Tuesday 15th March

Hello to all those at home, I hope you are well.  Today has been a busy day. we have been looking at our tadpoles and writing about what they look like.

We have talked about the words nocturnal and diurnal and what they mean.  If you aren’t feeling too poorly, you could have a look at this sorting activity. Just let me know if you want it printing out and leaving in reception to collect.


In Letters and Sounds we have been looking at the oo digraph.  Sometimes it makes a long oo sound like moon and sometimes it makes a short oo sound like in book.

Can you have a look in some of your books at home and see if you can find any ‘oo’ digraphs.  Are they long or short sounds?

We played a word matching game. Cut the cards out, turn them face down and see if you can match the cards by remembering where they are.

word match 1

This afternoon is PE so make sure you get outside in the sunshine if you are able.  We are also having some ‘Child Initiated Time’ so make a plan for something you would like to do, perhaps make a den or draw a picture, then have a go.

We have been sharing lots of stories about animals, You might like to watch this one.

Have a lovely day, let me know if you need anything.

Mrs Pope x


Things to ask me for WB 7.3.22

Well it has been another busy week in Room 4.  Here are some things you could ask your children about their learning this week.

  • What is a habitat? (a place where an animal or plant lives)
  • What is a baby sheep, pig or duck called? If you want to challenge your children further you could ask what a baby whale, horse or elephant is called.
  • Can you describe what is a rainforest like?
  • We have been finding ‘one less than’ this week. Can you find one less than  5,  8  or 9.  If you want a challenge, try finding one less than 19, 16 or 12.
  • Can you show me a way to make 5 on one hand? Can you show me a way to make 5 on 2 hands? Can you show me another way?
  • we have been looking at blending words for reading this week. Here are some games we are really good at if you’d like to have a go at home.

Buried Treasure (phonicsplay.co.uk)

User name: PPS1

Password:  apple

we have focused on phase 3 and you can choose which set from the ones shown below.  Feel free to recap any sounds in phase 2 as well.


Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all next week.

Mrs Pope

Things to ask me for the week beginning 28.2.22


Things to ask me 

Week beginning 4.3.22

  • What is our new topic for this half term? (Animals)
  • What is our brand new roleplay area? (a jungle vets)
  • what is the action for the trigraph ‘igh’ (a salute and in igh igh captain)
  • can you think of any words with the ‘igh’ sound in? (night, light, right, lightning, knight etc)
  • can you name 3 animals that walk? (elephant, dog etc)
  • can you name 3 animals that fly? (blackbird, wasp etc)
  • can you name 3 animals that swim? (shark, goldfish etc)
  • show me a way to make 5 using your fingers. Can you show me another way? Can you show me another way? You can ask this for other numbers too.
  • This week we have been talking about worries. What can you do if you have a worry? (share it with a grown-up you trust)
  • Can you name one ingredient that you would use if you made pancakes?
  • Why do Christians make pancakes (to use up all the nice food before Lent begins)
  • Where did Jesus go for 40 days and nights (desert)

It has been another busy week in Room 4 and the children have, as always, been amazing.

Sounds learnt this week Tricky words recap
 ee, igh Was, the, to, into

Things to ask me this week. 31.1.22

Here are some things to ask the children about their learning this week.

Things to ask me

Week beginning 31.1.22

This week we have been writing about our walk around Pontesbury.

  • What was the best bit of our walk?
  • Can you remember what different vehicles we saw? (cars, vans, a lorry, a tractor some of us saw a bus, a bike and a motorbike)
  • Can you remember the name of the chart we made back in school? (pictogram)

  • Can you tell someone at home what this pictogram shows? Which vehicle did we see most?
  • Which vehicle did we see least?
  • Did we see the same number of?
  • Can you remember what the primary colours are? (red, blue, yellow)
  • What happens when you mix them?
  • Can you think of any words with the digraphs ch, sh, th, ng in? Remember, ng is usually at the end of a word such as wing, sing, strong.
Sounds learnt this week Tricky words recap
 sh, ch, th, ng no, go, no, I


Things to ask me week 5

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Pope


Room 4 Walk around Pontesbury on Tuesday 1st February


Dear Parents and Carers,

As you know, our topic this half term is all about vehicles. As part of this, we would really like the children to have a walk around Pontesbury, looking at all the different vehicles we can spot and collecting data for our maths work. We will be going for our walk around Pontesbury on Tuesday 1st February.

On the way back through Pontesbury, we are going to call in at Hignetts Bakery and the children can collect an iced bun.  There will be a small charge of £1.10 for their cake.  We would like the children to have the experience of paying for the cake themselves, so please can the children bring £1.10 in a sealed envelope with their name on it.  We will collect the envelopes up before we go and hand them out in the shop so that the children can pay for their cake themselves.

We will be leaving school on Tuesday around 9.30 and be back in school no later than 11am.  The children will not need a packed lunch as we will be back in school in plenty of time for a hot lunch.  They will need a warm coat and hat and sensible shoes for walking. I know it is usually our PE day, but please can the children wear their school uniform on this occasion.

If you are free to help us walk around Pontesbury, we would really appreciate it.  If you are available, please could you let me know by Friday afternoon.


Thank you,

Charlotte Pope

Reading Books

Dear Parents,

In KS1, we would like to encourage children, who are reading up to and including Turquoise level books (See Reading Record), to read their reading book twice. This will help develop their confidence in reading, fluency and aid comprehension skills. Therefore, if your child brings home their reading book for a second time, please reread the book with them, sign or tick their reading record for a second time and remind your child to put it in the box to be changed the following day.

Thank you for your support with this,

The KS1 team.


Year 2 and Reception Staffing From January 2022

Dear Parents and Carers

As you are aware, Miss Roberts will be starting her maternity leave after Christmas and Mrs Pittaway will be returning from her maternity leave.

Through the autumn term, we advertised for a reception teacher to take over from Miss Roberts and, whilst we had a good interest, none of the candidates, with the exception of one, were of sufficient calibre to join the Pontesbury staff. The one candidate who was shortlisted and invited to interview unfortunately withdrew her application: she was offered another post.

Therefore, I am writing to inform you that, from January, Mrs Pope will be teaching the reception class, supported by Mrs Roberts, Mrs Davies, Mrs Dignam and Mrs Cherrington, who will be joining the Reception team.

Mrs Pittaway will return to the year 2 class (3 days) with Mrs Manna (2 days) supported by Mrs Keyland, Mrs Christopher and Mrs Butler, who will be joining the Year 2 team. Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Manna will ensure that the Year 2 class continue to have a very highest quality of education.

Miss Roberts will be starting her maternity leave on 17th January so will continue for the first two weeks in January and work alongside Mrs Pope.

The decision to ask Mrs Pope to teach the reception class was taken to ensure that the highest quality of provision continues for our wonderful reception children, and I am very grateful to Mrs Pope for agreeing to take up this post until the end of the year.

Mrs Pope will still, of course, be accompanying the children when they go to Colomendy.

If there are any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at the start of next term.

I wish everyone a very happy Christmas, a fantastic New Year and I look forward to seeing you all again on the 5th of January.