Merry Christmas

Dear All,

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Thank you very much for presents and cards that have been sent in for me, Mrs Howland and Miss Lewis. I would like to personally thank those two other adults for all of their help and support to me and to the children throughout the term.

Thank you very much to all of the parents for their support this term as this has made a big difference for the children.

They have had an excellent first term in Year 5. It has been fantastic to see many of them grow in confidence. There have been many examples of excellent work produced in all subjects. It is also pleasing to see the growing maturity of the children.

A special mention to Niamh and to Hugh.

Niamh was the Platinum Achiever for the term for her excellent attitude and behaviour. This was chosen by the staff in Year 5. Hugh was chosen as pupil of the term by the other children. This was for improvements in all aspects of school. Well done to both.

The work for next term will be posted later in the holidays. This enables you the chance to see what we will be covering.

I hope the children have enjoyed their final week before Christmas even though I am sure some were worried they might not have a ‘Christmasy’ feeling in Year 5.

Merry Christmas

The Grinch


PE on Wednesday 14th December

Good afternoon,

Tomorrow is our PE slot but I feel it is too cold to take the children outside. The hall will be used by a Christmas party for KS1. The children can still come into school in their PE kit if they wish but they don’t have to.


Mr Morris



Attached are the spellings given out today. Spellings given out today 21222

Next week there are a few changes to our normal days. I will post what is happening prior to the events – or they will be on the main website.

Monday: We will watch the KS1 Nativity performance to the school in the morning. We are then going to church to organise where we will be sitting and reading from for the Carol service on Wednesday. Please send the children in with coats for the walk.

Wednesday: Carol service – full details will be posted on the main website. This is usually our PE day. We will not be doing PE this Wednesday. As we are going to church the children will be expected to come into school in their ordinary uniform and NOT their PE kits. Please send the children in with coats for the walk.

Friday: We are going to church to see the Christmas trees. The children should wear their PE kit as usual for this day as they will still be doing PE later in the afternoon.

I wish everyone a good weekend. Fingers crossed that Sunday is a super evening.

Mr Morris


Spellings for next week

Dear Parents,

Attached are the Spellings given out today 111122. This week the children remembered more of their spellings than they have done previously. This was good to see. It would be a help if you could support your child learning these new spellings. Some of them are repeated from last week. This is to make sure that spellings stay fresh in the mind.

This week we have completed assessments in reading and maths, Overall, I was very pleased with the understanding shown by the children.

I wish everyone a super weekend.

Mr Morris

Happy half-term.

Firstly, thank you very much to all of the parents who have been to see me for parents evening. If you were unable to make this week then please get in touch and I will try and arrange another slot for you.

The evenings were very positive with many of you saying that your child has settled well into Year 5. This was good to hear as they have made a good start.

One comment that I mentioned a few times was about the need for the children to practise the spelling word list for Year 5 and 6. It is attached. It would be fabulous if the children could work on this.

I also showed most parents the information tab at the top of Room 7. This will be updated by the end of the holidays to show what we will be covering next half term. It also has the link to Edplace that I mentioned to some.

I wish all families a good half-term break and I look forward to seeing all of the children on Monday 31st October. This will be a normal day as PE times are remaining on a Wednesday and Friday.


Mr Morris

Super Leeds

Parent consultation meetings

Good morning,

Thank you to those who have already filled in their request for parent consultation evenings. I have noticed that already the early slots have mainly been taken. If any parent would prefer an early slot, and they have gone, then please get in touch. I am sure something else could be arranged.

Mr Morris