Merry Christmas (sort of)

I would like to wish all parents and children associated with Room 7 a very happy Christmas. Obviously I wish I was doing this on Friday. I know I had mentioned us watching a video – the children did this today once we had the news it would be our last day before the Christmas break.

I really want to praise my lovely class. They have worked so hard this term and I am delighted to be their teacher. At some point over the holidays, I will let you know about our topics for next term.

I would also like to take this opportunity to say a big thanks to Mrs. Howland, Miss Lewis and Mrs Green who have all helped me and the class so much during this term.

I hope all of the parents of the children in Room 7 realise they have superstars in their midst.

During the next two days we were going to complete our DT projects (most had done this), watch the video (we did this today), have Crossbar for PE (the children will miss out on this but the lovely Mrs Hilditch took the children for a super lesson today) and complete some seasonal activities.

I have attached some of these if the children would like to complete some at home.

Sheet 1 sheet 2 sheet 3 sheet 4 sheet 5 sheet 6

I hope you all have a super holiday. If you have any questions about Year 5 please feel free to get in touch.

Mr Morris


On Thursday, Room 7 are going to be watching a video at some stage in the day. As the children have worked really hard all term they will be allowed to bring in some snacks from home to eat whilst watching this, if they would like to.

Some of the children have asked me to post this here as they worry whether they will be believed when they say they are allowed to bring in snacks!!!!!

If you have any questions then please get in touch.

Mr Morris

A good day

Just to say how lovely it was today to have all of Room 7 in. This will hopefully be the case until the end of term. We had a lovely Christmas party this afternoon and look forward to the Panto tomorrow – Oh yes we do!

I asked the children today where Mrs Howland was and they said she is behind you!!!!

It might be a long week.

Room 7 home learning

This Friday in school will be slightly different than normal. We are going to be using the morning to complete our unaided write about two characters in Year 5. It would be good if those at home could also do this and bring it in next week.

We will also be having our spelling test so those at home can test themselves.

In the afternoon we will be having our PE session – I appreciate this is difficult to complete if you are at home.

It would be really good if those at home use today to read lots, practise their spellings and use Edplace to improve their maths skills.

I look forward to seeing you in school next week when you will be given the opportunity to complete the D and T project.

Mr Morris

Room 7 home learning

In class on Thursday we are going to spend the majority of time making our slip on shoes. I am more than happy for any child at home to have a go at making something of their own at home. As a reminder they could also have a go at making shortbread biscuits as we tried this earlier in the week. Recipe

We will start Thursday with continuing to plan, edit and write our own version of ‘Because of Mr Terupt.’ This will be writing about an incident at school from the viewpoint of two different pupils.

Although the children in school will not be completing any maths there are a couple of sheets the children at home could try. Extension sheet 3, Homework sheet 3 Support sheet 4.

It will also be good for the children to use Edplace, practise their spellings and read lots. If any of the children would like to join the lesson live they will be very welcome.

Mr Morris

Home learning for Tuesday 7th December

All of the lessons will be live for those that want to join. Go to office 365 and enter your child’s email and password. If they have forgotten this please email me. I won’t be able to reply until I am back in school tomorrow.

For maths we are continuing to look at place value. To help with this there is a Lesson plan and Support sheet .

For English I would like the children to write what it is like being in Year 5 from the point of view of two different people. Think of a particular lesson or time of year to describe. The children need to look at how the book of Because of Mr Terupt is set out to help them. This will be continued the next two days too. The children need to plan, edit and then produce a final copy.

For reading comprehension look at Consolidating Reading Skills.

The spellings were posted last week and we are continuing practising these ones.

For geography we are using the booklet about slums. Unfortunately this is too big of a file to attach here. I have sent an email link of it to the children at home.

In school we will not be completing the geography as we will be working on the D and T projects. I am more than happy for the children at home to complete their own D and T projects.

Mr Morris


Home learning for Monday 6th

I have attached the timetable for next week. This will be subject to change though as we will also be completing our D and T projects.

We have two projects. One is to make some slip on shoes and the other is to make some shortbread biscuits. The recipe for this is here.

For maths we are looking at place value. The Lesson Plan will be followed in class. There are also some Learning activities to follow. A Homework sheet  and Extension sheet  provide more work.

