Tuesday 9th February

Good morning everyone, I hope you’re ready for another day of home learning!


Morning activity

Yesterday you had a go at your number formation, today it’s letters. Remember how important it is to always start your letters in the correct place, this really helps you when you’re older and you start to learn to join your handwriting.

Letter Formation


Letters and Sounds

Tuesday 9th


First of all, watch the story ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ as you are watching it, can you count how many people and animals are in the house each time?

Now, I have a problem for you to solve. There are 6 characters in the book altogether, and I want you to find different combinations of 3 characters in the house, and 3 characters outside.

So, for example, I might have the Old Lady, the Wise Old Man and the hen inside and the pig, cow and horse outside.

Then I might have the Wise Old Man, pig and cow inside and the Old Lady, hen and horse outside.

How many different combinations can you come up with?

There are some pictures below for you to cut out and move around and help you to solve the problem.

A Squash And A Squeeze Characters


Afternoon activity

In Room 4 we are all very, very special! There are so many interesting and important things about each of us. Have a think – what is special about you?

Draw a picture of yourself, and then either draw or write the things that you make you special.

It might be something you’re good at, the way that you look or a special skill you  have.

Here’s mine!


Enjoy our story from Maths as your story today!


Have a fab day,

Miss Roberts x

Teams Meeting

I have scheduled in another Teams meeting for Wednesday 10th at 2.30. This week we will be having a story time. Please check your emails and let me know if you don’t have the invite by 12.00 on Wednesday so that I have chance to try and sort it out beforehand. The invitation should already have been emailed out to you.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible there!

Miss Roberts x

Monday 8th February

Monday 8th February

Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend? We are on our last week of learning now before half term – well done for making it this far!


Morning activity

This morning I would like you to have a go at forming your numbers correctly using the sheet below. If you don’t have a printer, then just have a go on paper, but remember how important it is to make sure that you start your numbers in the right place!

Number Formation


Letters and Sounds

Monday 8th




Today we are going to go on a number hunt. Go around your house and see if you can find one of each number up to 10. Which number can you see the most of? Are there any numbers that you can’t find? Where is the best room or place for finding numbers?

It is our PE afternoon today, so you might want to do this activity outside instead and combine it with going for a walk!


Afternoon activity

It’s PE today, have a go at the Cosmic Kids episode if you fancy it.

Or you could have a go at this activity from the Youth Sports Trust

PE Home Learning Colour combination

There’s a video for it here:

Or as always, get out on a walk, run or bike ride to get some fresh air!



There is a story on Tapestry for you today.


Have a lovely day everyone,

Miss Roberts x


Friday 5th February

Hi everyone, I hope you all enjoyed your day of being creative yesterday! Here’s what we’ve got for today…


Morning activity

Later on today I am going to ask you to play shops as part of your maths. So this morning, maybe you could set your shop up. Maybe find a good place to have your shop, write a sign saying ‘Shop’ and find some things that you would like to sell.

It might be a toy shop, a food shop, a clothes shop. The choice is yours!


Letters and Sounds

Friday 5th



Right, now it’s time to get that shop up and running! First you will need to price up all your items. Decide how much each item is going to cost up to 10p, so is it going to cost 1p, 2p, 5p or 10p? Write a price tag or label for each item.

Then you are going to need a customer! When your customer decides to buy something, you will need to tell them how much it costs and check that they give you the right coin. Remember to use your manners when you talk to your customer – nobody likes a rude shop keeper.

Have fun playing shops today! If you need some cut out coins, there are some below.

Coin Cut Outs


Afternoon activity

This afternoon it’s time to do a little bit of music. This website is really easy to use. You will need to draw different shapes, which then make music when you press the play button! It’s very fun and I know last years Reception class loved experimenting on it. If you change the colours, then it changes the type of instruments used. Have fun!

Chrome Music Lab



There is a story on Tapestry for you to finish off your learning with today. Enjoy!


Have a brilliant weekend everyone, well done for working so hard still.

Miss Roberts x

Express Yourself! Thursday 4th February

Hi Everyone,

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and the national theme for this year is Express Yourself.

It is all about being creative and exploring and embracing your personality, individuality and what makes you you!

A really common way people show their personality and express themselves is through their choice of clothing.  So today we’d like you to be creative with your outfit choice and choose something that expresses who you are and how you feel.  Sometimes our choice of clothes makes us feel quite different.  It can make us feel cosy and warm, bright and colourful and happy, energetic and ready for action.  We’d love to see photos of your chosen outfits.

There are so many opportunities to express yourself through the Arts, so with that in mind today we are taking a break away from our usual timetable and we are going to post activities so that you can have a wonderful day being creative and finding out about or working on subjects that you really love and enjoy.

We are NOT suggesting that you work through every activity, but instead you choose subjects that interest you.  There will be a selection of video masterclasses or ideas from wonderfully talented people in these areas, who will hopefully inspire you to be creative and have a go either at versions of their work or at creating your own masterpieces.

We hope you have a fun day and that you can revisit these materials to explore throughout lockdown, you never know some of you may discover a new talent or passion.

The aim of the day is to focus on your mental health and wellbeing.  Have a day doing the things you love with the people you love.

Have fun everyone and take care x

Please be aware, I have found all of the pages below and they are aimed at primary aged children, however I have not been able to watch every video on every link and some may take you to further external sites, so please monitor your child.  

