Arthog Summer 2021

Dear Year 6 Parents 

As you know, this year has been horribly disruptive for all pupils. Many activities, sporting events, musical or theatre events, class trips and residential visits simply have not been able to happen 

I have no doubt that, from September, we will be returning to some semblance of normality and that once again we will return to the rich menu of extra-curricular activity and opportunity which so benefits all our pupils: opportunities which really do create memories which live with us for life. 

Unfortunately, this will not be possible for our wonderful year sixes. This year has seen them miss out on so much. Their final year has been blighted by the Covid-19 pandemic and I am desperate that they have missed so much including their residential trip to the Arthog Outdoor Education Centre in Wales. 

Since our cancelled trip to Arthog in November, I have been liaising with the Head of the Arthog Centre in Wales and with Arthog Outreach Team, based in Telford, to explore the possibility of bringing Arthog to Pontesbury and I am so pleased that they agreed to do this. Nothing can really compare with the experience of going away for the week and ‘living’ at the Arthog Centre, but the week we have planned for our year six pupils comes, I believe, very, very close 

As at Arthog, the pupils will be in a small group of no more than twelve. They will remain with the same instructor for the week and undertake exactly the same activities as they would have done in Wales. The only major difference will be the return home at the end of each day, long after the rest of the pupils have left, followed by a really early start in the morning! 

The daily timetable will be: 

  • 8.00am arrival followed by a hearty cooked breakfast to set everyone up for the day. 
  • Daily activities from 9.15am to 5.00pm (approx). Dinner time pack lunches will be provided by our kitchen. 
  • Evening meal in the dining hall. 
  • Evening activities, such as orienteering, the nightline, an evening walk etc.  
  • 8.00pm depart for home. 

The activities will include: 

  • team building tasks. 
  • hill walking. 
  • climb/abseiling on Pontesford rocks or at Grinshill quarry. 
  • Canoeing, either on a local lake or the River Severn. 
  • explore Snailbeach with a possible trip into the mines. 
  • Overnight camp on Thursday. 
  • Gorge walk, if weather allows 
  • Archery. 


So, the children will experience all they do at Arthog, apart from sharing dormitories. They will undertake the same activities, led by the amazing Arthog instructors, and leave with memories which, hopefully, will stay with them for the rest of their lives. 

As I said, there is no substitute for the full Arthog experience in Wales, but I hope you agree that by bringing Arthog to Pontesbury – which is something no school has done before quite like thisyour children will have a fantastic experience and one which you feel represents excellent value for money. The cost will be £230 all-inclusive and a payment is set up on School Money. 

There will, over the next weeks, be a lot more information about organisation, clothing, equipment, etc. and I am sure there are many questions you have about the week. Please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Mr Morris to discuss any queries you may have. 

Mr Langford  

Morning Drop-Off

Parents, please remember that our school doors are currently opening 5 minutes earlier than usual at 8.40am.  Staff will be manning the entrances to welcome the children, but please note that children will not be allowed on site prior to 8.40am as teachers are setting up their classrooms for the day ahead.

With this in mind, please refrain from arriving earlier than 8.40am and congregating outside the school gates; this is still not safe conduct while the pandemic is still circulating.

Thank you, as always, for your continued cooperation and understanding.

Mr Langford

The Masked Reader!

PPS Presents… the Masked Reader!

To celebrate World Book Day we have made a silly video challenge for you!

Various members of staff have recorded a fun poem, each with a silly disguise – can you guess who they are?

Each member of the Pontesbury team who took part is listed below (and one member appears twice) – can you guess which video belongs to which member of staff?

Mrs Giles              Mrs Travi               Mr Boffey                Mrs Smout

Miss Gwilliam      Mrs Hilditch          Mr Langford           Miss Roberts

Mrs Pope              Mrs Howland        Mrs Gwyther         Mrs Andrew

Mrs Butler            Mrs Davies (Year 3)  Mrs Davies (Reception) Miss Claydon

Good luck everybody

Mrs Hilditch

Parents and Carers of Children in Year 1 and 2

Dear Parents and Carers

I have been asked by Mrs Roberts, one of our wonderful TAs working in Room 5, for your help. Her daughter, Harriet Roberts, is a third year student studying Psychology at the University of York and she is about to embark on a research project called ‘The SleepStory Study!‘; she needs some volunteers.

Harriet explains:

Children aged 5-7 are being invited to take part in research conducted by students at the University of York, supervised by Dr Lisa Henderson.

The purpose of the research is to explore how children learn words from stories read to them by their parents, at different times of the day. You will be asked to read your child a story in either the morning, afternoon or at bedtime. Straight after reading the story and the next morning you will be required to ask your child some short questions about the story and see how many new words they remember from the story.

All responses will be kept completely confidential and stored anonymously.

The storybook and questions will be provided via email along with clear instructions about what to do. You can complete the task at home, on a day that suits you and your family. In order to take part you must have access to a laptop/tablet.

If you are interested in participating please register your interest on this link below in order for us to confirm your eligibility. We will be in contact with the relevant materials for your participation shortly.

Please click this link to register:


If you have any questions. please use the link below:


Many thanks

Mr Langford