Friday 12th June

Thank you for all the lovely emails that I have received this week. I have really enjoyed seeing how hard the Yr 4s are working.

On Friday it is English, Maths and History.


It is Friday so it is spelling test day. Please test yourself on the spellings you have been learning this week and then choose some for next week.


Then, if you haven’t already done so, complete your story and start setting it out as a book. I am sure we have some famous authors and illustrators in the making.


Today, try the Yr 4 maths lesson on handling data in football, on the BBC Bitesize website.

Handling data

Some of you might also like to do the multiplication square jigsaw.



Remember in the first term you studied the Romans. Today you are going to look again at what happened when the Romans arrived in Britain. Take part in the Yr 4 History lesson, looking at how and why the Romans invaded Britain (8th June), on the BBC Bitesize website.



Thursday 11th June

On Thursday it is Maths, English and P.E.


The number for today is 54.

Then do the White Rose lesson 4. Today you are dividing by one hundred.



If you would like more work on this, work through the BBC Bitesize Yr 4 daily lesson on dividing one and two digit numbers by 100.

Think together

See if you can spot any patterns that could help you!


Please continue to follow your plan and write your story.

Thank you for all the amazing stories that some of you have sent me already. Lots of you are remembering to use fronted adverbials, repetition and are following the new speaker, new line rule.

It would be lovely, when you have finished them, if you could make them up into a book, complete with lots of drawings!


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks. I know some of you are doing this already.

Wednesday 10th June

On Wednesday it is Maths, English and Science.


It has been lovely to see how many of you are now dividing by 10, 100 and even 1000. The number for today is 210.

Then do the White Rose lesson 3. Today you are looking at hundredths as decimals.



Some of you might like to look at the Yr 4 Maths lesson on problem solving using hundredths, on the BBC Bitesize website.


Thank you for planning out your stories so well. Today, I would like you to start writing your stories. Remember the things we have been working on such as the new speaker, new line rule, the use of fronted adverbials, short sentences for impact and the use of more adventurous vocabulary. Perhaps, write a little bit of your story each day. I am looking forward to reading them.


Take part in the Yr 4 Science lesson on renewable and non-renewable energy, on the BBC Bitesize website. Non-renewable energy is also known as fossil fuels so this fits in with our Geography work from last week. You might want to look at the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy.

Renewable energy

Tuesday 9th June

On Tuesday it is Maths, English and Art.


First of all, show me what you know about the number 19. Remember to include your knowledge of fractions and decimals.

Then do the White Rose lesson 2. Today you are dividing two digit numbers by ten.



If you would like more work on this, work through the BBC Bitesize Yr 4 daily lesson on dividing numbers by ten. Some of you might like to do the maze worksheet. It is a-maze-ing!

Dividing by ten maze


Thank you for all your work on inverted commas. Today I would like you to plan a story. Take part in the Yr 5 English lesson on planning and writing a story (5th June), on the BBC Bitesize website. After you have done that, have a go at planning your own story.

story planner


Yesterday, you looked at recycling. Today, I would like you to use your artistic skills again to recycle some materials you have at home and make a piece of art.


Monday 8th June

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend despite all the rain!

On Monday it is Maths, English and Geography.


Some people are wondering why I always give you a number to investigate each morning. Well, as you all know, it really shows me just how much you are improving each week. It is amazing how many of you are now including your knowledge of decimals on your number posters since tackling the White Rose maths sheets on decimals. This week, I am hoping to see your knowledge of fractions based on what you did last week. Some of you are even getting your parents to do a number poster too! The number for today is 27.

Then try the White Rose lesson 1. This lesson is on tenths.



If you are confident on tenths, why don’t you try the Five Coins challenge.

Five Coins

Ben has five coins in his pocket. How much money might he have?


Take part in the mastering inverted commas Yr 4 English lesson, on the BBC Bitesize website. Make sure you sing and dance along with Mr Smith when he is explaining how inverted commas are used. We will be using inverted commas in our story writing later on in the week.


Try lesson 6: What is the circular economy? This is the final lesson in the natural resources lesson and the most important because it is looking at how we should recycle more.



Friday 5th June

On Friday it is English, P.E, Maths and Geography.


If you haven’t finished your biography yet, please do so today. If you have already finished it, you might want to do some illustrations to support what you are writing about.

Also, please choose your spellings from the Yr 3/4 list for next week. The link to the spellings is on an older Friday news page.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


First of all, investigate the number 35. Next, stand up and say your 7 times table. Then, try some of the weekly Yr 4 maths challenges, on the BBC Bitesize website.


Try the Yr 4 Geography lesson about weather and climate (2nd June) on the BBC Bitesize website.

Thursday 4th June

On Thursday it is Maths, P.E, English and French.


First of all, investigate the number 44. Next, stand up and say your square numbers. Then, do the White Rose lesson 4.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


It has been lovely to read some of your opening paragraphs. Next, you need to write the key events in J.K. Rowling’s life in time order.


Try the Yr 4 French lesson about clothes and food, on the BBC Bitesize website. In this lesson you will learn about the clothes you wear and the food you eat.

Wednesday 3rd June

On Wednesday it is Maths, P.E, English and Science.


First of all, investigate the number 33. Next, stand up and say your 9 times table. Then, do the White Rose lesson 3.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


Thank you for researching J.K. Rowling. Lots of you are now ready to begin writing her biography. Remember in the first paragraph you introduce J.K. Rowling and explain why she is known. Look back again at the opening paragraph, that I put on our news page on the 21st April, just to remind yourself. Try to do the opening paragraph and one more paragraph today.


Take part in the Yr 4 Science lesson on food chains (3rd June), on the BBC Bitesize website.

Tuesday 2nd June

On Tuesday it is Maths, P.E, English and Art.


First of all, investigate the number 42. Next, stand up and say your 6 times table. Then do lesson 2 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


I have started to read ‘The Ickabog’ by J.K. Rowling that Mrs Garcia put on our school news page. I would like to find out more about J.K. Rowling so I am setting you the challenge this week to research J.K. Rowling and write her biography. For today, research J.K. Rowling and record the key events in her life in time order. Next week we will be writing our own stories.


Georgia O’keeffe was an American artist who was known for her paintings of flowers. I would like you to have a go at drawing a flower.