Year 2 ‘Victorian Classroom’ morning – Tuesday 28th March

Dear parents,

This half term the year 2 children are learning about Victorian life. Africa class will become a Victorian classroom for the morning of Tuesday 28th March.

To help make this experience feel more authentic, it would be fantastic if the children can come to school wearing clothes in the style of the Victorian era.

Please don’t feel you have to go out and buy new clothes for this (and if you are unable to find Victorian style clothes, just dressing your child in black/ grey trousers or skirt and white t-shirt/ shirt would be fine).

I have included a few pictures below for inspiration.

Mrs Pittaway

Arthog Residential Visit 2024

Just a reminder that the initial non-refundable deposit of £27.50 is due by Sunday 12th March please – this is payable by card on the Weduc app or by cash/cheque at the school office.

If you have not already done so, please could you return your child’s Arthog initial consent form to the school office as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Birmingham visit for year 3’s & 4’s – packed lunch orders needed!

Dear parents,

If you haven’t yet paid for your child’s visit to Birmingham (and the ThinkTank museum) on the new Weduc app, you will not yet have indicated their packed lunch choices for their trip (which is part of the payment process).

The kitchen staff need their orders by the end of this week at the latest please so they can place the food order and get it delivered in time for the following week’s visit.

Thank you!