P.E. Reminder

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break.

I just wanted to remind you that we now have P.E. on a Monday so please come in your P.E. Kits on Monday. We still have Forest School on a Tuesday.

I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Mrs Gwyther

Friday 5th March, 2021

It is the last day of home learning. I am really looking forward to seeing you all next week.

Today it is English, Maths and P.E.


It is Friday today so it is spelling test day. Please test yourself on the spellings for this week.


First, make a poster about the number 18.

Then try the mental maths test. Remember you will need someone to read the questions to you.




It is Friday so it is P.E. today. Try the Cosmic Kids Yoga session.

Cosmic Kids Yoga


Thursday 4th March, 2021

It is World Book Day!

Please have a look at the activities Mrs Smout has put on and try some of them.

Some of you might like to do a World Book Day word search. I have put one below about authors and one about books.

KS2 World Book Day Authors Word Search

KS2 World Book Day Word Search

Also, some of you might want to make a bookmark with a difference. Look at the one I have put below.


It would be lovely if during our Show and Tell session today at 2pm, you could talk about one of your favourite books.


Wednesday 3rd March, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Science.


Today, your challenge is to make a musical instrument.

Look at the PowerPoint below.

Lesson Presentation Making Music

Use your knowledge and understanding of sound to answer the questions and then have fun designing and creating your own musical instrument.

Activity Sheet Sound Q and A

Activity Sheet Sound Q and A Word Mat

Once you have made your musical instrument test it out.

Activity Sheet Making Music


Today, we are looking at completing symmetrical patterns using lines of symmetry.

Watch the PowerPoint and then complete one of the worksheets below,



BusyAnt_y4_Two lines of symmetry


A non-chronological report is based on facts.

Today, we are looking at the difference between a fact and an opinion.

Please watch the clip about whether statements are facts or opinions and then do the quiz.

Fact or opinion

Tuesday 2nd March, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History


Today, we are reflecting 2-D shapes along a line of symmetry. Draw the reflection of each half shape on the worksheet below.

BusyAnt_y4_reflecting 2-D shapes

Some of you might like to do the challenge below.

Your challenge is to find out how many symmetrical patterns can be created by shading some of the squares on the grid below.

I could colour in three squares to make this symmetrical pattern.

How many ways can you find?

Symmetry Challenge Grids


Today, we are looking at lesson 5: What was the heptarchy?

Look at the PowerPoint below.

Anglo-Saxons Slides – L5.171964081 (1)

Read through the lesson and then complete the sentences on page 22.


Today we are looking at how to plan out a non-chronological report. Watch the PowerPoint below about how to plan a non-chronological report using a spidergram.


Read the information about tigers on page 7 of the reading comprehension worksheet below.


Use a spidergram to show how the author may have planned out the report on tigers.



Monday 1st March, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and French.


This week we are looking at non-chronological reports. Today, we are looking at the features of a non-chronological report. First, look at the PowerPoint below.

non-chronological report

Look at the non-chronological report below and see if you can recognise the features mentioned in the PowerPoint. Also, what is each paragraph about?

The British Barn Owl


I am really looking forward to seeing you next week. Today, I would like you to tell me in French which subject you would most like to do next week. Look at the clip below and then tell me which subject you are looking forward to. You may also want to do the talking about school quiz.

Talking about school in French


Today, we are looking at lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes. Look at the PowerPoint below and then find the lines of symmetry on the worksheet below. After that, draw four polygons of your own and mark on the lines of symmetry.


BusyAnt_y4lines of symmetry

Friday 26th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and P.E.


I have really enjoyed reading your I Don’t Like Poetry poems. We have lots of poets in the making. Thank you!

Today, please do the reading comprehension about Georgia O’Keeffe. Please choose the comprehension sheet most suitable for you.



First, make a poster about the number 26.

Then try the mental maths test. You will need someone to read the questions to you.




It is Friday so it is P.E. today. Try the Cosmic Kids Yoga session. I know some of you really enjoy doing this.

Cosmic Kids Yoga