Friday 15th January, 2021

Today it is English, P.E. and Maths.


Please complete your biography about Pablo Picasso. I have been very impressed with the ones I have seen so far. Thank you!

If you have finished your biography, please do the reading comprehension about Marcus Rashford. As some of you may know, Marcus Rashford is doing a lot to support people who might not otherwise have anything to eat. Please choose the comprehension sheet suitable for you.


I will also be putting the spellings for the week on later.


It is Friday so it is P.E. today. Try the P.E session with Joe Wicks or try the Cosmic Kids Yoga session.

Joe Wicks

Cosmic Kids Yoga


First, make a poster about all you know about the number 36. Try to challenge yourself. Then, try the mental maths test. You will need to ask someone to read the questions to you.




Thursday14th January, 2021

Today it is Maths, English and D.T.


Today, we are going to be working on our times tables. I really miss seeing you all saying your times tables so first of all stand up and say your 6 times table and then your 7 times table. After that, try one of the multiplication sheets. I think you will enjoy doing it!



Your challenge for today is to design a times table game. Think about a game that you enjoy playing with your family and then change it to include your times tables. I like playing Monopoly so I’m thinking about how I can change the Monopoly game to include times table facts.


Please continue to write your biography about Pablo Picasso.

You might want to look at the BBC Bitesize clip to remind yourself of the features.

BBC Video

Wednesday13th January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Art.


Thank you for researching Pablo Picasso.

Today, begin to write his biography. Remember the features we looked at last week!


Today we are continuing to look at subtraction. Take a look at the presentation and then try one of the worksheets below.



Y4-Answers -Subtract-two-4-digit-numbers-more-than-one-exchange




Watch the BBC Bitesize clip about Pablo Picasso.

BBC Video

The video tells you about him and what inspired him to do his paintings. Your challenge for today is to use Picasso’s style to create a picture of a family member or pet.


Tuesday 12th January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Science.


Following on from your fantastic self-portraits that you did last week, this week I would like you to research Pablo Picasso and use the information to write his biography. For today, take the time to research Pablo Picasso and record the key events in time order.


Today we are looking at subtraction. Look at the presentation and then try one of the worksheets.







Thank you for your sound posters. Some of you know a lot about sound already! Today, I would like you to identify how sounds are made. Watch the clip about how sounds are made on the BBC Bitesize website and list the key words about sound. Then do the sound word search below.

Sound Word Search

Monday 11th January, 2021

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Today it is English, Maths and French.


Lots of you are now ready to write your final paragraph. Read the one below about Chris Bonington.

It all started for Chris Bonington when he read W.H. Murray’s book about mountains. Then his heart was set on a dream to be a great mountaineer. Not only has he succeeded but his courage, determination and leadership have made him one of the greatest mountaineers ever to live. Would you have the courage to succeed like this remarkable man has done?

Now write your final paragraph.

After you have finished your biography, and checked it through carefully, you might want to draw the person you are writing about.


Today we are going to look again at adding two four digit numbers before we start our work on subtraction. Try the worksheets below.


Y4-Block-2-Answers 4-Add-two-4-digit-numbers-more-than-one-exchange

Or you could try this one- especially the challenge questions!



Learn how to talk about yourself in French by looking at the French topic section on the BBC Bitesize website. You will be able to impress Mr. Langford when we all return to school!

Friday 8th January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and P.E.


Today we are going to continue to write our biographies. It has been lovely to read your opening paragraphs. Next, you need to write the key events in time order. Take a look at the Roald Dahl paragraph below.

Roald Dahl was born in Llandaff, South Wales on September 13th, 1916. Dahl’s parents, Harald and Solfie, were Norwegian. Dahl was named after the polar explorer, Roald Admundsen. He spoke Norwegian at home with his parents and his sisters: Astri, Alfhild and Else. Dahl went to a boarding school which provided some of the inspiration for his later stories.

This paragraph is then followed by one about his life after leaving school and then one about how he became an author. Think about how you are going to organise your paragraphs and have a go!


Today we are going to look at negative numbers. Looking at the weather outside at the moment I think it is the right time to be doing this!

Look at the presentation and then try the worksheet below.





Remember it is still important to exercise! Take part in this P.E. session with Joe Wicks.

I know this is a P.E. session from June that Mrs Rowe put on for Sports Week but Joe Wicks is going to be bringing back his live daily P.E. workouts from next week!

Thursday 7th January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Science.


Thank you for all the research you have done on the author of your choice. Lots of you are now ready to begin writing your biography.

First of all, read the opening paragraph again about Roald Dahl.

Have you ever heard of Fantastic Mr Fox? Or read about the enormous crocodile? Do you know what was scary about The Magic Finger? If you say yes to these questions then you are probably a fan of Roald Dahl already. If you say no, don’t worry you are in for a real treat! Roald Dahl was one of the most successful writers for children who ever lived. This is his story.

Can you see this paragraph introduces Roald Dahl and explains why he is known? Use this style to write the opening paragraph for your biography.


Today we are looking at numbers beyond 1000. Take a look at the presentation and then try the worksheet below.



Y4-ANSWERS- 1000s-100s-10s-and-1s

Some of you might also like to try the Nrich challenge.

Four-digit Target


Our science topic for this term is sound. Today, please can you draw or write about the things that you already know about sound.

Activity Sheet Sound Mind Map

Wednesday 6th January, 2021

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Thank you so much for all the lovely cards and gifts. I can’t wait to see you all again.

On Wednesday it is Maths, English and Art.


Today, we are going to be revisiting factors. Look at the presentation below to remind yourself.


Now have a go at the worksheet below.



Some of you might also like to challenge yourself to complete the multiplication jigsaw.



This week we are going to begin to write a biography. The purpose of a biography is to give an account of someone’s life. Take a look at the biography about Roald Dahl.

Roald Dahl

Today, please can you research an author of your choice. Research the key events in their life in time order.


Later on in the term we are going to be looking at Pablo Picasso, who did about thirty portraits of himself.

Today, I would like you to draw yourself. I am looking forward to seeing you.

Please email your work to me. My email address is:



Christmas Update

On Wednesday it is Christmas Panto day. Our class will be watching the Covid-safe performance after break. We will still be having Crossbar P.E. in the afternoon.

Room 6’s Christmas party will be on Thursday. Please bring your party clothes in your normal school bag.


Home learning 4.12.20

Good morning,

Here are the activities for the children who are currently self-isolating.


It is mental maths day so please ask someone to read you the questions on the answer sheet. Thank you!




Please continue to write your newspaper article based on the three little pigs video. Write a paragraph to answer the questions below.

What was the wolf jailed for?

What did the pig do and why?

How is the wolf now?

Remember to include subheadlines and quotations.


Look at the French lesson about talking about yourself, on the BBC Bitesize website. Then introduce yourself and say how old you are.