Home Learning – Wednesday 23.6.21


Today we started to write our playscripts for Perseus and Medusa.

Please print the sheet if you can or just write out in the same format.

.Perseus and Medusa -storyboard


You should have done you characters and the scene, now its time to start the dialogue.

So we decided that King Polydectes would speak first.

KIng Polydectes: (Begging.) Please will you marry me Danae?  I love you so much.  I                                                 am the king and I could give you anything you ever wanted.

Danae: (Putting her head in her hands.) No!  I’ve told you a million times, I will NOT                                                                        marry you!

And so on… Please watch to video clip to help you. From 1:15 onwards.  The storyboard will help too.

Perseus and Medusa


Please use the grid method to solve these problems,  You can move to challenge 2 or 3 if you are confident and you are whizzing through.  Please remember to work it out using the grid method – not the method in the textbook example.

Textbook page

Afternoon French – We practised the months of the year and saying our birthdays in French so please have a practise.

Mon anniversaire c’est le number followed by month

We were also asked to design a poster for the building site opposite reminding children tkeep out of the site and to stay safe.  The winning poster will be enlarged, laminated and displayed on the fence around the site for all to see.  If you’d like to design a poster and send in a picture we can send it off too.


Year 3 RSE Lessons

Just a quick note to let you know that we will be completing our statutory RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) lessons over the next couple of weeks.

Please see the original post from Miss Roberts for more information on what each year group will be taught.

RSE Curriculum

Mrs Hilditch x

Welcome Back

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break and have made the most of the beautiful weather.

This half term we will still have PE on Wednesday, this time it will be with Mr Boffey.

We will not have Forest School this half term, but we will be doing some gardening and trying to make a nice little outdoor area for our class.  The children will not need a change of clothes for this activity.

If you have a plant pot or two spare at home (just plastic ones are fine) please can you send them in so that children can each plant a sunflower seed.  They will then be able to bring their plant home at the end of term – so long as they’re not too tall by then!

If anyone has any other planters or pots that you no longer need, I’m sure we would make very good use of them and they would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and I’m looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Mrs Hilditch

Morning Drop Off

Mr Langford posted last week about large numbers of people gathering at the school gate before 8:40am.  We have allocated a 20 minute window for parents to drop children off and registration is not until 9am.  We have noticed that even by 8:45am it is considerably quieter around the school site.  So we are once again asking that parents please stagger the time at which you arrive during this period, otherwise we may have to introduce set drop off times for certain year groups.   We are working extremely hard as a school to follow guidelines and keep our bubbles separate and we worry that the numbers of people gathering at the start of the day does not allow for safe social distancing.   All of the measures we have introduced are for the safety of you, your children and the wider community and we would really appreciate your support with this matter.

Thank you to all the parents who have encouraged their children to come into school independently this is already making a big difference in the mornings.

Mrs Hilditch and Miss Roberts


Virtual Book Fair

Thank you so much to everyone who has so kindly donated a book to the school.  I know the teachers of each class will love sharing these books with the children and adding them to their class libraries.

Please note that this weekend is your last opportunity to order any books and they will hopefully be delivered to school next week.

Thank you all once again for your support as every book you purchase personally also helps the school to receive free books.

I would also like to express our thanks to Louise at Everybody Reads CIC for her time and effort in organising the book fair.  You can also visit their site to order books at https://uk.bookshop.org/shop/Everybodyreads

There are lots of lovely books on here organised into different lists for inspiration – you may also see some lists on there with wonderful books recommended by the lovely Mrs Rowe.

Well Done Everyone!

Well done everyone you have made it through another stint of home schooling!!! We really hope that this is the last time and we cannot wait to see all the children in school next week.   We hope they’re really excited to see each other and get back in, but we also realise some may be feeling a little anxious.  Please try to reassure them that we are planning lots of lovely activities over the next few weeks to get them settled back in and we’ve prepared a lovely warm welcome for Monday.

For the rest of this term, we will have forest school and gardening activities on a Tuesday morning.  Please come to school for the whole day in some warm, older clothes that you don’t mind getting a bit mucky and some old trainers is fine.  We will try to go out whatever the weather so please dress appropriately (layers are good!)  If you bring wellies or extra layers, please just bring in a named carrier bag.  These will stay outside under our veranda area – so please remind your child to collect them at the end of the day too.

We will have PE with the Crossbar coaches outside every Wednesday afternoon so please come in your PE kits for the whole day as before.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we can’t wait to see you all on Monday.  Parents – have a little celebration this evening too – you’ve earned it!!!

Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Davies x

English Friday 5.3.21

Today I would like you to write your own instructions for your activity.  Please remember all the features to include. 



List of equipment

Method to follow 

Numbered steps

Time connectives followed by a comma

Bossy verbs

Adverbs and adjectives


Top tips or safety tips

An ending 

I’m really looking forward to what you can share with us and teach us.