Thursday afternoon activities 19.3.20

Hi everyone,

On a Thursday afternoon, we have reading skills for 20 minutes, computing and then the daily mile. Here are details of activities:

Reading Skills: can you find examples of instructions in books or online? What are the instructions for? How do you know? Do the instructions have the features they should do, such as a title, ‘what you need’ box, bullet points and clear, bossy steps? Can you find any time connectives (first, then etc) or are there numbers instead?

Computing: we were going to look at programming and revising directions. The following website has a lovely activity which involves giving commands to a wolf to follow a course. It may look confusing at first, but if you click on ‘examples’ you will probably be able to see how it works. It is also quite similar to the Bee-Bot software which we use and works in the same sort of way. I have noticed that on the website, you can also make rather lovely pictograms and bar charts which is something we have been working on recently. Feel free to have fun with those options too!

Here are more details, taken from a website we subscribe to, about this activity:
Sequence instructions (commands) to achieve an objective and begin to write, predict, execute and debug a program.

Teacher Input
​The next step of programming could be to introduce directions as a means to meet an objective.​ You may want to link this lesson to a PE lesson on directions (left, right, forwards and backwards plus jump and squat) as the children can pretend to be robots following your instructions or they could work in pairs and direct each other. It is a good opportunity to remind pupils of their left and right.  

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Pupil Activity 1
Pupils can put their direction skills to the test by using the Simple Mode of the Turtle section of Junior Infant tools. Using the arrows to move the Wolf to each house develops their use of directions before they start programming a sequence in one go. Show the video to pupils to introduce the activity.
Once the pupils have successfully demonstrated a trail moving through the houses, they could move on the space template and desert adventure. Please note, for lower ability you may want to ask pupils to start at desert adventure ​because the horse only needs to get to the water.     
  Pupil Activity 2
The step from using directions to writing a program means pupils link directions together to reach an object and predict what will happen. Then execute them as one whole sequence rather than one step at a time. This is a particularly tricky step for many children to make as they can struggle to keep in their head the movements that need to be made before executing the program. Show the pupils this video tutorial, which demonstrates using the Advanced mode of  Junior Infant tools. Again pupils can also do the same on the space and desert templates.
  Pupil Activity 3
This video demonstrates to pupils how to program the drawing of a square by sequencing the commands in the correct order. Once the pupils have successfully programmed a square, they could try a rectangle or letter of their name.

​For lower ability pupils, they could try using the simple section first to draw a square before moving on to the advanced section.   

Free eBooks for ages 3-11

The following website provides free eBooks for primary school children so you can carry on reading! This scheme does not match the one we use in school too well, but if you click on ‘age’ and then ‘5-6’, you should be guided to suitable books. Most children in the class will be fine with these. If too hard, try the year group option below and if you need harder, try 7-8 (Accelerated Reader children probably use 7-8).

Thursday 19th March morning activities

Morning Room 5 and parents!

Here are some activities for you to do this morning. Firstly, some links to websites that we use in Room 5, starting with a very popular ‘Wake Up, Shake Up’ routine:

Here is the link to Cosmic Kids, where we get all our yoga and ‘peace out’ activities. The ‘candle of concentration’ is one of my favourites. There are loads of great activities for deep breathing and reducing anxiety, which may prove very useful during this unusual time:

Our normal morning timetable throughout the week goes like this:

8.45-9.00: Practise spellings (the same sheet as the one the children bring home) Remember about ‘Squeebles’!

9.00 – 9.05: Wake Up, Shake Up

9.05 – 10.00: Maths

10.00 – 10.15: Assembly. Our theme for this half term is stewardship and looking after our world and each other.

10.15 – 11.00: English

11.00 – 11.15: Phonics/Letters and Sounds – use phonics play Phase 5

11.15 – 11.30: Break

11.30 – 11.40: Mindfulness (we use Cosmic Kids for ‘peace out’)

11.40 – 12.25: a foundation subject such as art & design, geography, computing, music, PE

12.30: Lunch

You may wish to try and keep to this kind of routine.

So, for today, here is what you can be doing:

Maths: Find the missing number in the number sentences. You can also have a go at the number patterns sheet below.



Using a number line would really help with this:

English: Can you instruct a grown up to do something? It could be going from one room to another, or fetching something. Give them one step at a time to follow. Remember to keep instructions short and bossy! Your first instruction may be something like: Stand up.

