
Dear Parents,

Your children have been a delight to teach and I thought they deserved a reward. They have asked if they could watch a video on Friday. Lots of the films they would like to watch are rated as PG. This means that I can not let them watch these films without your consent. Therefore I am asking if you could let me know if you do not wish to let your child to watch a PG film on Friday to let me know. We haven’t decided yet which one it will be as we will do that today. If I do not hear from you I will presume it is ok to watch the film. The children will be able to bring snacks in to eat whilst watching the film. Please get in touch if you have any concerns.

Mr Morris

Books home today

Dear Parents,

About six weeks ago the children were given a maths book from Mary Webb. The idea was that the children would complete as much of this as they could before September and then take it to Mary Webb at the start of term. I have given the children lots of lessons in school to complete some of this. Today they are bringing the books home. You will see at the start of it that Mary Webb just request that the children do as much as they can. Some children have already done this so will not need to complete any more. Other children might need some encouragement to do some more work over the holidays.

The purpose of this post is just to let you know the children should be bringing a book home today and it will be expected to be returned to Mary Webb in September.

For the two children who are not attending Mary Webb – they will have the option of taking the booklet to their new school to show the maths department what wonderful maths knowledge they have. Alternatively it gives you a chance to discuss some mathematical concepts.

Finally, I now have a new email address. It is

All staff have been given new details. Do not worry if you forget as any emails to my old address will get forwarded to this one.

Many thanks

Mr Morris


Just to say that over the last couple of days the school has had a new ICT system put in place. I know that on Monday I will have a new email. My main reason for posting this is to apologise. If anyone has tried to contact me over the last couple of days I genuinely have not received any emails. Hopefully everything will be back to normal by the end of Monday. I will then tell you all my new email address.
Mr Morris


A slight change of plans on Thursday for Room 7. We are going to have an extra PE session so I would like the children to come in to school in their PE kit. Thursday will also be our last lesson with our RSE curriculum. Information about this was posted on the school website sometime ago.

Please get in touch if you have any questions about this. I am afraid I won’t be in school on Wednesday due to personal commitments.

Mr Morris

Update from Mary Webb

Dear parent/carer, 

As the 5/6th July Y6 transition day were cancelled, we have been busy trying to find ways we can invite you and your child in whilst keeping everyone safe and well. You will receive a letter sent to you at home with full details by the end of this week. Please also keep an eye on the Y7 transition section of our school website.

24th June – we look forward to our additional SEND afternoon which will run as planned, all liaison for this is with your primary school. 

7/8th July – we will be running 4 welcome sessions for parents/carers and Y6 pupils. These will be at 4-5pm OR 5.30-6.30pm on Wednesday 7th OR Thursday 8th JulyYou will be allocated one session and I’m afraid this will be the only one we can offer. Your letter will tell you which session you are invited to. If you cannot attend, we will have the relevant information on our website and will ensure the welcome pack gets to your child. Your child will get a tour of the school and an opportunity to meet their new tutor.

19th – 23rd July – we will be running a Summer School for Y6 coming to Mary Webb School and Science College. A flyer is attached here and you will get a copy with your letter. Numbers and days are limited so places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. 

Finally, some elements of transition will move to September and we can assure you we have plans for this already. 

Many thanks, 

Mrs Mould 

SENCo/Head of Personalised Learning and Transition 

I have been asked to attach summer school flyer.

A message from Mary Webb

Dear parents/carers of Y6 coming to Mary Webb School and Science College,

We have really enjoyed meeting your child in their primary school, answering lots of questions and talking about starting secondary school. I am really sorry to tell you that no secondary schools in Shropshire will be running face to face transition days this summer term. Therefore the 5th and 6th July transition days have been cancelled. But we do have lots of plans to help you and your child get to know us. I will be in touch very soon with our plans in full.

With best wishes,

Mrs Mould

SENCo and Head of Personalised Learning/Transition

Mary Webb School and Science College

This week

As I posted a week ago this week has seen the children complete some old SATs papers as all Secondary Schools requested this. I have now told the children how they got on. These scores will not be sent out to parents as the government have said that this year’s results will not be reported on. If you wish to find out how your child got on I am happy to tell you if you send me an email. The children have been told their scores though. Lots of children have done brilliantly and scored well with some children being disappointed with their score. Please be aware that for these purposes a score of 100 is considered as an expected score and a score of 110 is considered as greater depth. This would be fine in normal circumstances but we have not had normal circumstances. The children had disruptions in Year 5 and 6 to their normal school experience. Usually as the SATs approach the children would have lots of revision lessons to prepare them for the tests but this did not happen this year as the tests were cancelled.

Overall all of the children did really well this week and you should all be proud of how they have worked. On a personal note I was very impressed with their scores in reading. This impressive class had 80% who got an expected score and 40% who got a score of greater depth. Both of these scores were above the national average for schools who took the test properly the year these SATs were first completed.

A good week for super Year 6.

As always please get in touch if you have any questions at

Then FINALLY I can’t leave a post without saying how delighted I am with the first game of the football season with Leeds travelling to THEM. Hopefully after two years of putting up with me you will understand.

Mr Morris

The overview for this half term

Apologies as I had said I would post this yesterday. This is an overview of this half term. There will almost certainly be some changes but at least it is good to have an idea. For next week when it says SATs the children will complete old SATs paper for reading and maths. This is only because all secondary schools want to know a score from an actual test. They really don’t need to worry about these. Summer Overview 2