write some of these words if an adult dictates them to you?


We were discussing why the Bible is so important for Christians today, and looking at how it is split into the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Nativity is the first story in the New Testament. What happens in this story? Who is born?! Have fun making your own nativity scene and then see if you can retell the story to an adult: make-your-own-nativity-scene-a4-_ver_1

Remember that it’s spelling test day tomorrow so keep practising!




Owl Visit

We had such a lovely morning on Tuesday meeting Lisa and the owls! We met Alfie, the Tawny owl and Tonks, the Barn owl. Also, Chris, the African white-faced owl and Solo, who is a Great-horned owl. Here are just a few of the photographs we took. The children will enjoy telling you all about them. owl photos

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