Phonics: Use the flashcards to practise all Phase 5 graphemes. Then look at the ‘investigating alternative spellings’ under Phase 5c. Have a go at ‘oo’. Look at the phoneme spotter story first. See what words you can find with an ‘oo’ sound and then try the ‘word sort’ game that follows.

PE: We have been refining our African animals dance, with small groups doing different moves. This was starting to look really good. Play the video and show your adult how well you can perform each of the animal moves! Remember to be absolutely ready to start each move and see if you can remember the sequence! You may have to keep pausing the video:

You could have fun making an animal mask to go with the dance.

Have a good morning everyone. I will post later with afternoon activities as I have to do the school run right now!

Please feel free to email me, and I would love to hear from the children too! I have spoken to a couple about having a go at emailing. My email address is:

Hope to hear from you,

Mrs Garcia x

Year 1 English task: writing instructions

Hi to everyone at home,

Tomorrow we will be using the laptops to write our own set of instructions. You may remember we had a quick look at this last week, and so you should (hopefully!) have some idea how to do it.

If you follow the link below, work through the activities in the ‘main session’ section. You can order the different steps and you can also write your own instructions using your computer keyboard.

Lots of us whizzed through subtraction today, so we moved on to subtraction on a number line:


Here is a link to a fabulous game we enjoy playing a lot in class. It’s great for practising number bonds to 10 (which are really important in Year 1) and we have also had a go at the ‘doubles’ game:

Practising the spellings at the back of the yellow spelling folder is also an excellent thing to do. The following app is brilliant for learning spellings and is the best app I’ve found which helps with this. It costs a few pounds and requires an iPad or similar, but is well worth it. Revising any of the spelling patterns that we have had in words throughout Year 1 would be very useful:

Thinking of you all,

Mrs Garcia x

Year 1 work this week 16.3.20

Hello Room 5 (Year 1) parents,

In the event that your child is off school as a result of being unwell and having to ‘self isolate’, I will post details of work here on the school website. Wherever possible, I will upload the sheets themselves.

We subscribe to a website called ‘Phonics Play’ which we use a lot in our phonics sessions at school. The details to access this site are as follows:

Username: PPS1, password: apple

This week we are looking at all alternatives for the ‘ee’ sound (phoneme). If you click on the ‘Phase 5’ tab and then 5c, you will find ‘investigating alternative spellings for ee’. We have had a go at this activity today, finding words with ‘ee’ sounds and sorting them according to spelling. Your children will recognise most of the games on this website, and any of the Phase 5 games are great to play for revision! If you go to the ‘teachers’ tab, you can also print off some of the activities.

In Geography we have been talking about Nelson Mandela and recapping the events in his life using this website:

The children then wrote sentences including some of the learnt facts.

Below are details and links to English and Maths work:

t-l-5185-capital-letters-and-full-stops-with-phase-5-words-activity-sheet–_ver_2 follow instructions 16.3.20 BusyAnt_y1_u7_w2_PG_S1 BusyAnt_y1_u7_w2_PG_E4 BusyAnt_y1_u7_w2_PG_E2 BusyAnt_y1_u7_w2_PG_S3 BusyAnt_y1_u7_w2_HG_4 BusyAnt_y1_u7_w2_HG_2

In science we are going to be looking at habitats and why certain animals live in different ones.T-T-10399-Living-Things-and-their-Habitats-Habitats-Lesson-Teaching-Pack

Hopefully there’s enough here to keep you busy for a while!

Stay safe and see you soon,

Mrs Garcia

No Christmas spellings for Year 1!

There are no new spellings for Year 1 (Room 5) over the Christmas holidays, but I have put an extra reading book or two in the children’s reading wallets. Thank you for the lovely cards and gifts, and see you all in January! Thanks for all your support this term.

Wishing you all a super Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Mrs Garcia

No homework or spellings for Year 1

Year 1 (Room 5) children do not have any homework or spellings to do over half term as a well-deserved break is due! However, they will be bringing their green spelling folders home because some have shown an interest in practising the Year 1 words at the back of the folder. Those children that brought their red homework books in will have their spelling scores from today written in them, but there is no homework label.

Have a lovely half term everyone.