Home learning 2.12.20

Good morning,

Here are the activities for children who are currently self-isolating.


We are continuing to look at converting time between analogue and digital 12-hour clocks.



Remember we are writing a newspaper article based on the video that you watched yesterday. Please follow the plan you did yesterday and write your headline and 5 W paragraph. Remember to include a quotation. After you have done your 5 W paragraph, draw a picture and write a caption.


Wednesday afternoon is P.E. with Crossbar. If you can, take part in a  P.E. session with Joe Wicks.




Home learning 1.12.20

Good morning,

Here are the activities for children who are currently self-isolating.


We are looking at converting time between analogue and digital 12-hour clocks.




We are continuing to look at writing a newspaper article. Look at this video clip about the three little pigs on the Literacy Shed website in the fairy tale section. We are going to be writing a newspaper article about this. Today, plan out your headline and 5W paragraph and write some quotations.


We are looking at Advent. Go to the BBC Bitesize website and find out about Advent. You may also like to make yourself an Advent calendar.


Welcome back Room 6

I hope you have all had a lovely Summer holiday. I am really looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

I just wanted to let you know that PE is on a Friday. For this day you are asked to come into school in your PE kit for the whole day.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs Gwyther


Thank you!

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone in Room 6 for working so hard this year. It was so nice to see so many of you at our picnic.

Thank you for all your amazing cards and kind gifts.

Have a lovely summer holiday!

Mrs Gwyther

Monday 13th July

It is the last week of term and today it is our picnic day. I am really looking forward to seeing lots of you at 12:30!

Activity suggestions for the whole week.

I am going to put a list of activity suggestions for the whole week. Please choose which activities you would like to do. You do not need to do them all.

  • If you would like to continue with the White Rose Maths lessons then please do. Mrs Garcia has put the lessons for the week on the school news page.
  • Research a famous person you are inspired by. Write their life story.
  • How many star jumps can you do in a minute? You could draw a bar graph to show your highest daily total.
  • Take part in a P.E. session with Joe Wicks.
  • Have a go at the square of numbers challenge. Your challenge is to put the numbers 1 to 8 into the circles so that the four calculations are correct.

  • Play a board game.
  • Bake a cake with an adult. Your challenge then is to write the instructions for it, so I can try to make it in the Summer holidays!