Tuesday 31st March

Thank you for the lovely pictures of the Anglo-Saxon shields that many of you have sent me. Please keep them safe so we can make a display of them when we get back.

Today we have English, P.E, Maths and D.T.


Please follow the plans you did yesterday and write a letter to me, stating your point of view, about whether you think gangs should be allowed in our school. Remember to state your point of view in the first paragraph. Then use firstly to introduce your strongest argument. In addition and furthermore can be used to introduce your other paragraphs. Please put lots of evidence to support your opinion. Use statistics to reinforce and questions to provoke a reaction. If you can, use indeed and besides this to emphasise the point you are making.


Take part in the P.E session with Joe Wicks.


First of all, make a poster about all you know about the number 31. Next, stand up and say your square numbers and perhaps your 7 times table!

After that, try lesson two on the white rose maths/ home learning website.


If you haven’t already done so, design and make an Anglo-Saxon shield. If you have completed this, have a go at designing an Anglo-Saxon brooch. The Anglo-Saxons were well known for their jewellery, especially their beautiful brooches. The brooches came in many different designs and shapes- research them and then have a go at designing one.






Monday 30th March

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Today we have English, P.E, Maths and D.T.


This week we will be looking at persuasive writing and I would like you to write a letter to me stating your point of view. From what George went through in the Balaclava Story, do you think gangs should be allowed at Pontesbury C.E. Primary School? Please plan out your letter today. Remember you need at least three reasons to support your point of view. Think about statistics to reinforce your argument and questions to provoke a reaction.


Take part in the Joe Wicks P.E. session.


As some of you know already, Mrs Rowe, found an excellent site to help with our maths: White Rose Maths. This provides five daily lessons for each year group. Each day starts with a video explaining things, followed by an activity. It even has the answer sheets! Try one lesson today-after you have recorded all that you know about the number 30!


It is D.T week, so I thought some of you might like to make an Anglo-Saxon shield!









Room 6’s Golden Achiever

The Golden Achiever for Room 6 this week is Isabel. Isabel has produced some truly fantastic Mondrian artwork. I think they need to be framed and put in an art gallery!  She has also responded to any comments that I have made about the work she has sent me and acted upon them immediately. Isabel has also pushed herself to improve her knowledge of the place value of decimal numbers. Thank you, Isabel! Keep up the good work!

Friday 27th March

Thank you for sharing your Mondrian pictures. They were amazing!

Today we have English, P.E, Maths and History.


It is Friday so it is spelling test day! Please test yourself on the spellings you have been learning this week and then choose some for next week. Remember I put the Year 3/4 spelling list on our news page last week.


Try to do some exercise- take part in the Joe Wicks P.E. session.


Complete the problem solving sheets that I put on last week.

If you have chance, carry on making your times table game. If you have finished making it, then play your game with a family member. Show them how good you are with your times tables!


Try to do one lesson from the Anglo-Saxon booklet. If you like, you could make a PowerPoint of the information that is provided within the lesson. Also, while you are working on the Anglo-Saxons, you could be singing! Go to BBC website and sing along!



Thursday 26th March

Thank you for all the lovely emails that I have received this week. I have really enjoyed seeing how hard the Year 4s are working. It is definitely cheering me up!

Today we have English, P.E, Maths and Art.


Today, if you haven’t already done so, complete your story and start setting it out as a book. It has been a delight to see those who have already started to do this. I can tell you are thinking carefully about how you are presenting them.


Please continue to do some exercise. If you are able to, take part in the Joe Wicks P.E. session.


First of all, investigate the number 26. Perhaps, try to include your knowledge of fractions as well. After, continue with the adding, subtracting and problem solving sheets that I put on our news page last week.


I thought it would be lovely to research the artist, Mondrian. Have a look at his artwork made out of rectangles and have a go at one yourself!

Wednesday 25th March

Today it is English, P.E, Maths and French.


Please continue with your stories. When you have finished writing them, check you have used some fronted adverbials, such as glancing nervously behind me, and that you have remembered the new line, new speaker rule. I have really enjoyed reading the stories some of you have sent me so far. Lots of you are making more adventurous vocabulary decisions! Well done! As I said yesterday, when you have finished your story then please make them into a book, with lots of drawings!


