School jumpers

A couple of children in Year 5 have misplaced their jumpers. They have looked in the other classrooms and in lost property. It would be lovely if people could check the jumpers that children have brought home, just to see that one hasn’t been picked up in a rush that belongs to another child. If they have then please return to school. Thank you.

Mr Morris

The end of week 3

Dear Parents,

This is the end of week 3 (not that I am counting!!!!).

This week we started work on shape but then switched to start looking at multiplication and division. We will continue with that next week. To help you to see the sort of things we will be covering I have attached some support sheets, extension sheets and homework sheets.

Extension 1 Extension 4 Homework sheet 3 Homework sheet 4 Support sheet 1 Support sheet 4

Whilst the children were in  Year 4 they were getting ready for a multiplication test. This should stand them in good stead for this. If they have forgotten their tables then they could practise using TT Rockstars.

In English we will continue to look at stories from different cultures.

Next Thursday is going to be the Continents Day. Our class will be looking at a variety of things associated to the continent of Asia. Unfortunately, I won’t be in school for this as I am on a course that day. The children will have a supply teacher. As per the post on the main website the children can come into school in non-uniform that day – wearing something linked to Asia. We spent our time on the computers on Wednesday looking at things to do with Asia so the children should have some ideas.

You might want to ask them about this at the weekend as come Wednesday night they may say they have no ideas!!!!!!!

The vast majority of the children scored really well on their spelling test today so thank you. There were a couple of children, who admitted to not practising them, who didn’t do too well. They have been given two copies of the spellings – one for home and one for school so they should be bringing home a copy tonight. If for any reason they didn’t and then here is a copy week 3. This has to be done as a word document as this site won’t let me load the original file.

Congratulations to Noah who was Golden Achiever and to Hollie who was pupil of the week.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Morris

Some timely reminders.

Dear Parents,

At the end of another week, I would just like to say that the children have had a good week. There have been some excellent efforts from children with Bobbie-James getting the Golden Achiever and Joe getting pupil of the week. A number of children have also been given the new posi notes for going above and beyond expectations.

When I was talking to a number of the children this week quite a few said that they could not tell the time. This is not something that comes up in the Year 5 curriculum and so I would request that you ask your children what time it is and to help them understand the clock. That is why I said a timely reminder!!!! (sorry).

Next week we are moving onto shape for our maths work. Attached are the sheets that we will be using and some (Extension sheet 4 Homework sheet 2 Homework sheet 3 Support sheet 1) extra sheets to help.

For English, we will be starting a new unit on stories from other cultures. This will include Ali Baba and the forty thieves.

For the other subjects we will be following the medium term plan that can be found in the information tab at the top.

I hope everyone has a super weekend (remember no school until Tuesday).

Mr Morris

Library tomorrow and student councillors

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our library day. If the children haven’t taken a book out they will be able to tomorrow. If they wish to return their book from last week they will be able to take another book out.

Today, we voted for our school councillors. Many congratulations to our two representatives: Mischa and James. I am sure they will do a fantastic job. I would also like to thank all of the children who put their name forward.

There will be lots of opportunities throughout the year for other children to represent the class. I will try and spread these opportunities out so that children do not feel left out.


Mr Morris

Spellings and the end of the first week.

Dear Parents,

The children have been given their new spellings today. They have been given two copies – one for home and one for school. It SHOULD be in their bag. They will work on these spellings next week and then be tested on them next Friday. It would be a great help if they could also practise these at home.

The children have had a good first week back in school. They are getting used to my routines and are getting ready to work quicker. There have been some great efforts in all subjects.

Congratulations to Ollie, who was our Golden Achiever, and to Mischa who was pupil of the week.

Next week we will continue with our poetry unit in English and start work on addition and subtraction in maths.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mr Morris

Library day

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow is the class library day. The children will spend a session before lunch looking at the books in the library and will have the opportunity of bringing one of these home. This will be able to be kept at home until they wish to change it. They will not be able to choose another book to come home though until the original is returned. There is a large variety of books available. It would be great if you could spend sometime with them tonight talking about books and trying to encourage them to choose a book they will enjoy reading or looking at.

In school today we had our first ICT session and PE lesson.

