
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. On Monday we are going to watch the Year 6 perform their assembly. I thought it would then be nice to see what talents Year 5 have so during the day we will have a talent competition. If any child wants to bring something in to show off their talent they may do so.



Mr Morris

Friday afternoon.

Good afternoon,

On Friday afternoon we are going to watch a video. This is because this is the last day for some of the Year 5 children. The children have been brilliant all year and richly deserve a reward. This week they have enjoyed making their shelters, enjoyed making and eating their crispy chicken bites and produced some great English work. I am quite happy if they want to bring in a snack to eat whilst they watch the film.

On Friday, they will also be bringing home some of their exercise books. Other books are kept in school and passed up to the Year 6 class for them to continue to work in. Three books are kept for a term and then returned so that we have reference of the things that the children have covered previously. I will be asking some parents if it would be ok if I could keep their child’s books.

Next week will fly by and the end of Year 5 will be upon us. I will update you on any details for next week in a couple of days time.

Many thanks,

Mr Morris

Memory of a fish!!!!!

I do apologise – I should have said we have PE on a Wednesday afternoon so therefore the children need to come in wearing their PE kit. As we didn’t do it last week because of Sports Day I forgot.

In this weather the children will probably enjoy being in their kit. If it is very hot we might not actually do PE but it will still be of benefit to them wearing their kits. There is also PE on Thursday as usual.


Mr Morris

Bits and pieces

Today, the children had a go at designing a shelter. Tomorrow we will have a go at making the real things. Some of the children have asked if they can bring things in  from home to help them – they can but they DO NOT have to. I am not looking for the best shelters but for the children to see the process of making things. Having some difficulties isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

On Wednesday, we are going to be doing some cooking. The children will have a go at making crispy chicken bites. To compliment this, they will be able to have some oven chips too. This is not instead of their school lunch so please send this in as normal. If any of the children do not want to eat the chicken bites and chips they won’t have to.

The end of term is rapidly approaching so if you any questions then please get in touch.

Sports Day

Well done to all of Room 7 today. I just want to give extra credit to Cora, Mia, Florence, Lola and Dylan who did a brilliant job helping with the KS 1 Sports Day. Thank you

A few notices

Firstly, a massive well done to all of the children for last week. They were very sensible when carrying out the RSE curriculum and their behaviour at Mary Webb was outstanding. They were all worthy winners of the Golden Achiever award.

On Monday, we are going to have a quick practise for sports day so please send children in wearing their PE kit.

On Tuesday, we will be having our sports day. Again, please send children in wearing their PE kit.

We will not have a PE session on Wednesday as the children will have done sports day the day before. As a result, send the children in wearing their school uniform.

If you have any questions the please get in touch.

Many thanks.

Super Year 5

Just to say that the children in Year 5 have been brilliant this week. We have had our RSE week where every child has been super mature. They have been really sensible when asking questions and have been happy with using correct vocabulary. On Wednesday we went to Mary Webb school and the behaviour of every child was exceptional. I know I won’t be teaching this group for long but I do want parents to know they have been incredible this week and that they are a credit to their parents and to the school.


Next week (Monday 27th June – Friday 1st July)

On Monday, the children will come into school as normal. Lunch choices will be made in the classroom as normal. I will then take them to the hall. They will take their pens, pencils, rulers and water bottles. Mrs. Hilditch will then take them to the Year 6 classroom for activities until just before lunch. They will then return to Year 5.

On Wednesday, we are going to Mary Webb for lots of fun activities. We will leave the primary school for 9:30am and return just after 2:00pm. The children will need to bring in a packed lunch. The children will need to wear their school uniform as we will not be doing P.E. on Wednesday.

On Friday, the children will need to come into school wearing their P.E. kit as we will have the lesson that we miss on Wednesday due to the visit to Mary Webb.

During the course of the week we will be delivering our Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) Curriculum as part of the statutory National Curriculum. Extra information about this was posted on the school website last week.

PE on Friday

Good afternoon,

We did not have our PE session on Wednesday as I thought it was too hot. As a result, we will try again tomorrow (Friday) so please send the children into school wearing their PE kits.


Many thanks


Mr Morris


Tomorrow, Thursday 16th, some of the class are representing the school in a cricket tournament. I wish them well.

Mr Morris