Friday 10th July

Today it is Maths, English and Art.


Please practise your times tables and then do some of the Friday maths challenges, on the BBC Bitesize website. Try challenge 1,2,3,4 and 5.


Family-Challenge-Friday-10th-July-correct Answers-1


For art today, you are going to be drawing a family member or pet so for English I thought you could write an acrostic poem using the name of the person you are going to be drawing later. Remember, in an acrostic poem the first letter of each line spells a word. The word is the subject of the poem.

For example if you were writing a poem about Peter, you would set your poem up like this:

Probably my favourite friend
Everyone recognises his laugh

Art Week Day 4

The artist for today is Henri Matisse.

Henri Matisse was a French artist known for his use of colour and his original ideas. Matisse started to create large scale paper collages. He called the technique ‘painting with scissors’.

Have a go at creating your own cut out collages. Use simple shapes and bright colours. Cut and arrange your pieces before you start sticking!


Wednesday 8th July

Today it is English, Maths and Art.


Try the White Rose lesson 3. Today you are looking at triangles. I wonder if you can remember Mrs Howland’s way of remembering what an isosceles triangle is.




Take part in the Yr 4 English lesson about writing headlines using alliteration, on the BBC Bitesize website. Then, your challenge is to write some headlines for a newspaper article about the artist for today, Andy Goldsworthy.

Art Week Day 3

The artist for today is Andy Goldsworthy.

As you can see, Andy Goldsworthy produces artwork using natural materials such as flowers, leaves, pebbles, twigs, grass etc.

If you can, go into your garden and create a piece of art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.

If you are unable to go into your garden today, please recycle some materials that you have at home, to create a piece of art.



Tuesday 7th July

Today it is Maths, English and Art.


Try the White Rose lesson 2. Today you are looking at comparing and ordering angles.




For art today we are continuing to look at Andy Warhol so for English I have found an information sheet about Andy Warhol. Please read the information sheet and then answer the questions.



Art Week Day 2

Andy Warhol was famous for exploring every day and familiar objects in his work, using brands such as Coco-Cola and Campbell’s Soup. He liked the idea of taking ordinary things, for example cereal or bananas, and turning them into art. He did this with his famous print of a tomato soup can.



Have a go at designing your own. It can be a real soup flavour or an imaginary one!

Monday 6th July

On Monday it is English, Maths and Art.


Take part in the Yr 4 English lesson on revising conjunctions, on the BBC Bitesize website.

Co-ordinating conjunctions

challenge 2


Try the White Rose lesson 1 on identifying angles.




As you know it is Art Week so please enjoy making a picture of one of your favourite characters in the style of Andy Warhol. I am really looking forward to seeing them.