In ICT we looked at how children can work together to write things at the same time and work as a group. This was on Google Classroom. Some of the children have asked for their own area to be set up so they can continue to work together. I will set this up for any groups that wish to have this.

In PE we working on team building. They had to organise themselves into groups and complete a scavenger hunt. At the end of the session we then talked about how if we had worked as a whole class this would have been better. As the children were then coming in it was lovely to see some of them picking up the jumpers of other children to help the team. This brought a smile to my face. It will be something that we will continue to work on together so that the children can see it is better for all of them if they help each other. That is the theory anyway!!!!!!!!

As always, if there any questions you have then please get in touch.

Mr Morris

Day 1

What a super first day the children have had in Year 5. I was delighted to see all of the children in and to find out some of the things they have been up to in the summer. The children now know where they will be sitting for the first session every day and where to put their coats and bags.

A quick reminder that tomorrow is a PE day so it would be good if they could come into school wearing their PE kit.

If, at any time, there are going to be different arrangements for the picking up of the children would you please let the office know. I am quite happy if you want to copy me into too so that I see it. If you only send this direct to me there may be times when I am unable to open my emails during the day and so I miss it.

The overview of the work this term is under the information tab if you ever want a quick recap.

I look forward to another good day tomorrow.

Mr Morris

Welcome back

Dear Parents and children,

I am really looking forward to welcoming you back to school tomorrow. When you come in you will see that books have been put out where you will be sitting for the first session. All you will need to do is to come in, put your coat on any peg in the cloakroom and then find your place. This place is only for the first session so please don’t worry if you aren’t by a friend.

Below is an overview of the term. There is a copy of this on the information tab at the top. This will stay there so that you can refer to it during the term.

Welcome to our Class

We are Year 5. Our teacher is Mr.Morris who is well supported by Mrs.Howland and Miss Lewis.

Class Rules and Weekly Timetable

We have very simple rules:

Try our best and be kind to all.

PE will be on a Wednesday and a Friday. For these days the children are to come into school wearing their PE kit.

Termly overview for website

Autumn Term timetable 1st half

Links to Online Resources

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Year 5.

I like all of the children to know what is going to be happening in the class as I feel this helps calm any nerves. To help with this I include the Overview planning 1st half term.

This lets you know what we will be covering over the next few weeks. For more detail for some subjects I have included the following: History Medium Term Planning, Subject Plan Overview scratch, Subject Plan Overview PSHE, Subject Plan Overview RE 

and Forces Medium Term Planning.

There may be times when this overview is not covered as there may be other things that are happening during that week.

In order to help your child I would be really happy if you could help them learn their times tables. Ideally they should know ALL of their times tables by the end of Year 4. I like the site Times tables as it enables the children to practise any table in and out of order.

During Year 5 and 6 the children have a list of spellings they need to be able to spell. These will come up in spelling tests and will be expected to be used in written activities. Their time in these two years will go very quickly and so help with spellings will be appreciated. The list of words is here.

The children have been given emails and login details and they will now be able to login to edplace. The user name is Room7 and the password Pontesbury1. This site allows the children to work on topics for maths, English and science at any level from Year 1 to Year 11. Topics are explained then completed online. If answers are incorrect the correct answers are explained. This really is a tremendous site.

In class this term I will be supported by Mrs Howland and Miss Lewis. On some occasions Mrs Green will also be in the class.

Hopefully this will be a fantastic year for all of us. Please remember that my email is If you have any questions then please get in touch.

Many thanks, Mr Morris


Thank you

Dear Parents,

Firstly, a massive thank you for any gifts or cards that I have received. They were so personal and shows that you and the children know me well.

Secondly, a further thanks for all of your support with the education of your children this year. I have really enjoyed teaching each and everyone of them. Today is their last day in my class but I will always be available to help them in any way.

The children have worked hard all year and have tried their best. As a result, they all made good progress this year and are now ready to start their final year. It has been very pleasing to see how they have developed through the year.

I would also like to thank Mrs.Howland and Miss.Lewis who have given tremendous support to me and to the children.

I wish you all a fantastic holiday.




On Wednesday the children are able to bring in a game from home to play with during the day.

Another hot one on Tuesday so I hope everyone brings their water bottles.
Mr Morris