Monday 1st June

I hope everyone had a lovely half term holiday!

On Monday it is English, Maths, P.E. and Geography.


Take part in the using subordinating conjunctions Yr 4 English lesson, on the BBC Bitesize website. Make sure you dance along with Laura Bubble as she explains how conjunctions work!


First of all, investigate the number 32. Next, stand up and say your 8 times table. Then, do lesson 1 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


Try lesson 5: How does resource exploitation cause problems? Don’t forget to do the retrieval practice first.


Friday 22nd May

On Friday it is Maths, P.E, English and French.


First of all, investigate the number 72. Next, stand up and say your 8 times table. Then, try challenge 3 or 4 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website. You can also find the maths challenges on the BBC Bitesize website.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


It is Friday so it is spelling test day! Please test yourself on the spellings you have been learning this week.

Then, if you haven’t already done so, please complete your letter to me because I need to make a decision!

If you have already finished your letter, then take part in the Yr 4 proofreading lesson, on the BBC Bitesize website.


Take a look at the clip about weather in the French section, on the BBC Bitesize website. Then, tell someone what you think the weather is going to be like next week.


Thursday 21st May

Today it is Maths, P.E, English and Science.


First of all, investigate the number 72. Next, stand up and say your 3 times table. Remember Mrs Howland’s way of remembering 7 X 3. Then do lesson 4 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


Please continue to follow the plan you did on Tuesday. I am looking forward to reading your letters.

Remember the following points:

  • The point of view is clearly stated in the first sentence.
  • The strongest argument is introduced first.
  • Questions to provoke a reaction.
  • Statistics to reinforce the argument.
  • Use furthermore and in addition to link your ideas.
  • Use indeed and besides this to emphasise a point.
  • Use in conclusion to sum up the argument.

If you have completed your letter, and checked it through carefully, you might want to make yourself a bookmark.


Take part in the Yr 4 Science lesson on vertebrates and invertebrates, on the BBC Bitesize website.



Wednesday 20th May

On Wednesday it is Maths, P.E, English and Art.


First of all, investigate the number 58. Next, stand up and say your square numbers. Then do lesson 3 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website or the Yr 4 maths lesson about simplifying fractions, on the BBC Bitesize website.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


Please follow the plans you did yesterday and start writing your letter to me about whether I should put work on our news page for you to do over half term.

Remember to state your point of view in the first paragraph. Then use firstly to introduce your strongest argument. In addition and furthermore can be used to introduce your other paragraphs. Please put lots of evidence to support your opinion. Remember to use statistics to reinforce and questions to provoke a reaction. If you can, use indeed and besides this to emphasise the point you are making.

I am looking forward to reading them!


Can you recycle some materials you have at home and make a piece of art?

Tuesday 19th May

On Tuesday it is Maths, P.E, English and Geography.


First of all, investigate the number 19. Next, stand up and say your 6 times table. Then do lesson 2 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


For English yesterday you looked at fact and opinion so today I would like your opinion. It is half term next week, but should I still put work on our news page for you to do?  I would like you to write a letter to me to tell me your point of view. For today, plan out your argument. Remember you need to have several reasons to support your point of view. Also, think about questions to provoke a reaction and statistics to reinforce your point of view.


I discovered a Yr 5 Geography lesson about sustainability and plastics, on the BBC Bitesize website. I know it is a Yr 5 lesson but I thought it would be good to look at to get us thinking about how much some of us are throwing away at the moment.



Monday 18th May

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

On Monday it is English, P.E, Maths and Geography.


Take part in the fact and opinion Yr 4 English Lesson, on the BBC Bitesize website.

After you have finished that lesson, please make a book cover to show me the book you are reading at the moment.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


First of all, investigate the number 39. Next, stand up and say your 9 times table. Then do lesson 1 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website. Remember to watch the video clip and then complete the worksheets.


Try lesson 4: What resources does the UK have? Don’t forget to do the retrieval practice section!

Friday 15th May

On Friday it is English, P.E, Maths and French.


It is Friday so it is spelling test day! Please test yourself on the spellings you have been learning this week and then choose some for next week. Remember I put the Yr3/4 spellings on our news page a few weeks ago.

Then, please continue writing your biography. Remember you need to write the key events of Andy Goldsworthy’s life in time order.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


First of all, investigate the number 150. Next, stand up and say your square numbers. Then try challenge 3 or 4 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


A challenge for you! I would like you to come up with your own French counting game.


Thursday 14th May

On Thursday it is Maths, P.E, English and French.


First of all, investigate the number 140. Next, stand up and say your 7 times table. Then do lesson 4 on the White Rose maths / home learning website. Remember, Mr Morris has put the White Rose maths lessons for the week on our school news page.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


Thank you for researching Andy Goldsworthy so well. Now you are ready to begin writing his biography. Remember in the first paragraph you introduce Andy Goldsworthy and explain why he is known. Look back at the opening paragraph about Roald Dahl, that I put on the news page on the 21st April, just to remind yourself. Try to do the opening paragraph and one more paragraph today.


Look again at the playground counting game from France in the French numbers section, on the BBC Bitesize website. If you remember they are playing a game similar to Hopscotch. You might want to sing along with it again or come up with your own counting game.

Wednesday 13th May

On Wednesday it is Maths, P.E, English and Science.


First of all, investigate the number 13. Next, stand up and say your 12 times table.Then do lesson 3 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website. Mr Morris has kindly put the White Rose maths lessons for the week on the school news page.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


Following on from the fantastic artwork you did yesterday, today I would like you to research Andy Goldsworthy and use the information to write his biography. For today, take the time to research Andy Goldsworthy and record the key events in his life in time order.


Inspired by those of you who have sent me pictures of themselves working in their garden, I thought it would be good to take part in the what plants need to live Yr4 Science lesson, on the BBC Bitesize website.




Tuesday 12th May

On Tuesday it is Maths, P.E, English and Art


First of all, investigate the number 120. Next, stand up and say your 8 times table. Then do lesson 2 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website. Remember to watch the video first and then print off the lesson.



Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


Yesterday, you revised the use of fronted adverbials. Now, I would like you to put them into action. Remember, when we read the Serious Graffiti book, you used fronted adverbials to describe the moment someone sprayed graffiti on Mr Langford’s car. Today, I would like you to use your imagination and use fronted adverbials to describe an incident of your choice.


Have a look at Maddie’s wonderful piece of art that Mrs Rowe put on the school news page last week. Then, have a go at creating something yourself using natural resources. I look forward to seeing them.