Covid-19 Update

Please be reassured that any child who is not at school due to the necessity to self-isolate or anxiety about vulnerable family members, will be coded as an authorised absence and will not affect attendance. We would appreciate you contacting school to keep us informed of any reasons for absence – as usual!

We have a number of new protocols in place to try and prevent the spread of any virus:

  • children are asked to wash their hands upon arrival at school, after breaks, after time outside (PE/Daily Mile) and before snack/dinner time.
  • in the event that a child shows any symptoms (appears to have a fever, dry cough, for example) they will be placed in the Nurture room with some things to entertain them until they can be collected from school; they will be observed by a member of staff throughout and then, following their collection, the room will be swabbed down.
  • increased cleaning routines during the day – especially focused on door handles.

We are working hard to put in place systems to support your children in the event of whole school closure. You will appreciate that this is a very challenging and fast moving situation for schools. Please bear in mind that all staff – office, lunchtime, TAs, cleaners, teachers – are working as hard as possible to keep everybody safe and to reduce anxiety. We can only work with the information and advice that we are given. Your understanding at this difficult time is greatly appreciated.

We would ask for your support and cooperation in respecting the government guidelines regarding self-isolation. We have a number of children and staff with underlying medical conditions that increase their vulnerability; parents of children coming to school with even mild Coronavirus-related symptoms will be required to take them home and begin the 14 day period of self-isolation.

Mr Langford

Parking Problems

Please can I remind parents who transport their child/ren to and from school by car to only park in official parking areas along the roads.  We are getting reports from some understandably irate neighbours that parents are parking across their driveways obstructing the access to their property. This is totally unacceptable.  Our neighbours are already as understanding as they can be about the levels of traffic due to the school run and we do not wish to make life any more difficult for them.

Important message to parents

An important reminder:

Children must not be left unattended on school premises before school opens at 8.45am.

There were an inordinate amount of unattended children outside school this morning, some of whom were running out into the street – it’s a miracle someone wasn’t hurt. Many children were also being particularly boisterous and noisy, this is unacceptable behaviour and reflects badly on the school. We don’t expect children to wait in silence, but we know they are well aware of the behaviour that is expected of them.

Please ensure your child is supervised by a responsible adult at all times both at the beginning and end of the school day.  In the case of year 6 children who are walking to school alone, they are not to arrive at school until 8.45am when they become our responsibility.

Mr Langford