Monday 11th May

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend!

On Monday it is English, P.E, Maths and Geography.


Take part in the exploring fronted adverbials Yr 4 English lesson, on the BBC Bitesize website.

After you have finished that lesson, please test yourself on last week’s spellings and then choose some for this week.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


First of all, investigate the number 110. Next, stand up and say your 11 times table. Then take part in a Yr 4 Maths lesson on division, on the BBC Bitesize website. You can choose to divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number, divide a 4 digit number by a 1 digit number or solve problems using multiplication or division. Please choose the lesson most suitable for you.


Try lesson 3: What resources does Chile have? Don’t forget to do the retrieval practice session.

Thursday 7th May

On Thursday it is Maths, P.E, English and Art.


First of all, investigate the number 72. Next, stand up and say your 7 times table. Then do lesson 4 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks

English and Art

First, complete your newspaper article about VE Day. Then make some VE Day bunting.

In the afternoon, listen to Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Mrs Hilditch kindly put it on the school news page yesterday.

Have a lovely long weekend!

Wednesday 6th May

On Wednesday it is Maths, P.E, English and Music.


First of all, investigate the number 46. Next, stand up and say your 6 times table. Then do lesson 3 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


Thank you for researching VE Day so well. Some of you even went on to make some VE Day bunting!

Today, please follow your plans and write your headline, byline and 5W paragraph. Also, draw a picture and a caption.


Take part in the Yr 4 pulse and rhythm lesson on the BBC Bitesize website. Remember, I need to hear you clapping!

Tuesday 5th May

On Tuesday it is Maths, P.E, English and History.


First of all, investigate the number 45. Next, stand up and say your 9 times table. Then do lesson 2 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.

English and History

It is VE Day on Friday so for English this week I would like you to write a newspaper article about VE Day. First, find out about VE Day. You can find information on BBC Teach and CBBC Newsround. After you have researched VE Day, plan out your newspaper article.




Monday 4th May

On Monday it is English, P.E, Maths and Geography.


Take part in the using apostrophes to show possession Yr4 English lesson, on the BBC Bitesize website.

After you have finished that lesson, please make a book cover to show me the book you are reading at the moment.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


First of all, investigate the number 64. Next, stand up and say your square numbers. Then do lesson 1 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


Remember our topic this term is natural resources. The Geography booklet is on our news page. Try lesson 2: How has the use of natural resources changed? Don’t forget to do the retrieval practice section!



Golden Achiever

The Golden Achiever for Room 6 is Ava. Ava has been working hard in all subjects. She wrote a very good newspaper article. Ava remembered all the features of a newspaper report and used them confidently. Thank you, Ava!

Friday 1st May

On Friday it is English, P.E, Maths and Science


It is Friday so it is spelling test day! Please test yourself on the spellings you have been learning this week and then choose some for next week. Remember I put the Year 3/4 spellings on our news page a few weeks ago.

Then take part in the Yr 4 reading lesson: Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg on BBC Bitesize.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


First of all, investigate the number 81. Then try challenge 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


I want to see how much you remember about states of matter. Take part in the Yr 4 states of matter lesson on BBC Bitesize. Look at the videos and then do activity 1.

Thursday 30th April

On Thursday it is Maths, P.E, English and Art.


First of all, investigate the number 30. Next, stand up and say your 6 times table. Then do lesson 4 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


Please complete your newspaper article. After you have finished your article, please check it through carefully.

  1. Does my article have a short headline?
  2. Have I used capital letters for my headline?
  3. Does the beginning of my article answer the questions who, what, where, why and when?
  4. Have I included a by-line?
  5. Is my article organised into paragraphs?
  6. Have I included quotes?
  7. Have I included a picture and a caption?
  8. Have I used sub-headlines?
  9. Have I put the least important information last?


Some of you have tried the art challenge Mrs Rowe put on Room 8’s news page on Tuesday and have really enjoyed it. It is a tutorial with Rob Biddulph, who is a children’s author and illustrator. He has produced some ‘Draw with Rob’ videos on YouTube. Take a look at the one on Room 8’s news page and have a go!



Wednesday 29th April

On Wednesday it is Maths, P.E, English and Geography.


First of all, investigate the number 29. Next, stand up and say your 9 times table. Then do lesson 3 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website. It has been so lovely to see how well you are all doing with the maths from this website. Thank you!


Remember it is still important to exercise. Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


Yesterday, you planned out your newspaper articles so today please follow your plans and do your headline, byline and 5W paragraph. Also, draw a picture and write the caption. I am really looking forward to reading your newspaper articles.


Take part in the contours, keys and symbols Yr 4 lesson, on the BBC Bitesize website.

Tuesday 28th April

On Tuesday it is Maths, P.E, English and Art.


First of all, investigate the number 48. Next, stand up and say your square numbers. Then do lesson 2 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


For English this week I would like you to write a newspaper article on a topic of your choice. If you can’t decide what to write about, you can turn a nursery rhyme into a newspaper article, like we did in January. For today, plan out your newspaper article. Think about the headline, the 5 W paragraph, sub-headlines and any quotations you might want to include.


You might want to colour in one of the NHS thank you patterns Mrs Andrew put on the school news page on Friday. You could always design your own pattern!