Tuesday 26th January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History.


Remember when we looked at writing a newspaper report last term you wrote a newspaper article about the three little pigs. I have put the link below so you can watch it again.


I would like you to think of another fairy tale or a nursery rhyme that you could change slightly and write a newspaper report about it. It could be about Humpty Dumpty who went for a walk up Pontesford Hill and was pushed down!

Today, plan out your newspaper report. Think about the headline, the 5 W paragraph, sub-headlines and any quotations you might want to include.

newspaper_report_plan blank


Today, we are looking at identifying acute and obtuse angles in 2-D shapes.

Remember an acute angle is less than a right angle. An obtuse angle is greater than a right angle but less than a straight angle.

Look at the PowerPoint and then try Challenge 2 on the PowerPoint.

BusyAnt_y4 2-D shapes

Once you have finished Challenge 2, you might want to write the letters of the shapes in Challenge 2 that have:

  1. at least two acute angles
  2. at least two obtuse angles
  3. two pairs of acute angles and two pairs of obtuse angles.


As you know we are looking at the Anglo-Saxons and Scots this term.

I have put the booklet below that we will be using.


Take a look at the PowerPoint and then read through lesson one in the booklet and answer the questions.

Anglo-Saxons Slides – L1.171964081 (1)








Teams Meeting

Following on from Mr Langford’s home learning information, we are going to try to set up a live lesson on Thursday at 9:15am. Mr Boffey, a teacher who is currently working in Room 2 with Mrs Davies and Mrs Hilditch, will be introducing himself and taking a maths lesson.

In order for this to go ahead the following things need to be put in place.

  1. The children need to have their school email set up. Mrs Andrew’s has created a video in order to help with this. It is on the School News page.
  2. The children need to know their email address and password. They have used them before to log into the Chromebooks. The email address is something like: 16Surname.A@pontesbury.shropshire.sch.uk.  Please email me if your child does not remember it.
  3. The meeting takes place via Microsoft Teams.
  4. When a meeting is set up a link goes to the children’s email account. They can click on the link in the email and accept. They would then need to open up Teams and access the calendar tab at the side. The children need to click on the meeting to join.



Monday 25th January, 2021

Today it is Maths, English and French.


This week we are looking at angles. An angle is a measurement of a turn. Angles are measured in degrees.

 A full turn is 360 degrees.

A half turn is 180 degrees.

A quarter turn is 90 degrees.

Today, we are looking at acute and obtuse angles. An acute angle is less than 90 degrees. An obtuse angle is more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

Look at the PowerPoint and then try some of the challenges on the worksheet below.

BusyAnt_y4 angles

BusyAnt_y4_acute and obtuse


Today, I have a challenge for you. I would like you to make a French number game. Look at the clip below to remind yourself of the French numbers.

Talking about yourself


This week we are going to be looking at writing a newspaper article. Today, I would like you to remind yourself of the features of a newspaper article. Watch the BBC Bitesize clip, on recognising the features of a newspaper report, and then try activity 1, 2 and 3.

Features of a newspaper report

Friday 22nd January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and P.E.


It is Friday so it is spelling test day! Please test yourself on the spellings you have been learning this week.

Then, if you haven’t already done so, please complete your letter to me because I need to make a decision.

If you have already finished your letter, take part in the Yr 4 proofreading lesson on the BBC Bitesize website.



It is Friday so it is P.E. today. Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks or try the Cosmic Kids Yoga session.

Joe Wicks

Cosmic Kids Yoga


First, make a poster about all you know about the number 56. Try to challenge yourself. Then, try the mental maths test. You will need to ask someone to read the questions to you.



Thursday 21st January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Science.


Please continue to follow the plan you did on Tuesday. I am looking forward to reading all your letters.

Remember the following points:

  • The point of view is clearly stated in the first sentence.
  • The strongest argument is introduced first.
  • Use questions to provoke a reaction.
  • Use statistics to reinforce the argument.
  • Use furthermore and in addition to link your ideas.
  • Use indeed and besides this to emphasise a point.
  • Use in conclusion to sum up the argument.

If you have completed your letter, and checked it through carefully, you might want to make yourself a bookmark.


We are continuing to look at finding the area of a shape today. Remember area is the amount of space the shape takes up. Watch the video and then try the worksheet below.


Y4-Spring-Block-2-WO3-Making-shapes-2019 (1)

Y4-Spring-Block-2-ANSWERS Making-shapes-2019

Some of you might like to choose a statement to investigate like the area and perimeter of a rectangle are never the same. Remember you need to find out whether the statement is always true, sometimes true or completely false.


Today, we are looking at how vibrations change when a sound gets louder.

Watch the BBC Bitesize clip and then take a look at the presentation below.

BBC Video on sound

Lesson Presentation Hearing Sounds

Next, record what you now know about how vibrations change when a sound gets louder.

Wednesday 20th January, 2021

Today it is Maths, English and Art.


Today we are looking at finding the area of some 2D shapes. When we are finding the area of a 2D shape we are looking at the amount of space it takes up.

Watch the video and then try the worksheet below.





Please follow the plan you did yesterday and start writing your letter to me about which subject you think we should do more of.

Remember to state your point of view in the first paragraph. Then use firstly to introduce your strongest argument. In addition and furthermore can be used to introduce your other paragraphs. Please put lots of evidence to support your opinion. Remember to use statistics to reinforce and questions to provoke a reaction. If you can, use indeed and besides this to emphasise the point you are making.

I am looking forward to reading them!


Today, I thought it would be lovely to look at the work of the artist, Mondrian. Have a look at his artwork, that is made out of rectangles, and then have a go at one yourself.


Tuesday 19th January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History.


Today we are continuing with perimeter. Remember perimeter is the distance around the edge of a shape. Can you see a word in perimeter that will help you remember this? Perimeter – the rim of a shape.

Look at the video and then answer the questions below.




For English yesterday you looked at fact and opinion so today I would like your opinion.

Which subject do you think we should do more of?

I would like you to write a letter to me to tell me your point of view. For today, plan out your argument. Remember you need to have several reasons to support your point of view. Also, think about questions to provoke a reaction and statistics to reinforce your point of view.


Our history topic for this term is the Anglo-Saxons. Today, can you look at the first video on the BBC Bitesize website and then test your knowledge with the Anglo-Saxon quiz.

Who were the Anglo-Saxons?



Monday 18th January, 2021

Today it is Maths, English and French.


This week we are looking at finding the perimeter and area of shapes.

Today we are looking at finding the perimeter of a rectangle. Watch the video and then try the worksheet below.




Some of you might also like to look at the Yr4 lesson on the BBC Bitesize website and take part in the short quiz about length and perimeter.

BBC Video


This week we are going to be looking at persuasive writing. Today, I would like you to take part in the fact and opinion lesson, on the BBC Bitesize website.

Fact and opinion

After you have finished the lesson, please make a book cover to show me the book you are reading at the moment.


Last week you talked about yourself in French. I really enjoyed seeing the videos that you sent to me! Today I would like you to talk about your family. Look at the clip below and then try the quiz.

Talking about your family