Talk Pants by the NSPCC

This week, we are going to speak to the children about our bodies and how they belong to us. We plan on using the Talk Pants conversation, a resource made by the NSPCC to keep children safe. It is aimed at children from 4 years and so is age and language appropriate. There is a link to the Pantasaurus website, with a song and information, below if you would like to have a look or go through it with your child as well. This is a resource we have used in previous years and is a great way for children to understand what is ok and what is not in order to help keep themselves safe.  If you have any questions then please feel free to ask us at the door or via email. 

Talk PANTS & Join Pantosaurus – The Underwear Rule | NSPCC

Things to ask me 20.01.23

  • We have been working really hard on our tricky words this week. Can I read these tricky words to you? 

I, the, no, go, to, into, he, me, be, she, my, by 

  • In forest school, we made our own paint. What did we use to make it? (mud, water) 
  • What did we dig the mud up with? 
  • We have been thinking of all the vehicles that we know, we managed to come up with a list of 24! How many vehicles can you name? 
  • We turned a giant box into a vehicle – what was it? (hovercraft) 
  • We have been writing sentences this week starting with ‘I am’ and ‘I can’. Can you say one of the sentences that you wrote? 
  • What do we need to remember in-between each word? (fingerspace) 
  • What do we need at the end of a sentence? (full stop) 
  • We sorted transport into how they looked in the past and what they look like in the present. What does past mean? What does present mean? 
  • What does subtract mean? 
  • What happens to the number when we subtract? 
  • Can you find the title, front cover, back cover, spine of a book? 
  • What did we use to make moon buggies? (bikes, foil, trays, tubes) 
  • How did we fix/attach things to the moon buggies? (duct tape, cable ties, masking tape) 

Things to ask me 13.01.23

It’s been another lovely week in Antarctica! Thank you so much for your support with keeping toys/special items at home and using Tapestry instead. It makes a big difference. Here are some things to ask your child this weekend:

  • We have been learning about the story of Noah’s Ark this week. What sort of vehicle is an ark? 
  • Why did Noah have to build an ark? 
  • What did he take with him on his boat? 
  • How long did it rain for? 
  • We made our own boats this week to see if they could carry any animals across the water. What did you use to make yours? 
  • Did your boat float? 
  • In forest school we made self-portraits, can you remember what was special about the playdough that made it safe for the animals? (no salt) 
  • What did you use to make your self-portrait? 
  • We have been learning to add this week. When we add, do numbers get bigger or smaller? 
  • Can you draw an add sign or make it with your fingers? 
  • Can you draw an equals sign or make it with your fingers?
  • In music we have been learning a song about vehicles. Can you remember any of the instruments we used to make vehicle sounds? (triangles for bus bells, giro’s for sports car) 
  • Can you sing the chorus?
  • How many emergency vehicles can you name? 
  • What sounds have we learnt this week? Can you write any? (x,y,z,qu) 

Things to ask me w/b: 02.01.23 and a couple of notes!

It has been a lovely start to the Spring Term. The children have really impressed myself and Miss Roberts with how they have settled straight back into school life. This half term, our topic is Vehicles. 

Things to ask me: 

  • This week we have been reading the story ‘You can’t take an elephant on the bus,’ can you remember any of the vehicles and animals from the story? 
  • What does adding mean? Does the number get bigger or smaller?
  • What song have we started learning in music? 
  • Which vehicles go on the land, in the sea or in the air? 
  • Can you remember any of the fine motor activities you did with Miss Roberts? Were they easy or tricky? 

A reminder that Forest School is now on Tuesdays, starting next week, so please send your child in wearing weather appropriate clothing, their wellies (if they’re not still at school) and their waterproofs. 

Finally, children who are age 5+ are no longer eligible for free milk. If you would like to pay for milk, for you child to have at snack time, speak with the office and they will be happy to help. Children under 5 will continue to get free milk.

Have a lovely weekend and we will look forward to seeing you next week.

‘Things to ask me’ WB 14.11.2022

  • Can you recognise the sounds h b f/ff l/ll ? Can you think of any words which begin with these sounds? Can you show me how to write them?
  • Can you remember any characters from the story of The Gingerbread Man? What happens in the story?
  • We have been practicing subitising with quantities 1-5. Can you identify how many _____ there are without having to count?
  • Why do we have Remembrance Day? What is the name of the flower that symbolises the day?

‘Things to ask me’ WB 31.10.22

  • Can you remember the story of Rama and Sita?
  • How many arms and heads did Ravana have?
  • Can you make a repeated pattern using what you have around you? eg. knives and forks, leaves and sticks, apples and bananas etc.
  • Who was Guy Fawkes?
  • Why do we celebrate Bonfire Night?