Friday 5th February, 2021

I hope you all enjoyed the fun activities that you did yesterday. It was lovely to see lots of you being very creative.

Today it is English, Maths and P.E.


It is Friday so it is spelling test day. Please test yourself on the spellings for this week.

Then do the reading comprehension about a guinea pig. Please choose the comprehension sheet most suitable for you.

Pet Care of a Guinea Pig Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity


First, make a poster about the number 64.

Then try the mental maths test. You will need someone to read the questions to you.




It is Friday so it is P.E. today. Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks or the Cosmic Kids Yoga session.

Joe Wicks

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Wednesday 3rd February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Art.


Yesterday, you read the text about George Layton who wanted to be in the Balaclava Boy gang so badly that he stole a balaclava. You identified lots of fronted adverbials within the text such as as quick as a flash and trembling with fear.

Today, follow the structure of the Balaclava Boy text that we looked at yesterday, and use your imagination to write about something you did to join a gang. What gang was it? What did you have to have to be in that gang? Remember to use some fronted adverbials for how, when and where to begin your sentences.


Today, we are going to be using the expanded written method to calculate HTO X O.

Remember Mr Boffey is doing a live maths lesson at 9am to talk this through.

Look at the example below and then try one of the worksheets.

BusyAnt_y4expanded written method



Last week, lots of you drew some fantastic Pablo Picasso inspired animal pictures. Today, I would like you to use Pablo Picasso’s style and draw a picture of yourself or a family member. Mrs Howland has created a fantastic example to show you what to do. Take a look and then have a go yourself. We can’t wait to see your pictures!



Tuesday 2nd February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History.


Yesterday, you revised the use of fronted adverbials so today I would like you to identify the fronted adverbials I have used in the text below. This is part of the Balaclava Story that we looked at last term. I am trying to find the book so I can read the story to you again. What other features can you find?

Fronted adverbials


Thank you for doing lesson one of the Anglo-Saxon booklet. Today, answer the retrieval practice questions on page 7 of the booklet and then look at the PowerPoint to check if you got them right.

Anglo-Saxons Slides – Lesson2

Then, read through the information in lesson 2 and try to answer some of the questions.


We are continuing to use the grid method to calculate HTO X O.

Today, before you use the grid method to work out the answer, can you estimate the answer first?

For example, if you were working out 625 X 8 you would round 625 to the nearest 100 and work out 600 X 8 . This would be the estimate of your answer. Then, use the grid method to work out the answer.

Try the worksheet below.

BusyAnt_y4_HTO X O


Monday 1st February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and French.


For the next two weeks we are going to be looking at writing a story.

Before we start, I would like you to revise the use of fronted adverbials. Remember fronted adverbials are words or phrases at the beginning of a sentence, used to describe the action that follows.

For example:

After the rain stopped, Jack went outside to play in the garden.

Look at the BBC Bitesize clip and then try some of the activities.

Using fronted adverbials


It was lovely seeing your French number games last week.  Also, I really enjoyed seeing the videos of you playing the games with your family, that some of you sent to me. Thank you!

This week I would like you to learn how to talk about what hobbies and sports you like in French. Look at the clip below and then try the French hobbies quiz.



For maths this week we are looking at multiplication. Today, I would like to see what you can remember. Try challenge 1 or 2 below.


Challenge 1

  1. a. 7 x 2 =      b. 70 x 2 =     c. 700 x 2 =
  2. a. 4 x 8=       b. 40 x 8 =     c. 400 x 8 =
  3. a. 7 x 4 =      b. 70 x 4=      c. 700 x 4=
  4. a. 9 x 6=       b. 90 x 6=      c. 900 x 6=
  5. a. 7 x 7=       b. 70 x 7=      c. 700 x 7=

Challenge 2

Use the grid method to answer each of these calculations.

  1. 333 x 3
  2. 243 x 2
  3. 322 x 4
  4. 467 x 4
  5. 691 x 7
  6. 794 x 8
  7. 609 x 8


Friday 29th January, 2021

It was lovely to see lots of you yesterday. Thank you!

Today it is English, Maths and P.E.


It is Friday so it is spelling test day. Please test yourself on the spellings for this week.

Then do the reading comprehension about Usain Bolt. Please choose the comprehension sheet most suitable for you.

Usain Bolt Biography Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity


First, make a poster about the number 28. I wonder why I chose that number!

Then try the mental maths test. You will need someone to read the questions to you.




It is Friday so it is P.E. today. Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks or try the Cosmic Kids Yoga session.

Joe Wicks

Cosmic Kids Yoga


Thursday 28th January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Science.


Please continue to follow your plans and write your newspaper report. After you have finished your article, please check it through carefully.

  1. Does my article have a short headline?
  2. Have I used capital letters for my headline?
  3. Does the beginning of my article answer the questions who, what where, why and when?
  4. Have I used a by-line?
  5. Is my article organised into paragraphs?
  6. Have I included quotes?
  7. Have I included a picture and a caption?
  8. Have I used sub-headlines?
  9. Have I put the least important information last?


Today we are looking at regular and irregular polygons.

A polygon is a 2-D shape with straight sides. Regular polygons are 2-D shapes where all the sides and angles are the same size. Irregular polygons have sides and angles of different lengths. Take a look at the BBC Bitesize lesson on 2-D shapes.

2-D shapes

Then try one of the activities below.

BusyAnt_y4 regular and irregular



Today we are looking at ways to change the pitch of a sound. Remember pitch is how high or low a sound is.

Look at the PowerPoint and then record what you now know about pitch.

Lesson Presentation Higher and Lower

If you have any straws at home you might like to try the activity below.

Activity Sheet Straw Pan Pipes


Wednesday 27th January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Art.


Thank you for planning out your newspaper articles.

Today, please follow your plans and write your headline, byline, and 5 W paragraph. Also, draw a picture and write the caption.

I am really looking forward to reading your newspaper articles.


Today, we are looking at comparing and ordering angles.

Look at the PowerPoint and then try one of the worksheets below.



Y4-Answers compare and order angles

BusyAnt_y4_ ordering angles


Thank you for your very persuasive letters last week. Lots of you want to do more art. Mrs Howland was so pleased!

Today, we are continuing to look at the work of Pablo Picasso. Take a look at some of his drawings and then have a go at some yourself.