Friday 3rd July

Thank you all for working so hard. I have found out a lot about you from the work you have sent me so far. I am looking forward to hopefully seeing you all in September.

Today it is Maths, English and French.


It is Friday so please try some of the Friday maths challenges. Try challenge 1,2,3 and 4.




Today I would like you to draw a picture of yourself doing a job you would love to do in the future. Be as ambitious as you like! Then write three sentences to explain your picture.



Take part in the Yr 3 French lesson (26th June) about family and hobbies, on the BBC Bitesize website.

family members

Thursday 2nd July

On Thursday it is Maths, English and Art.


Today, try the White Rose lesson 4 on telling the time.




Today, I would like you to follow the structure below to write a poem about Room 6. Think about what you would like Room 6 to be like.

Room 6

Two adjectives

Three adjectives

A phrase

Room 6


Lots of you have said that you would like to do more art so I have a challenge for you. Your challenge is to recycle some materials that you have at home and make a piece of art.




Wednesday 1st July

On Wednesday it is Maths, English and P.E.


Today, try the White Rose lesson on recognising and describing 3-D shapes.



Then please play your times table game with a family member.

Some of you might like to try the multiplication square jigsaw puzzle.



Lots of you have told me what your favourite subject is. Today, I would like you to write a letter to me to persuade me what subject you think we should do more of and why. I need to be persuaded!


Try the P.E.session with Joe Wicks.

Tuesday 30th June

On Tuesday it is Maths, English and P.S.H.E.


First of all, stand up and say your 7 times table. Then continue making your times table game. I can’t wait to play them.

If you have finished your game, then try the White Rose maths lesson 2. This lesson is about recognising and describing 2D shapes.




I have really enjoyed reading your letters. Some of you mentioned that you really enjoy reading so today I would like you to tell me about the book you are reading at the moment.


You might even like to draw the book cover so I can see the book you are reading.


Your challenge for this afternoon is to make a shield and then add some adjectives on to it to describe yourself.

Monday 29th June

Hello Room 2, it’s Mrs Gwyther here. I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

This week is ‘Transition Week’ so I will be posting the work for you this week. I am really looking forward to finding out about my new class. Please send any work and photos to my email address. My email address is

Today we have English, Maths/D.T. and Art.


Today I would like you to write a letter to me to tell me about yourself.

You might like to let me know the following:

  • What is your favourite subject at school?
  • What do you need help with?
  • Who do you work well with?
  • What do you enjoy doing outside of school?

Please tell me anything you think I should know about you.

I am looking forward to reading your letters.


First of all, stand up and say your 6 times table. Remember I need to hear you!

Then I would like you to make a times table game. Think about a game that you like playing and then change it to include your times tables. It could be a times table Snap game. It could be a game similar to Connect 4, where you can only put a counter in if you answer a times table question correctly.

Are you up for the challenge? I know you may need more than one day to design and make your game, so I am setting this challenge for Monday and Tuesday.


This afternoon, I would like you to draw a picture of yourself. I am looking forward to seeing you!


Friday 26th June


Please practise your times tables and then do some of the Friday maths challenges, on the BBC Bitesize website. Try challenge 1,2,3,4 and 5.




It is Friday so it is spelling test day! Please test yourself on the spellings that you have been learning this week and then choose some for next week.

Then, if you haven’t already done so, please complete your biography. If you have already finished your biography, then take part in the Yr 4 English lesson on enjoying reading (23rd June), on the BBC Bitesize website.

book review

Thursday 25th June

I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine!


Try the White Rose lesson 4. Today you are looking at solving money problems using the four operations.




Please continue with your biography about your famous sports person.

Lots of you are ready to write your final paragraph. Read the one below again about Chris Bonington.

It all started for Chris Bonington when he read W.H. Murray’s book about mountains. Then his heart was set on a dream to be a great mountaineer. Not only has he succeeded but his courage, determination and leadership have made him one of the greatest mountaineers ever to live. Would you have the courage to succeed like this remarkable man has done?

Now, write your final paragraph.


Wednesday 24th June


Try the White Rose lesson 3. Today you are looking at estimating money.



Some of you might like to do the Year 4 maths lesson on estimating money, on the BBC Bitesize website.

Please continue to practise your times tables.


Please continue to write the biography or your newspaper article about the famous sports person you have researched.

Some of you might also like to take part in the National Writing Day challenge, on the BBC Bitesize website. The challenge is to write a 24 word short story. Your story must start with the words ‘One day’ and you need to write it in just seven minutes!



Tuesday 23rd June


Today, try the White Rose lesson 2 on ordering money.



Some of you might like to do the Year 4 maths lesson on comparing and ordering amounts of money, on the BBC Bitesize website.

ordering money


Thank you everyone for researching a famous sports person.

If you have chosen to write their biography, then please write the opening paragraph and one more paragraph today. Remember in the opening paragraph you introduce your sports person and explain why they are known.

If you are writing a newspaper article, then write your headline, byline and 5 W paragraph. Also, draw a picture and write the caption to go with it.

Monday 22nd June

Hello everybody. I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

As some of you are aware, I am back in school today so I might take a little longer to reply to your emails but please keep sending me your work. I really like seeing it!


Try the White Rose lesson 1. Today you are looking again at pounds and pence.



Some of you might like to try some of the maths challenges that we missed on Friday.




This week is Sports Week so your challenge for this week is to research a famous sports person and either write their biography or write a news article about their achievements. For today, research a famous sports person and record the key events of their life in time order.