For those self isolating

For those of you that are self isolating here is the work we will be completing in school:

Maths – Monday maths is working on perimeter.

English – We are starting our unaided write about the medieval period. Look at the Industrial Revolution sheet to help you plan this out.

Geography – Use Monday geography and complete the booklet.

Remember to read your books and to practise spellings. Use the SpellingWordList Y5-6

I hope you are not feeling too poorly.

Parents Evening

I am sure you have seen that parents evening is coming up. I am so pleased that I will be able to see people face to face. I am aware that for some parents they would rather an early slot and see me before 4:00pm when they pick their children up. If anyone would like this sort of slot anytime over the next 2-3 weeks as opposed to the official parents evening times then please contact me at

Welcome back

Dear Parents and children of Year 5,

I hope everyone has had a fantastic break. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t very nice.

On the information page I have made some updates. You will be able to see the new timetable and see the overview for the next half term. For some subjects you can see in detail what we will be covering. These are all subject to change as at times unexpected things do happen.

One thing to note is the change of time of one of our PE sessions. Instead of a session being on a Tuesday afternoon it will now be on a Monday afternoon. This starts tomorrow on our first day back.

I hope we have a good half term.

I look forward to seeing the children tomorrow.

Mr Morris

Thursday’s PE

Crossbar have today told the children that on Thursday their trainers are likely to get muddy. They have suggested the children bring in a bag to put their muddy trainers in. It may also be a good idea for the children to bring in a change of footwear so that the muddy trainers can stay in the bag.



Mr Morris

Home learning for Monday.

If you are self isolating here are some things to try:

Maths – we are looking at division. Use the Homework sheet 1. Support sheet 1 will help further.

For English we will use this week to plan, write, edit and publish our own recounts. Think of a trip or an activity where you have a good memory of. When planning your recount today think about what is going to go in to each paragraph.

For spellings practise words that you know you struggle with.

In the afternoon we would have a library session. Use this time to enjoy reading a book at home.

For history we are looking at Edward the first. Watch the two clips. clip 1, clip 2. Read Edward was named after Edward the Confessor and answer the questions. Think of reasons why Edward might be considered a great king AND a terrible one.

Thursday work at home

If you are self isolating then for maths try Year 5 Thursday work at home.

For English continue with writing a recap. Try to make sure you have exciting vocabulary and speech marks.

Remember to practise your spellings and times tables. Please read lots.

In the afternoon we have PE and art. It might depend how you feel if you can do any physical activity. For art we are looking at drawing a portrait. Look at a photo of yourself (or another family member) and see if you can draw their portrait.

I hope you stay safe and look forward to seeing you back in school soon.

Mr Morris

Room 7 Isolating at home

If you are isolating at home we are continuing to work on angles for maths. You can look at the Lesson plan, the Slide show 3 and the Support sheet 1 and Extension sheet 2.

For English write a recount of your morning.

Reading comprehension is Epiphany UKS2 Differentiated Reading Comprehension.

This afternoon we are using the computers. Go to ilearn 2 and put in the code TB97. When you go to the monkey coding the code is 2n3wq

Have a good day.

Remember you can always practise your spellings, times tables and read lots




Welcome back

I hope everyone has had a fantastic holiday. I am looking forward to seeing all of the children back on Wednesday. Our PE days this term will be Tuesday and Thursday so please send children in PE kits these days (this has changed since my original post two days ago – sorry).

So that you have an idea of what is happening the next few weeks I have attached the Overview planning 1st half term. This shows what we are covering for all of the subjects. There may be alterations to this throughout the half term. You can see more detailed planning for History Medium Term Planning, ICT Medium Term Planning, PSHE Medium Term Planning, RE (Islam) Medium Term Planning and Science Medium Term Planning. I hope this helps.

These links will also b put on the information tab.

If your child has to self isolate at all they will be able to access all lessons live.

Next term, I am intending to start a club for adults after school. This will be for maths skills. If you ever wondered about the different approaches to maths compared to when you were in school you will be able you will be able to find out. More details will follow.

If you have any questions then please get in touch.