Super Year 5

On Friday (this week for a couple of the children) Year 5 completed their end of year reading assessment tests. I am delighted to say EVERY child has gone up at least their expected progress this year. A big thank you to Mrs. Howland and Miss. Lewis who hear the children read regularly. Sometimes the children aren’t keen on this but it obviously works. I am very proud of their scores and I hope you are too. Well done Year 5!!!!!!!

Change of days for PE

Last half term we had PE on a Thursday and Friday. This half term this will change to a Wednesday and Thursday. Please send your child into school in their PE kits on these days.


Many thanks


Mr Morris

Maths drop in session

I am afraid this week’s drop in session for maths has been cancelled but will be available again next week. I had already emailed people who came last week. Apologies, Mr Morris

Exciting news

Dear Parents,

Mary Webb have invited all of Year 5 to a taster day to take part in some lovely activities. They will be bringing home a letter tonight with all of the details. If for some reason your child ‘loses’ the letter it is attached here. Pontesbury Year 5 Pupils re STEAM Day 2022.

During the day there will be staff from Room 7 with the children.

If you have any questions about this either pop around to see me in the classroom or drop me an email.

Regards Mr Morris

Maths drop in sessions

I am afraid that the maths drop in session tomorrow (Thursday 5th May) will be cancelled due to other commitments.

After speaking to the parents who came last week, Thursday seems to be the preferred day moving forward.

So from next week these sessions will be on a Thursday after school and NOT on a  Monday.

If you would like more details just drop in to see me or email me at

Welcome back

Welcome back to you all.

Just a couple of reminders – our PE sessions are now on a Thursday and Friday.

If you have any old cereal boxes could you please send them in to help with our art and D and T.

Mr Morris

Happy Easter

Dear Parents,

Just to say the children deserve a lovely Easter holiday for all of their hard work this term. I would like to give Mrs. Howland, Miss Lewis and Mrs. Green a big thank you for making sure everything runs smoothly.

Later in the holidays, I will post the planning for the first half term so that you can see what we will be covering.

I do know that for art/D+T that we are going to be making some 3D castles. We will need lots of thin card so if you have any empty cereal packets I would appreciate it if these could be sent in. These will be the ideal size for us.

I wish you all a fantastic holiday and look forward to seeing the children back in school after the holidays.

Mr Morris

Bread day

Just to say what a credit the children were today when making sandwiches. The way they worked together really was very good. Tomorrow they will have a go at making their own bread

Super Year 5

Just to let you know with one week to go most of next week will be given over to

our D and T week.
If you looked at the plan for the term you will see we have covered everything.

We are going to be looking at bread. This will involve lots of tasting and lots of making – it should be a fun week.
I will post something next week BUT just to say we can only have such a fun week next week because your children have been superb this term. We have covered everything we needed to and the children have done well. I spoke to most of you at parents evening so you know how well they have done so far this year.
As ever – if you need to contact me please do so at