Wet socks!

Apologies for all the wet socks and tights coming home with the children today. Once the (very heavy!) rain had eased a little bit after lunchtime, we took the opportunity to do some puddle jumping. We did put on wellies and waterproofs, but even so – every single child managed to get their socks or tights completely sodden!

On the plus side – the children were very happy splashing through the deep puddles that had formed throughout lunchtime!

Help please!



The week after next we will be doing a craft activity which involves empty yogurt pots. If you eat yogurts at home, please would you send your empty (and clean!) yogurt pots our way? We will need 1-2 pots per child. Just the little snap pots or something similar will be perfect for our activity.

Thank you in advance!

1,084 BEST Empty Yoghurt Pot IMAGES, STOCK PHOTOS & VECTORS | Adobe Stock

Miss Roberts

Summer Term Timetable

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all have a very well deserved break, I can’t believe next term will be our last one of Reception!

Next term, our timetable is changing slightly.

Our Forest School day will be on Wednesdays and our PE day will be on Thursdays – please come dressed in the right clothes for both of these days.

Have a brilliant holiday and I’ll see you when you are all rested and relaxed.


Miss Roberts x

Parent WhatsApp Group

Some of the parents from Room 4 have recently set up a WhatsApp group for all the parents. Parents have had these groups before and they are a really handy way to keep up to date with what’s happening in school – especially when there’s a change of PE day or a special dress up day etc. I know parents in the past have found these really useful – and a bit of a life saver! Unfortunately at the moment it’s impossible to chat to other parents properly after school so it’s really tricky to get contact details for everyone.

If you would like to be part of the WhatsApp group, then please email me or let me know at the door, and I can pass your details on to Diane Jones who will add you to the group. There is no school involvement in this group at all, it’s just the easiest way to pass contact details on in these COVID times!


Miss Roberts

Virtual Book Fair

Thank you so much to everyone who has so kindly donated a book to the school.  I know the teachers of each class will love sharing these books with the children and adding them to their class libraries.

Please note that this weekend is your last opportunity to order any books and they will hopefully be delivered to school next week.

Thank you all once again for your support as every book you purchase personally also helps the school to receive free books.

I would also like to express our thanks to Louise at Everybody Reads CIC for her time and effort in organising the book fair.  You can also visit their site to order books at https://uk.bookshop.org/shop/Everybodyreads

There are lots of lovely books on here organised into different lists for inspiration – you may also see some lists on there with wonderful books recommended by the lovely Mrs Rowe.

Friday 5th March

Good morning everyone – it’s the last day of home learning!!! You’ve done it!! We have got a very easy last day today, I hope you have fun.


Morning activity

Have a go at completing the colour by numbers below. There are a couple, so just choose whichever one you would like to do.

Colour By Number


Letters and Sounds

Go onto Phonics Play and have a go at any of the games to help you with the sounds that you need to get better at. Remember we have learnt up to ‘oa’ on our sound mat.

Phonics Play



Since we’ve been learning about weighing this week I thought it might be a good opportunity to do some cooking! In school we are going to make some rocky road bars using the recipe below. These are great if you have anything that needs using up in your cupboards, you can add in any extras that you like.

Rocky Road Recipe

If you don’t have the ingredients for these, then choose your own recipe to follow, or even help make your lunch or your tea for tonight. Just make sure you help your grown up do a bit of weighing!


Afternoon activity

This afternoon we are going on a school trip to Chester Zoo’s Virtual Zoo!

Choose any of the videos you would like to watch and have fun learning about the different animals.

Have an excellent day and a lovely weekend everyone, and I can’t wait to see you all on Monday!!

Miss Roberts xx