Thursday’s PE

Good morning,

On Thursday the children will be having their PE session with Mr Rogers. This day is also world book day. I am more than happy for the children to do their PE session in their world book day clothes if these are suitable for completing gym activities. If they are not then please send in a PE kit for the children to change into at lunchtime.


Many thanks,

Mr Morris

Dress to express

Dress to express tomorrow. Just a quick reminder that children can come in tomorrow dressed to express their personality. It would be great if the children were able to say some reasons why they chose the clothes that they have. It might be because they are their favourite colours, it has a picture of their favourite animal, best football team etc. I will be wearing a polo shirt with a Leeds badge on as they are my favourite team but I will also have my laces undone all day as in my personality I don’t like the thought of being tied down too much.(I also know it really annoys my dad and I sometimes like to be a bit rebellious). I look forward to seeing their special clothes tomorrow.

Mr Morris

Super year 5

Today the children completed their weekly arithmetic test. When we started this the top score was 19 out of 32. Today 14 children got 38 or more. Every single child smashed their score from September. I guess they are ok 😊😊😊😊

Parents evening

Parents evening – thanks to those who have already signed up for this. I notice that the early slots have already been taken. If anyone would like to see me the week before or after this straight after school then please get in touch and I will arrange something. Many thanks, Mr Morris

This Thursday

On Thursday, our local PCSOs will be delivering a session to our Year 5/6 classes which will include safety in the community, internet safety, drug and medicine safety (including county lines) and knife safety (including knife crime).
This is also an opportunity to meet the PCSOs and build links that will form part of the transition across to secondary schools.
This session has been delivered to other local primary schools with great success and we’re sure it will be the same at Pontesbury.
Many thanks for your support,
Mr L-H

I do apologise as there is no content – I was trying to get the quiz of the week on to here. At the moment I am unsuccessful






Newspaper and bottle request.

The children today started to plan for the making of their volcanoes. When we do come to making them we will need paper for papier mache and plastic drinks bottles. If any of these could be sent in I would be very grateful. The paper can be old newspapers and the bottles either 500ml/750ml or 1 litre ones.

The children will be using acrylic paint – this does NOT come off clothes easily so they will need to bring in an old shirt (possibly that belonged to a parent) to go over their school clothes. It would need to be a shirt you don’t mind getting paint on!!

If you have any questions then please get in touch.

Mr Morris

Spellings for next week

The children have been given their copy of spellings for at home. I am aware these do not always make it home so here they are: Spellings for testing next week.

Thank you very much to those children who have already brought newspapers in for our art next week any extra newspapers will be much appreciated.

Well done to Jake and Jacob on their Golden Achiever awards today and to Mischa, Molly and Jacob  for getting pupil of the week.

A reminder that PE is on a Monday and Tuesday so the children should come into school wearing their PE kits those days.

Have a super weekend.

Mr Morris.

Newspaper plea

The children in Year 5 are going to be making their own volcanoes this term in their art lessons. This ties in with their geography lessons of the power of the planet. We are going to need lots of newspapers to make papier mache to complete this and would be very grateful if any people could send in newspapers to the school. Once they are finished we are going to get them to erupt!!!.

Many thanks.

Mr Morris


Welcome back

Dear Parents and children of Asia class,

I hope everyone has had a super break. In order for you to have an idea of the topics being covered this term I have attached an overview.

Termly overview for website

I look forward to seeing the children tomorrow when I will go over the topics in more detail with them.

Mr Morris