Next week

Good morning. I am sorry to hear that there are a large number of Covid cases in our class. On a personal level I know that lots of the children will miss interaction with their class mates whilst they are isolating.

I will be returning to school on Monday morning.

To try to help with the isolation any child that is off next week will be able to join the class live through teams meetings. This may be to join lessons or just to say hi. I appreciate that some children may feel too unwell to complete the work. I have sent all children a link to their emails.

To access their emails they need to go to office365 and then sign in. Their email is something like First       They have their passwords. If they have forgotten these then parents can email me on Monday for them (they are in school and I can’t get them before). They can also download MicrosoftTeams so it will come up as a calendar.

I have attached the timetable for next week. For the majority of the lessons there are then hyperlinks to either resources or to the lesson plan.

For maths we are looking at telling the time and solving time problems. If your child doesn’t complete this then please make sure they can tell the time. You could ask questions such as How long until lunchtime?

For English, we are starting a new class book called Because of Mr Terupt. It is about a new teacher joining a school. It is told through the viewpoints of 7 different children all of whom have something special about them. The children will be able to read this at Because of Mr Terupt. During the week we will be looking at how this is set out. It would be good if the children could go through the characters and write a description about each of them. Choose a different character a day.

This work is a suggestion as I know some children will be feeling too poorly to tackle the work. The children can also read and practise their times tables. If you click on the tab at the top of the page and go to information you will see a link to edplace. This is an excellent site for children to work on their maths and English skills.

I hope the week goes quickly for the children and I will start seeing more of them return to school.

If you have any questions then please get in touch at

I have missed seeing the children.

Happy Half Term

The children in Room 7 have had a super first half term in Year 5. I am very pleased with how they have been working and how hard they try.

They fully deserve their half term break. They have been given their new spellings so these should be in their bags.

I wish you all a super break and look forward to seeing the children on Monday 1st November.

Mr Morris

The end of another week.

The children in Room 7 have worked incredibly hard yet again. I am sure many of the children don’t tell you about their time in school so for a quick recap of part of the week.

Maths – We have continued with our morning maths and the Friday weekly tests. During the week we have been looking at how shapes translate.

English – We have started working on instructions and will carry this on next week.

Science – The children had great fun seeing how far toy cars would go. We were working on friction.

Art – The children have completed some fantastic street art with Mrs Howland.

ICT – Lots of great efforts with Scratch when designing their own quizzes.

There is much more too …

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend


Mr Morris



Super Room 7

I just wanted to say we have had another

week of having an arithmetic test but

everyone has improved for their first scores

I hope everyone is as proud of them as I am


Super Year 5

Home learning for Monday 4th October

If you are having to learn from home here are the activities for you to try.

For maths warm up with practising your Times tables. This week we are looking at fractions for the main part of our lessons. Work through this Homework sheet. For further help use the Support sheet.

For English make sure you read a book at home as much as possible. If there are any words you don’t understand then get a dictionary and check their meaning. We have been working on stories from other cultures. Have a read of The Cat and the Mouse. In this story are lots of prepositions. Look at some more using classify prepositions and then use the Classify Prepositions sheet to sort them.

For PSHE we are looking at resolving conflicts. Look at the How can you help friendship scenario cards and try to answer them.

For history we are continuing our work on the Benin Kingdom. Look at the Lesson 5 Powerpoint and try to answer the questions.



Unfortunately we did not have PE today for a variety of reasons. We will try for tomorrow (30th September) so please send the children in to school in their PE kits again. The weather forecast is not great so if we do not have PE on Thursday we will make up for it one day next week (fingers crossed on weather though).

Many thanks – Mr Morris

Home schooling for Tuesday

If any of you are at home on Tuesday and are well enough to complete the work it is detailed below.

For morning maths complete the following:

2/3 + 2/3,   3/8 – 1/8,   61/10,  147/100,  96/4

We will continue with multiplying by 9. Try the following sheet.

For English we are looking at words that have been introduced into our language from other cultures. Look at the words that have been listed in Words from Other Cultures home school.

Try to find the meaning of these words and which language they came from.

For RE we are continuing to look at the five pillars of Islam. Look at the Sawm PowerPoint then try the Sawm Diary Entry Activity Sheet.

In the afternoon we will be continuing with our art topic of street art. If you would like to create your own street art that would be great.

During the rest of the day remember to read your books. You can also practise your times tables

I hope that you feel well soon and I look forward to seeing you back in class.

Mr Morris

Home learning

For those of you that are at home and are well enough to tackle the school work please look below.

Maths – we looked at multiplying by 10 and then by 9.

Support sheet 1

For English we read  Ali Baba and wrote down any words from different cultures or times.

For PSHE we looked at responsibilities and worked on this sheet

For history we worked through lesson 4 in the Booklet

We also read our own books.

If you are able to complete any of this work it will be great but don’t worry if you are feeling too ill.

Mr Morris


A good week

The children in Room 7 have had another good week. I was particularly impressed with how sensible they were when we were making parachutes to test for air resistance. Next week we will be looking at streamlining boats!!!

For maths we have been looking at shapes. Next week we will be looking at multiplication and division. Today we completed another arithmetic test. I am pleased to say all scores are improving.

If any child needs to self isolate next week then there will be work provided on this page. Obviously this will only need to be done if the children are well enough to do so.

I hope everyone has a super weekend. I am looking forward to Leeds wining their first game of the season and have my fingers crossed. What ever you do I hope you have a lovely time but more importantly stay safe.

Mr Morris

What a super week

What a fantastic start the children have made to Year 5. They have come in with a smile on their faces and are eager to learn. I am very pleased with all of them.

On Friday we completed an arithmetic test. We started with a Year 4 test as the children have only just started Year 5 and have only had one week of maths lessons. This will happen every Friday. If you ask your child they should be able to tell you how they got on. To view the test just click here. Please don’t worry about a score but look for the improvement over time. I did a similar thing last year and over the term all of the children progressed.

Next week for maths we will be working on addition and subtraction. If you can help support them with this it would be great. On the information tab on the top of Room 7 class page is the letter I wrote last week. There is a link there for a site called edplace. This will certainly help them with addition and subtraction and can be tailored to all abilities.

A reminder that our PE days are Wednesday and Friday.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and we have another super week next week.

Mr. Morris