Wear What You Want Day-Friday 13th November

This Friday is ‘Wear What You Want’ for Children in Need. Room 8 have PE on Friday, they are welcome to come in to school in an outfit of their choice but if you would like your child to get changed for PE then please send them with a ‘school PE kit’ so they can get changed. Otherwise they will do PE in their own clothes but they are likely to get very dirty. Thank you.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Thank you all so much for your donations of bottles for our Christmas craft fair. Everyone in school is totally overwhelmed by your generosity. You are all amazing!

If any of you lovely people could spare an hour on Saturday 23rd November, to help at our Christmas Craft Fair, please speak to Mrs Giles or the school office. We are a little bit desperate for help in the kitchen and on a couple of stalls. An hour of your time would make all of the difference.