You could start the day with a Virtual Assembly hosted by Blue Peter’s Lindsey Russell, and CBBC Presenter and Place2Be Champion Rhys Stephenson,


For more information see Place2Be

Art and Craft



Author Masterclasses


Creative Writing




General Health and Wellbeing


Wednesday 3rd February

Hi everyone, I hope you are all still having a good time at home and working as hard as you can. Here is our learning for today.


Morning activity

There’s a little bit of colouring to get your brains warmed up today. This time it’s colour by shape, enjoy!

2D Shape Colouring


Letters and Sounds

Wednesday 3rd



I hope you all enjoyed the game yesterday, maybe have another go at it first today to try and remember some of those coins.

Coins Game

Then, I would like you to complete the ‘Coin Detective’ sheet below. Do you know what a detective is? It’s someone who looks for clues to help them solve mysteries! You are going to be a detective today by spying on all the coins, you will have to use your brains to look for the right shape and size for each coin that you need to colour in.

Once you have finished this, if you have any coins at home, you could match them to the ones on your sheet.

Coin Detective


Afternoon activity

I hope you all enjoyed exploring where you live yesterday. How many places did you manage to find?

Today, I would like you to have a look at the pictures that you took yesterday and label them. You don’t need to print your pictures off, you could just write a list of places that you found. If you didn’t manage to get out and about to explore, you could just write a list of the places that I found instead.


Afternoon activity 2

Don’t forget to come to the show and tell meeting today if you are free! Remember it’s at 2.30 – see you there!


Have a lovely day,

Miss Roberts x

Tuesday 2nd February

Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all raring to go with today’s learning!


Morning activity

Are you ready to have a go at being independent again today? Get yourself dressed, fold those pyjamas, make that bed, tidy up any toys in your room, help with breakfast and get all your things ready for learning!

I had good reports from parents about how independent you all were on Friday – so keep it up!


Letters and Sounds

Tuesday 2nd



I hope you all enjoyed having a look at some of the money you have yesterday. Did you think of anything that you would need to use money for? I wonder how many of you said to buy toys!

First, can you have a go on the game below. This will help you become even more familiar with the coins that we looked at yesterday. Please have a go at the ‘sorting’ activity on the game. You may also want to have a go at the ordering activity – but you will probably need a grown up to help you with that one.

Coins Game

Once you have spent some time playing on that game, then have a go at the activity below. You will need to count the coins to work out how much money is in each piggy bank. All the coins are worth 1pence which means we only need to count how many coins there are. Don’t forget to write a ‘p’ after each answer – this means pence, otherwise we don’t know what you’ve been counting!

You can then have a go at the next sheet, where you will need to cut the correct amount of coins into each piggy bank. See if you can have a go at this one independently – remember what that means?

Piggy Bank Activity


Afternoon activity

This weekend, I went for a little walk around my village and I took some photos of some of the different places of interest. Have a look at the photos that I took – can you spot what each place is?

Today (or any other day this week) I would like you to go out and explore where you live. Can you spot any of the same places as I did? How about anything that I don’t have in my village? For example, I don’t have a police station where I live – but do you have one where you live? Is there anything in Shawbury that you don’t have where you live?



Have a little rest and listen to The Scarecrows Wedding



Have a brilliant day,

Miss Roberts x

Teams Meeting

Hi everyone,

I have now scheduled in a show and tell session for this Wednesday (3rd February) at 2.30pm.

Hopefully the invite should have gone into your school email address. Mrs Andrew text the login details for this last week.

Go to your emails and check that the invite is there. When it is time to join the meeting, you will need to log in to the Teams app/website (on any device) using the school email address and password you have been given. You will be able to view the meeting in the calendar on Teams, just click on the meeting, then click ‘join now’ and you’ll be in!

I will be doing more Teams meetings for the children, so if you can’t make this one or you’re struggling to get on at the time, don’t worry! It won’t be your only opportunity.

Looking forward to seeing lots of you there!

Miss Roberts x

Monday 1st February

Good morning everyone, it’s a new month today! Do you know what month it is? Maybe you could have a look on the calendar and see if you can find it. What letter does it start with? Can you use your word builder and sound out the first three letters?


Morning activity

This morning I have a cut and stick activity for you. In school we use something called Numicon, which are number shapes. Numicon has different shapes and colours to represent each number.

Can you cut the numicon shapes out and stick them into the right order to represent the numbers 1-10?

Ordering Numicon


Letters and Sounds

Monday 1st



This week we are learning about money and today I would like you to look at and become familiar with all the coins that we use.

If you have any coins at home, can you sort them out into different piles based on the colour.

You should end up with a pile of copper coins, a pile of silver coins and a pile of gold coins. But now look a little bit closer – do all the coins in each pile look the same? Maybe now you could sort them out depending on the shape and size of them.

Once you have finished sorting them out you should end up with 8 piles of coins.

Now, look at each coin, can you see any numbers on them? This is how much they are worth! Can you find a coin with a number 1 on it? How about a number 2? What other numbers can you spot on the coins?

Once you have finished sorting out the coins and having a good look at them, can you think of some of the things that you might need to use money for?

If you don’t have any coins at home at the moment, then there’s a sheet with different coins on here.

Coin Mat


Afternoon activity

This afternoon it’s our PE day. I’ve got a yoga session for you to complete if you’d like to. 

If you don’t fancy yoga, then maybe go on a bike ride or a walk or just get out into the garden for a little bit. Fresh air is so important to keep our brains healthy, and going outside always makes me feel a little bit happier straight away.



There is a story on Tapestry for you today.


Have a marvellous day. I can’t wait to see you all on the Teams meeting this week! I will post details of this later on today (Monday).

Miss Roberts x