Things to ask me for WB 4.4.22

Well, it’s not only the end of a week but the end of a whole term!

Our focus this week has been of preparing for Easter.  Here are some things you can ask your children.

  • what to Christians celebrate at Easter time? (Jesus’s death then coming back to life)
  • what is the day Jesus died on called? (Good Friday)
  • Where was his body put after he died?(in a tomb)
  • What Easter symbols can you think of? (chicks, eggs, lambs, flowers, cross)
  • What special food do we eat at Easter? (Easter eggs, hot cross buns)

I hope you all have a lovely Easter and a well deserved break.  See you in the summer term!!!

Mrs Pope x


Things to ask me for Week beginning 28th March

Well, what a week!  We have had unknown nocturnal creature laying it’s eggs in our garden.


They hatched and left glittery trails all over our garden!

Our frogspawn is growing and changing.  Their bodies are getting rounder and they look more like tadpoles now.  You can see their eyes and mouths now.

Here are some things you can ask us about this week:

We have learnt 2 new digraphs this week. ‘ur’ as in fur and ‘ow’ as in cow.

  • how many words with the digraph ‘ur’ in can you think of?
  • how many words with the digraph ‘ow’ in can you think of?
  • can you explain what the word double means?
  • can you use your fingers to work out the doubles sums to double 5?
  • how many answers can you remember without checking?
  • what kind of creature do you think laid eggs in our garden?
  • Can you describe what it looked like?
  • can you count in 2s to 20 ( you may want to whisper odd numbers and shout the even numbers to support this)
  • we have also started counting in 10s.  Can you remember the pattern?
  • what did we do in Forest School this week (clue is it involved covering your eyes with a scarf)
  • we have written lots of questions this week, what always goes at the end of a question? (?)

Have a lovely weekend everyone, just one more week to go before the Easter Holidays.

Mrs Pope x

Work for Friday

Good morning to everyone at home,  I hope you are enjoying the sunshine, even if it is a little chilly.

This morning we are going to look at our beautiful world.  We are going to discuss where the Arctic and Antarctic are.  What the weather is like around the equator and just how much water is on our planet.  We are going to use Google Earth to explore our planet. You could think about the animals that live in the cold habitats and those that live in the hot habitats.  Here is the link.

Google Earth

We are going to paint our world on paper plates but a piece of paper would be just as lovely, you could always add some collage materials.

You may want to watch this for more inspiration.


In our Letters and Sounds we are going to practise the Reception tricky words: to, go, no, the, I, was, my, she, be, me.

You could write them with a paintbrush and water or chalk in the garden or on a whiteboard if you have one, you could even paint them.  The choice is yours.

Here is a story you might enjoy. It’s one of my favourites!


This afternoon is our Child Initiated time.  Plan something that you would like to do, then do it!

I hope you have a lovely weekend and we are all looking forward to seeing you back in school on Monday.

Mrs Pope x

Work for Thursday 30th March

Hello to all the people at home, I hope you are feeling well.  Here is your work for today if you are feeling well enough.

This morning we are going to be talking about doubling.  Can you get some toys or counters and practically double them. So if Mummy or Daddy builds a Lego tower of 3 blocks, can you double it and find out how many blocks you have in total?  What is the sum you have made? So if you have 3 blocks and double it, you have 3 + 3 which is equal to 6. If you are feeling confident, you can have a go at this doubling sheet.  Can you double the number of spots the ladybird has and write the number sentence underneath.

Double the number of spots on the ladybirds HA

Please can you whizz through our Letters and Sounds graphemes.  Here is a game I know you know well.  Our user name is PPS1 and our password is apple.  Choose phase 2/3 at the beginning of the game.

Can you show your grown-up the actions for each of the sounds?

We normally have a few stories and some singing now.  Can you teach your grown-up this song?  You can always change the animals, just like we do in school.

Here is a story you may enjoy.


This afternoon is our PE afternoon.  If you are feeling up to it, you can have a little go at this yoga video.



Today we are writing to the magical creature that laid the eggs in our garden.  Perhaps you would like to write someone a letter.  You can tell them about your day and draw them a lovely picture too.

I hope you have a fun day, see you soon.

Mrs Pope x

Work for Wednesday 30th March

Good morning everyone,

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday.

We had a message from whatever nocturnal creature laid the eggs in our garden.  The message told us that it had sparkly skin, strong wings and sharp teeth but we still don’t really know what the creature looks like.

This morning I’d like you to draw, paint or collage what we think the creature looks like. Then label it. You can always email me a picture of your ideas so I can show everyone here.

In Letters and Sounds we are looking at a new sound.  The digraph ‘ow’ like cow.

How many words can you think of with the ‘ow’ digraph in?

You could have a go at this roll and read activity. Make sure you get a dice and colouring pens ready.  Roll the dice, subitize the number!  Choose a word from the correct row. If you read it correctly you can colour it in.

ow roll and read

This afternoon is our Forest School afternoon.  We are going to be guiding a partner around the Gruffalo Wood blindfolded.  Perhaps you could do this around your garden, if it is safe to do so!!

