Things to ask me for WB 27.6.22

Well, it has been another very busy week in Room 4.  I’m not quite sure where the time goes but we seem to have plenty to fill it with!

Things to ask the children about this week.

  • We have been focussing on capital letters this week.
  • Can you spot any capital letters at home?
  • Can you write the lower case letter that matches the capital letter.
  • Can you sing the alphabet song.
  • Can you remember all the letter names and sounds?
  • We have been finding larger and smaller numbers. so for example, if I say the number 14, can you tell me a larger number and a smaller number.
  • In Forest School this week we made perfume using water and other object the children collected such a leaves, flowers.  Perhaps they could make one at home and write down a list of the ingredients they used.
  • We have written our own amazing versions of The Very Hungry Caterpillar this week.  We thought carefully about what the caterpillar might eat and the children had lots of their own suggestions.  Perhaps they can tell you what their caterpillar ate.
  • We have been looking carefully at our class caterpillars.  I am sure the children can tell you what exciting thing has happened to them this week?
  • We have been continuing to practise reading and writing some very tricky phase 3 words. Maybe they can show you how to spell: are, you, they, all, her.

Next week, please can the children wear PE kit on Monday, Tuesday (Sports Day) and Thursday. Forest School as usual on Wednesday. Normal uniform on Friday!

If you have any cardboard tubes or small boxes at home, our junk modelling draw is looking a little low and we would really appreciate a few donations.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

Mrs Pope

Things to ask me for WB 19.6.22

I hope you have all had a lovely week.  Here are some things to ask the children about their learning this week or some ideas for things you may like to do at home.

  • We have been learning about 3D shapes this week. We have named: cone, sphere, cube, cuboid, cylinder.  Can you go on a little hunt and find some of these shapes around the house.
  • Can you remember what the word vertices means?
  • Can you tell everybody what has happened to our caterpillars this week?
  • What does the word metamorphosis mean?
  • what does the word excrete mean?
  • In our art work this week we have looked at landscapes, what is a landscape picture?  Perhaps you can have a go at drawing one.
  • We have learnt the last of our phase 3 tricky words. ‘are’ and ‘all’.  How many times can you write them.  You could write them in lots of different colours on a piece of paper or in chalk, whatever you fancy.
  • Can you remember what Hindu women have on their hands, and sometimes legs, for a celebration (henna patterns called mehndi)

Thank you for another amazing week Room 4.  Yet again you have blown us away with your amazingness!

See you all on Monday

Mrs Pope

Things to ask me for WB 6.6.22

We have had another busy week this week in Room 4.

Here are some things things you can ask the children about their learning this week.

  • Can you show me the action for the trigraphs ‘air, ure and ear’.  (air is fanning your face, ear, pointing to your ear and ure pointing at somebody else).
  • Can you show 3 ways to make 5 using 2 hands.
  • How many doubles sums can you show me using your fingers on 2 hands.  Can you remember the totals?
  • Can you remember how to spell our new word ‘all’.
  • We have been practising counting in 2s to 20 and 10s to 100 this week. see if you can remember the pattern.
  • This week we have been looking at shapes.  Can you name all these shapes?

Remember, we call a diamond shape a rhombus.

  • Have a search at home, how many 2D shapes can you find around the house and name?
  • We have been talking about the things we can do now that we couldn’t do when we were a baby.  What could you do when you were a baby? What can you do now?

Hopefully our class caterpillars will be in school next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Pope x

Things to ask me for W/B 23.5.22

This half term seems to have been and gone so fast!

The seedlings in our garden are growing well.  They have been watered regularly by the rain this week.  The chicks are growing too.  They have been well cared for by the children. We have all enjoyed one or two cuddles with them. Sometimes they even fall asleep on us!

This week we have been busy as ever.  Here are some things you can ask us.

  • We have been looking at doubles sums this week in maths.  Can you tell me what 1+1=, 2+2=, 3+3=, 4+4= and 5+5=?
  • Can you make a doubles sum – you could use your fingers, some counters or even some slices of carrot.
  • We have practised counting in 2s to 10 and 10s to 100. Can you practise this at home or in the car on a journey?
  • Use this 100 square to help you if you like. How do you count in 2s and how do you count in 10s?

  • look at this picture.  Can you spot which numbers are odd and which are even?  Can you explain why they are odd or even?

  • Can you remember why we have a special celebration picnic lunch this week? (Queen’s Jubilee)
  • This week we have been looking at the last of the phase 3 sounds.  We looked at ‘ure‘ like pure, ‘air‘, ‘ear‘ and ‘er‘.  How many words can you think of with these sounds in?
  • Can you remember the actions that go with these trigraphs and digraph?
  • We have practised writing the tricky work you and they this week.  Can you write them at home?  You could try writing them how we do in the classroom – Write them BIG, write them SMALL, write them WITHOUT LOOKING AT ALL.