Remember it is still important to exercise, so if you have the chance, try the Joe Wicks exercise routine, that I know some of you are already taking part in.


Please make a poster about all you know about the number 25. Try to challenge yourself!

Also, continue with the adding and subtracting sheets and then the problem solving ones. I put the sheets on our news page last week.

If you have time, please continue with the times table games that you are making. I can’t wait to try them out!


In the afternoon, after you have read for twenty minutes, why don’t you practise counting in French! If you go on BBC Bitesize, to the KS2 French section, and click on numbers, there is a clip showing a playground counting game. You might want to sing along with it or come up with your own counting game!



Tuesday 24th March

For your information

I know I did put the work for all this week on our class page last week, but some parents have suggested it would be better to have a daily timetable. I will do a daily list of recommended activities and you can decide which works best for you.

Today it is English, P.E,  Maths and Science.


Please continue with your stories based on the Balaclava Story. Thank you for all the amazing stories that you have sent me so far. Lots of you are remembering to use fronted adverbials, repetition and are following the new line, new speaker rule. It would be lovely, when you have finished writing them, if you made them up into a book, complete with lots of drawings! If you haven’t planned your story yet, why don’t you plan it out as a comic strip!


Remember it is still important to exercise, so if you have chance, try the Joe Wicks exercise routine that Mrs Rowe put on her class webpage yesterday.


For maths today, why don’t you do a poster about what you know about the number 24. Also, try the Thinking Tom challenge: The larger the number the more factors it has. Remember to try out lots of numbers so you can decide whether the statement is true, sometimes true or completely false.


In the afternoon, after you have read for twenty minutes, why don’t you go on the BBC Bitesize website, at the KS2 Science section and click on the electricity section. Here you will find lots of information about conductors and insulators. You could make a poster to show your knowledge.

Mrs Gwyther

Yr 4 work for the remainder of this week and next week

Yr 4 work for the remainder of this week and next week


We have been reading The Balaclava Story by George Layton and have started to think about writing our own stories. Lots of the class have already planned out their own stories based on the Balaclava Story but if you haven’t, below is a plan to help you. Then start to write your story.

George story plan

Remember the things we have been working on such as the new line, new speaker rule, the use of fronted adverbials, short sentences for impact and use of more adventurous vocabulary. Perhaps write a little bit of your story each day.

Also, I have attached the Yr3/4 spelling list. Perhaps choose ten new spelling words to learn each week.



Please continue to do what we normally do each morning and investigate a number. Perhaps make a poster of information about the number you have chosen so we can display them when we get back into school!

We are looking again at adding and subtracting whole numbers and solving word problems. Please use the links below to access available worksheets.

T2-M-1434-Adding-4-Digit-Numbers-No-Carrying T2-M-1435-Adding-4-Digit-Numbers-Carrying T2-M-1436-Adding-4-Digit-Numbers-Mixed T2-M-1437-Adding-and-Subtracting-Using-Different-Methods T2-M-1438-Adding-Three-4-Digit-Numbers T2-M-1439-Estimating-and-Using-the-Inverse T2-M-1440-Subtracting-4-Digit-Numbers-With-No-Exchanging T2-M-1441-Subtracting-4-Digit-Numbers-with-Exchanging T2-M-1442-Addition-and-Subtraction-4-Digit-Worded-Calculations T2-M-1443-Addition-and-Subtraction-4-Digit-Worded-Calculations

Just to challenge you further, there is a Thinking Tom statement to investigate:

The larger the number the more factors it has.

Remember you have to decide whether the statement is true, sometimes true or completely false. Convince me!

Also, please continue to learn your times tables! It would be lovely if you could make your own times table game, complete with instructions, to help you and your family members learn their times tables.


I gave out the Anglo-Saxon and Scots booklets on Tuesday. Please try to do one lesson a week. Remember we talked about using the Internet to find out more information about the Anglo-Saxons.

If you have not got the booklets, just research the Anglo-Saxons and then present your information as you want to such as in a poster or Power-Point.