‘Things to ask me’ WB 14.11.2022

  • Can you read these tricky words (words we can’t sound out)? – I, no, go, to, the, into
  • What can you tell me about triangles and circles? How many sides and corners do they have? Can you see any circles or triangles around the house?
  • Tell me about the picture you drew on the school iPad.
  • Can you remember any of the words you found at Forest School? Can you sound them out to me?
  • It was anti-bullying week this week – can you tell me 3 ways you can show kindness to someone?

Nativity Costume Request

All children in Reception are mice in this year’s nativity – Born in a Barn! The children will make their own headband with ears in school, so all they will need is some mouse-coloured clothing (brown, grey or white). You do not need to send shoes with their costume as for safety reasons all children will be in bare feet. 

We will paint a nose and whiskers on your child if they are happy to have this. If your child is allergic to face paint, then please let a member of our team know as soon as possible. 

Please send the costumes in as soon as you have them, ensuring that the clothes are named and that they are in a named carrier bag. We will then keep these costumes in school ready for dress rehearsals and then for the performances. Please ensure that your child’s costume is in school by Monday 28th November.  

If you have any questions about costumes, please do not hesitate to ask.  

Many thanks, 

Miss Ockenden and Mrs Davies 

‘Things to ask me’ WB 14.11.2022

  • Can you recognise the sounds h b f/ff l/ll ? Can you think of any words which begin with these sounds? Can you show me how to write them?
  • Can you remember any characters from the story of The Gingerbread Man? What happens in the story?
  • We have been practicing subitising with quantities 1-5. Can you identify how many _____ there are without having to count?
  • Why do we have Remembrance Day? What is the name of the flower that symbolises the day?

‘Things to ask me’ WB 31.10.22

  • Can you remember the story of Rama and Sita?
  • How many arms and heads did Ravana have?
  • Can you make a repeated pattern using what you have around you? eg. knives and forks, leaves and sticks, apples and bananas etc.
  • Who was Guy Fawkes?
  • Why do we celebrate Bonfire Night?

‘Things to ask me’ WB 3.10.2022

It has been another busy week in class Antarctica!

Things to ask:

  • Do you recognise these sounds: i n m d ? Can you think of any words that start with these sounds?
  • Can you tell me the story of The Little Red Hen? Do you remember any of the actions?
  • What is one more than / one less than [any number within 10]?
  • What can you tell me about the Great Barrier Reef in Australia?
  • Can you sing the ‘days of the week’ song?

Next week:

Please can we kindly ask that children leave their own toys at home and are not in bags. We don’t allow them to play with them in school as we don’t want to risk them getting lost or broken. Thank you.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Reception Team.


Vision Screening For Reception Class Only – Thursday 20th October

A letter has gone home with your child today regarding the Vision Screening for Reception Class Children.

On Thursday 20th October Reception will be having vision screening to test your child’s eyes, treat squints and lazy eyes etc. The tests will be short simple matching games with letters which will involve wearing a pair of glasses with one eye covered, in order to test the vision of the other eye.

If you DO NOT want your child to take part in this vision screening, please send the opt out form back to the school office before Wednesday 12th October.

Thank you!

Printable copy of the letter sent home today Vision Screening Letter October 2022

Reading Records

We hope your child enjoyed reading their school books over the weekend. Please could we ask that when you have heard your child read, you make note of it in their green reading record. That way we know if we need to change their book on a Tuesday and Friday.

Thank you for your support. If you have any queries regarding your child’s reading please do not hesitate to ask at the door.

Best wishes,

Miss Ockenden

‘Things to ask me’ WB 26.09.2022

Firstly, thank you for the effort you put into the children’s penguin costumes on Thursday! It was a great, fun-filled day and having them dressed as penguins made it very special!

This week:

  • We have been looking at the sounds s/a/t/p this week. Can your child think of words which begin with these sounds? Can they show you how to write them? Do they remember the names of the letters as well as the sounds?
  • We have been reading ‘The Very Helpful Hedgehog’ in literacy. Perhaps they could recall what happened in the story – how did Isaac the hedgehog help donkey?
  • Can they show you how to write numbers 1-5? Do they remember some of the rhymes to help?
  • What can they remember about Antarctica? Can they tell you any facts about penguins?


You will have hopefully seen that we have sent the children home with their first reading books this week (one picture book and one with words). Please read the Bug Club letter and inside their reading record for more information.

We will change the children’s reading book every Tuesday and Friday so please ensure they are in book bags on these days.

Please can we also ask that the children do not put their water bottles in their book bags as spillages often happen and we want to prevent books from getting ruined.

Next week: Individual school photos will be taken on Tuesday.

Thank you for your support. We hope you have a great weekend.

The Reception team.