I hope you have a wonderful half term and we will see you on the 6th June.

Mrs Pope x

Things to ask me for W/B 16.5.22

Fingers crossed we should have the cheeping of chicks in our classroom very soon. We are very excited indeed!

This week we have been baking bread.

  • Can you remember the ingredients we used to make our bread rolls.
  • What was the ingredient that made the dough rise?


We have written some instructions to help other classes make bread.

  • Tell someone at home how we made our delicious bread.
  • What did we do first, then, next, finally…

We have also learned 2 new trigraphs, ear and air.

  • What is a trigraph?
  • What is the action for the ‘ear’ trigraph? -pointing to your ears.
  • What is the action for the ‘air’ trigraph? – fanning your face with your hands.
  • Can you think of any words that have the ‘ear’ and ‘air’ trigraph in?
  • We have been practising the tricky words ‘you’, me, we, he, be this week.

In maths we have been looking at doubling numbers to 5.

  • Can you make a Lego tower of 1,2,3,4,5 etc and then double it?
  • Can you count 1,2,3,4,5 grapes and double them?

We have been busy planting lots of seed so our garden will look amazing. Our runner beans are growing and we will be bringing them home at the end of next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Pope x

Things to ask me for WB 3.5.22

Well it is the end of another week already.   Here are a few things you can ask your children about this week.

We have been focussing on making the number 5 this week. Learning our number bonds.  Using 5 counters or 5 pencils or anything else you have to hand, can they show you different ways to make 5.  eg 4 and 1, 3 and 2 etc.

Can they re-tell the story of the Little Red Hen- using actions for the Little Red Hen (flapping your wings). The lazy dog (putting your paws up). The sleepy cat (putting your hands together and pretending to sleep and the noisy duck (making a beak with your hand and making a quacking motion).

We have been reviewing the digraphs ‘oo’ as in moon, ‘oo’ as in book, ‘ar’ as in farm and ‘or’ as in fork.   See if you spot them in reading books or story books.  Can you make  list of words using them.

We looked at the different parts of plants.  As you are out and about this weekend, can they find and describe different leaves, can they show you where the veins are.  Can they tell you what the leaves job is (to make sugar).  Can they identify the stem, roots, buds, flowers, petals, pollen and tell you what their jobs are.

We have been thinking about the types of fruits and vegetables we like to eat.  Next week we are going to be tasting some and using them for our art work.

We have planted runner bean seeds this week and have started a bean diary to see how the seed changes over time.  We are looking forward to getting a lot more planting done next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Pope

Things to ask me for WB 26.4.22

We seem to have been very busy this week and we’ve only been back 4 days!

Things to do with or ask the children this week:

  • can you find the story of The Little Red hen at home? (If not, there are loads of great versions online)
  • can you re-tell the story of The Little Red Hen to someone at home.
  • which bits of the story are repeated often? (Not I said the … Who will help me? said the…)
  • we have been ordering times in the day. Can you think of 2 things you do in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night?
  • we have been ordering the days of the week. Can you remember what day is after Wednesday or comes before Saturday?
  • Can you remember the name of the artist we have talked about this week? (Vincent Van Gogh)
  • We looked at one of his paintings, can you remember what flower he painted? (sunflowers)
  • can you spot any new signs of spring this weekend?  What are they?
  • Can you remember the name of one of the herbs in the classroom? (basil, chives, mint, oregano)
  • We have been practising counting in 10s to 100.  If I said 0, 10, 20 …can you finish the number sequence up to 100?

We have reviewed the the digraphs ‘ow’, ‘ai’, ‘igh’ and the tricky word ‘you’.

Our PE is now on a Monday and a Thursday. Forest School is on a Wednesday.

If anybody has any plant pots, soil or seeds we could use in school we would be very grateful. We are hoping to do lots of gardening this term and would really appreciate some of these items to help us resource this.

Have a lovely long weekend,

Mrs Pope x

Welcome back!!

Hello Room 4!

I hope you are looking forward to coming back to school tomorrow.  We are all really looking forward to seeing your lovely, smiley faces.

I have a few photos for you to have a little look at. During the holidays we had a little move around. Have a look and see what you think.  We will show you around properly tomorrow.

Our PE days are still on a Tuesday and Thursday so make sure you are wearing your school PE kit on those days.  You will need water to drink and, as the weather is getting warmer, you may want to bring in a sun hat or cap to help keep you cool.  Make sure everything has your name in it.

Our Forest School day is still on a Wednesday. You will need to wear a long sleeve top and trousers to school. Nothing too posh please.

We will continue to change  your reading books on a Monday and Thursday but bring your reading wallets everyday so that we can hear you read.

Have a lovely evening and we will see you bright and ready for a new challenge tomorrow.

Mrs Pope x