For English we are going to continue our work based on Because of Mr Terupt. The children can access the book here. Alternatively they can skip to each character here: October Anna, October Danielle, October Jeffrey, October Jessica, October Luke and October Peter.

During the week I would like the children reading the above. Look at how each are set out with a mixture of speech and setting the scene. The idea is that by the end of the week the children will write their own version about two characters who are just starting Year 5 with a new teacher at Pontesbury Primary School.

Reading comprehension is Extending Reading Skills.

Spellings are the same as last week.

In the afternoon we will be working on our D and T projects.

RE – last week we looked at what God dislikes. This week in small groups, create or dramatise seven scenarios in which the seven things God hates occur. What happens next? Describe the effect of these kinds of behaviours. Identify the seven opposites of the things God hates; create scenarios showing these, showing what steps someone could take to bring these positive situations about.

I look forward to seeing children return to school during the week.

Mr Morris


Good morning. I hope everyone has a great weekend and that I will be able to see more of the children back on Monday.

This morning the children in school will be completing a maths Reasoning Paper. the answers are at the end of this. After completing this as a test I will go over the answers. The children at home are welcome to join the class for this.

The rest of the morning we will be having our spelling test and continuing to look at the characters in our book – Because of Mr Terupt. It would be good if those at home could start reading the next chapter Because of Mr Terupt.

For PSHE we are going to start making things for Christmas and then it is PE.

The suggestion for those at home is to use this time to practise times tables, spellings and to use Edplace.

Mr Morris

Home learning for Thursday

From the timetable you will see that we will be covering a variety of things today. All of these lessons are live and all of the children were sent a link at the start of the week. It has been good to see some of the children join us already. The children in class have enjoyed seeing their friends.

For maths there is a Lesson plan  that says what we will be covering with time. The children in school will work from a text book but those at home could try the Homework sheet  or Support sheet. Alternatively they can join the live lesson.

For English we are continuing to work on our book Because of Mr Terupt. We have looked at the story from 7 characters: Alexia, Anna, Danielle, Jeffrey, Jessica, Luke and Peter. Describe what each character is like and what September was like as an overall view as opposed to each individual child. Predict what might happen in October.

For reading comprehension try the sheets about Tim Peake. These are differentiated so choose a suitable level.

After lunch we have handwriting – practising this is always a useful thing.

We then move onto science. The children can either join the lesson or have a look at the Lesson Plan. They will then need to look at Activity Sheet, Time Zone Challenge Cards, Time Zones by Country Map.

The day will finish with me reading Freddie’s Marvellous Adventures book.

If your child is not feeling well then they do not need to worry about these activities. If they could read their books it would be good.

I look forward to seeing all of the class being back in school soon.

Mr Morris

Next week for Year 5

Good afternoon. I am sorry to hear that there are a large number of Covid cases in our class. On a personal level I know that lots of the children will miss interaction with their class mates whilst they are isolating.

I will be returning to school on Monday morning.

To try to help with the isolation any child that is off next week will be able to join the class live through teams meetings. This may be to join lessons or just to say hi. I appreciate that some children may feel too unwell to complete the work. I have sent all children a link to their emails.

To access their emails they need to go to office365 and then sign in. Their email is something like First       They have their passwords. If they have forgotten these then parents can email me on Monday for them (they are in school and I can’t get them before). They can also download MicrosoftTeams so it will come up as a calendar.

I have attached the timetable for next week. For the majority of the lessons there are then hyperlinks to either resources or to the lesson plan.

For maths we are looking at telling the time and solving time problems. If your child doesn’t complete this then please make sure they can tell the time. You could ask questions such as How long until lunchtime?

For English, we are starting a new class book called Because of Mr Terupt. It is about a new teacher joining a school. It is told through the viewpoints of 7 different children all of whom have something special about them. The children will be able to read this at Because of Mr Terupt. During the week we will be looking at how this is set out. It would be good if the children could go through the characters and write a description about each of them. Choose a different character a day.

This work is a suggestion as I know some children will be feeling too poorly to tackle the work. The children can also read and practise their times tables. If you click on the tab at the top of the page and go to information you will see a link to edplace. This is an excellent site for children to work on their maths and English skills.

I hope the week goes quickly for the children and I will start seeing more of them return to school.

If you have any questions then please get in touch at

I have missed seeing the children.