Here is a story to enjoy when you have a spare 5 minutes. snuggle up, you could even make yourself a reading den, and enjoy it.

See you soon.

Mrs Pope x


Work for 29th March

Hello all you lovely people at home!

Here is your work for tomorrow.


Something amazing happened in school today, some mysterious eggs appeared!  We don’t know where they came from, who laid them and why they are here but we are hoping to find some answers.  We have written our questions down so that we may get a few answers.    Have a think at home, you might want to know what kind of animal laid them or why they are so sparkly. Can you have a go at writing a couple of questions yourself?  Remember we have been practising using capital letters, finger spaces between words and question marks.

In our Letters and Sounds today we looked at the digraph ‘ur’.  As usual, here is a little song to help us remember this sound.



Can you make a list of ‘ur’ words?  We found quite a few in school.

We did our daily mile so perhaps you can see how many times you can run around your garden or how many star jumps you can do, if you feel up to it.

This afternoon we had a bit of an arty afternoon.  First we looked at some pictures of the animals we saw on Friday and we had a go at sketching them just using pencil.  We had lo make sure we looked carefully at the animal and drew it nice and big so we could add all the detail we saw.  Here are some pictures.  If you don’t want to draw these animals, you could use books to find your favourite animal and draw that instead.

animal man pictures.

We also drew some eggs and used water colour paints to add patterns to them.  We mixed the colours carefully and used stripes, dots and shapes to create patterns.

I hope you have a lovely day today. Let me know how you get on, my email is:

Mrs Pope x

Things to ask me for WB 21.3.22

I cannot believe it is Friday again, the weeks are whizzing by!  It have been another busy week in Room 4.  This week we have continued to practise our counting to 20 and beyond.  Making sure our counting is accurate by touching each object as we count.   Some questions you could ask are:

  • how do you write the number 15 or 13 (they are the tricky ones!)
  • how do we write the number 20?
  • Which is bigger, 17 or 19?
  • would you rather 5 or 15 sweets? Why?

You could play some dice games where the children can show off their subitising skills. This is were you know the number of objects without counting them.  You can only do this to about 5 or 6 so after that, you would need to count the number of objects.   This week we counted pictures of tadpoles. Some we could subitise, some we needed to count.

We have started to count in 2s.  We do this by starting from 0 and saying it loudly, whispering the number 1 and saying the number 2 out loud, whispering 3, shouting 4 and so on.  It is useful to have a number line to 20 to help but some of us are getting pretty confident without.  We have also used a 100 square to practise counting in 10s.

We have to make sure that we say the ‘ty’ part of the number clearly so we don’t confuse it with ‘teen’.

We have been watching our tadpoles carefully.

  • how are the tadpoles different this week?
  • what are gills?
  • what do the tadpoles eat?

In our English work we have been writing questions for our exciting visitor.

  • how do you draw a question mark?
  • can you ask me a question?

On Friday we had a very exciting visitor.

  • what animals did you see?
  • which was your favourite?
  • can you remember an amazing fact about any of the animals?

We have been practising the digraphs ‘oa’, ‘ar’, ‘oo’ and ‘ai’  this week.

  • Can you think of any words with the digraph ‘ar’ in?
  • Can you make/write a list of ‘ar’ words?

Using a paintbrush and water on the path outside, can you remember how to spell: the, to, he, she, me?

I hope you have a lovely, restful weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

Mrs Pope x

Things to ask me for week beginning 14.3.22


Well it has been another very busy week in Room 4. I’m sure it was only Monday yesterday!

Here are the things you could ask the children about their learning this week:

  • What is a nocturnal animal?
  • Can you name 3 nocturnal animals?
  • Can you remember what we call an animal that comes out in the day time? (diurnal)
  • Can you name 3 diurnal animals?
  • Are humans nocturnal or diurnal?
  • What does the word habitat mean?
  • Can you name 3 animals that live in a frozen habitat? (penguins, polar bears, seals etc)
  • Can you name 3 animals that live in the rainforest? (monkey, parrot, snake, frog etc)
  • Can you name 3 animals that live in Africa? (elephant, giraffe, lion etc)
  • What are the stages of a frog’s lifecycle? (Frogspawn, tadpole, froglet, frog)
  • This week we have been looking at the vocabulary associated with weight and capacity. We have been finding heavier and lighter using the balance scales and measuring the weight of toy animals using cubes. Perhaps over the weekend you could follow a simple recipe and make something so that the children can continue to use this vocabulary of heavier, lighter, balance, same, measure, scales, weigh, weight.  Here is my favourite biscuit recipe, it’s very simple!

Fork Biscuits

We have learned a few more sounds this week.  The digraphs ‘oo’ – as in moon and ‘oo’ as is book. We have also started to think about the digraph  ‘ar’ like star.  We have been practising the phase 3 tricky word ‘my’  too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Pope x