Calling all Colomendiers…

Good evening,  I hope you are all getting excited for our adventures!

Thank you for all completing and returning the Emergency contact and medical information form.

We will be sending home a Residential Medication Request Form today.  This is for children who take regular medication or any children who may need medication (for example antibiotics whilst away) please do not return this until Thursday morning. We would then ask you to ensure you hand the completed form and the named medication (enough for the duration of the visit) to either Mrs Pittaway or Mrs Pope before we leave. Inhalers will be kept by the member of school staff with your child’s group. If you child does not require any medication you do not need to return the form.

Give your children a huge hug and kiss as you drop them off as usual on Thursday at the usual time but please don’t hang around to wave the bus off. This can be more upsetting for the children.

Please can the children bring their suitcase and a back pack.  In the back pack they will need named hats, gloves, water bottle and a good snack for later.  We will take fruit with us from school.

It would be great if you could help the children take a LFT in the morning before coming to school.

We aim to arrive back at school around 3.30pm on Friday. This is so that the traffic around school has had chance to move off.  We will take the children into school and dismiss them from Room 3’s classroom door.

Have a lovely evening, if you have any concerns, please just let us know.

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Pope