Talk Pants by the NSPCC

This week, we are going to speak to the children about our bodies and how they belong to us. We plan on using the Talk Pants conversation, a resource made by the NSPCC to keep children safe. It is aimed at children from 4 years and so is age and language appropriate. There is a link to the Pantasaurus website, with a song and information, below if you would like to have a look or go through it with your child as well. This is a resource we have used in previous years and is a great way for children to understand what is ok and what is not in order to help keep themselves safe.  If you have any questions then please feel free to ask us at the door or via email. 

Talk PANTS & Join Pantosaurus – The Underwear Rule | NSPCC

Things to ask me 20.01.23

  • We have been working really hard on our tricky words this week. Can I read these tricky words to you? 

I, the, no, go, to, into, he, me, be, she, my, by 

  • In forest school, we made our own paint. What did we use to make it? (mud, water) 
  • What did we dig the mud up with? 
  • We have been thinking of all the vehicles that we know, we managed to come up with a list of 24! How many vehicles can you name? 
  • We turned a giant box into a vehicle – what was it? (hovercraft) 
  • We have been writing sentences this week starting with ‘I am’ and ‘I can’. Can you say one of the sentences that you wrote? 
  • What do we need to remember in-between each word? (fingerspace) 
  • What do we need at the end of a sentence? (full stop) 
  • We sorted transport into how they looked in the past and what they look like in the present. What does past mean? What does present mean? 
  • What does subtract mean? 
  • What happens to the number when we subtract? 
  • Can you find the title, front cover, back cover, spine of a book? 
  • What did we use to make moon buggies? (bikes, foil, trays, tubes) 
  • How did we fix/attach things to the moon buggies? (duct tape, cable ties, masking tape) 

Things to ask me 13.01.23

It’s been another lovely week in Antarctica! Thank you so much for your support with keeping toys/special items at home and using Tapestry instead. It makes a big difference. Here are some things to ask your child this weekend:

  • We have been learning about the story of Noah’s Ark this week. What sort of vehicle is an ark? 
  • Why did Noah have to build an ark? 
  • What did he take with him on his boat? 
  • How long did it rain for? 
  • We made our own boats this week to see if they could carry any animals across the water. What did you use to make yours? 
  • Did your boat float? 
  • In forest school we made self-portraits, can you remember what was special about the playdough that made it safe for the animals? (no salt) 
  • What did you use to make your self-portrait? 
  • We have been learning to add this week. When we add, do numbers get bigger or smaller? 
  • Can you draw an add sign or make it with your fingers? 
  • Can you draw an equals sign or make it with your fingers?
  • In music we have been learning a song about vehicles. Can you remember any of the instruments we used to make vehicle sounds? (triangles for bus bells, giro’s for sports car) 
  • Can you sing the chorus?
  • How many emergency vehicles can you name? 
  • What sounds have we learnt this week? Can you write any? (x,y,z,qu) 

Welcome Back and Tapestry


It was lovely to have the whole day with Reception yesterday, they had a brilliant first day back and I’m looking forward to all the fun things Mrs Davies and I have got planned over the next half term.

Just a quick note about show and tell. We ask that children don’t bring anything into school for show and tell as we don’t want anything to get broken or lost. However, we would LOVE to see things on Tapestry! If there’s anything special that your child has made at home, or if you’ve done anything exciting as a family then we really love seeing these and getting the children to share these experiences with the class.

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

I have absolutely loved teaching Class Antarctica this term. They are a really lovely class and I am sure like me, you feel very proud of how they have settled in to school life. Thank you for all of your support, you kind words and gifts. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas break! – Miss Ockenden

Thank you all so much for your thoughtful cards and gifts. It is really appreciated! We hope you have a very Merry Christmas! – Mrs Davies, Mrs Butler, Mrs Cripps & Miss Jones



Spring Term

In January, our timetable will be changing slightly.

We will be having Forest School on a Tuesday and PE on a Wednesday. This means no Forest School on the first week back.

I’ve had a lovely morning with Reception today and I’m really looking forward to getting to know them a little bit better in January!

‘Things to ask me’ and the last week of the Autumn Term

It has been a very busy couple of weeks with nativity rehearsals, performances and other festive fun, but we have managed to squeeze in some other learning here and there!! Things you could ask your child:

  • What is the difference between a square and a rectangle? Can you find any squares and rectangles around us now?
  • What are ‘traditions’? What traditions do we have in our family? Do all families have the same traditions as us?
  • Can you see the finger spaces in the sentences in your reading book? Why do we need these spaces? Can you write a short sentence with finger spaces (cat on a mat)?
  • Can you read tricky words: I / no / go / to / the / into?

Next week:

  • There will be no Forest School on Wednesday. Instead, the children will have a Christmas party with Years 1 and 2 in the hall. Please send your child into school in uniform. We ask that they bring party clothes in a named bag for them to get changed into.
  • On Wednesday morning, Miss Roberts will be in to lead an activity and get to know the children before she returns in January.
  • PE as normal on Thursday.
  • On Friday, we invite the children to bring a toy or game from home that they can play with their friends. We ask that they don’t bring anything of huge expense, anything electronic or games that have lots of small parts that could easily get lost. Perhaps they could bring a doll, card game, or something creative. The toys will stay in the classroom for the day and will not go out onto the playground.

Thank you.

Christmas Parties and Post


Next week we will be holding our Christmas Parties on the following days.

Monday 12th December – Years 5 and 6

Tuesday 13th December – Years 3 and 4

Wednesday 14th December – EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2

Please remember to bring your party clothes in a named carrier bag for the afternoon and a contribution of £1 towards sweets and prizes would be most appreciated.  Payments can be made via school money.


The children may also use the school post boxes to post their Christmas cards for delivery by our Year 6 elves!   The post boxes are in the area by the office.

Please remember to include the name and class name or year group on the envelope.

Last day for posting will be Thursday 15th December.

Christmas Tree Festival

This year, Reception and Year 6 have been selected to work together to make the decorations for this year’s Christmas Tree Festival at St.George’s church.

The theme for this year is silver so we would like to ask if you could help by donating any silver foil cake trays (a good excuse to get eating some mince pies!) and any silver baubles or tinsel you may no longer need? We would love to make our tree more sustainable by recycling and reusing old decorations.  We will work together next week to create some lovely decorations from the materials and help to build relationships between our youngest and oldest children.

Please send in whatever you can by Friday 2nd December.

Thank you

Mrs Hilditch and Miss Ockenden