Home Learning 23.9.21

Hello, for those of you who are isolating at home but are well enough to do some work we will post some class work on our page.

If you do not have a printer, just do what you can – copy out questions onto paper etc.

This week we have been trying some old SATs papers just to find our where we are at and what we will need to work on over the year.  There is no pressure at all it’s just really helpful for me and Mrs Davies for our planning and actually it’s made many children realise that the SATs papers are just like tests they have done before and not some big scary new thing!

Today I’d like you to try the little tests I’ve uploaded. You can bring them back to school with you when you return.  Please just do what you can.  Leave out any questions you’re not sure about and just show us what you can do and the methods you know.



If you’re feeling less confident, there is a Year 5 paper to try to get you back in the swing of things!



Please try the punctuation and grammar test below.  Remember to read the question carefully and check all your answers make sense and sound right.

Paper 1 PaG

Please also find time to read your reading book.


We have begun our topic on the Industrial Revolution.

We discussed how this was a period of great change for our country.  Please read through the Powerpoint below and try the questions.  We also watched clips of the opening ceremony from London 2012 as the beginning of this ceremony demonstrated and symbolised the changes in many parts of our country.

lesson 1

Opening Ceremony

We also had PE today so please try to get some exercise if you are well enough.

Arthog so far!

Hello to everyone back home!

We’ve had a wonderful first two days at Arthog and we are settling in to the swing of things.

So far we have done team building tasks, nightline, two groups have completed their hill walk and one group has done canoeing and gorge walking.  We have loved listening to each other’s adventures at the end of each day and they are really making Pontesbury proud and keeping up our excellent reputation here.

The children are having a wonderful time and they are all happily enjoying the activities, showing wonderful encouragement for each other and really working on how to collaborate well to get a task done.

We would like to share a few pictures of our adventures so far.  This is just a small selection.  We will arrange a celebration evening in the near future where we will share them all.

We will update you later in the week, probably late at night once they are asleep!

Key Arthog Packing Information

Hello Year 6!!!
Only 4 sleeps to go until our trip to Arthog!
Just a few details to clarify before our visit.
On Monday, please arrive at normal school time and come straight into the school hall through the main front doors bringing your bags with you.  (Check you can carry/ wheel/drag your bag by yourself!)
Please bring a small rucksack for the coach with: a packed lunch to eat when we arrive, a plastic water bottle, a book, puzzle book or magazine for the coach journey.  (A reminder that NOTHING electronic should be brought at all.)
Arthog have kindly requested that we wear a face covering while on the minibuses.  .  This is the only time children will be asked to wear a face covering as it is a small enclosed space. The Arthog staff will wear face masks on board to help protect our children as they come into contact with many different groups of children from different schools.  They have requested that we wear a face covering to help protect their staff so that they can continue to operate safely.  The minibus journeys are only about 15 minutes as most activity sites are local to the centre.  Please put your face covering in your rucksack as we will be transferred to the minibuses from our coach drop off point on arrival. 
You will be given a yellow letter.  You will need to complete this if your child will require medication during their stay.  Please complete this form carefully and bring it on Monday along with all of their medication which must be clearly labelled with your child’s name.  Please give both the medication and the letter to Mrs Giles on Monday morning. Children with asthma must ensure they bring another inhaler (we will take our school ones too so that we have two – just in case) and their preventer inhaler if they take this morning and evening.
Please bring any money for the gift/tuck shop in a sealed, clearly named envelope.  Please hand this in to Mrs Hilditch in the hall on Monday for safe keeping.
Please also send a couple of bin bags to bag up any dirty/muddy clothes to help keep the rest of their clothes clean and dry.
Please bring a small teddy -this will be a huge comfort to some children and a small torch for our night-time walk.
We cannot stress enough how important it is to label your child’s clothes – trying to sort 34 pairs of black muddy trousers while trying to pack on the last day can be a nightmare! It is also really helpful for your child if they put their clothes into their bags themselves – with your support – so that they are familiar with what they have brought.
When we arrive at Arthog, we will send a message to school and they will send out a text to you all.  We will also try our best to take photos and post on our class page so you can see what we have been getting up to, so please check the website.
We should arrive back at school on Friday afternoon to be collected at normal going home time.  If we are late for any reason we will send a text message.
We are really looking forward to Monday and hope you all are too!
Mrs Hilditch, Mrs Davies, Mrs Giles and Mr Rogers.

Food Technology

This week we are completing our D&T unit on food technology.   We are making some healthy Greek inspired Pitta Pockets.  The children have tasted different salad foods and have chosen what they would like to include in their pitta breads.  Tomorrow we will make them, practising our skills of chopping, slicing and presentation.

After they have made them, they can eat them (it will just be half a pitta bread) in a little class picnic.

The children will also be having an extra PE session on Monday afternoon with Crossbar so please come in your PE kit on Monday and on Wednesday next week.

Please can I also ask everyone to have a really good search at home for any school reading books and return them as soon as possible?

Thank you.

Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Davies

Home Learning 6.6.21

Sorry for the delay in posting some materials due to our computer change over.

This week we have acted out our shadow puppet shows for the rest of the class.  Could you try to act out your show to an audience at home?

On Monday we went to visit our new classes for next year.  The children in Room 2 made an information poster for Mrs Gwyther, telling her all about themselves.

I’d like you to design your poster as a double page spread including information under the following headings.

Personal Information


Achievements and ambitions

Highlights from Year 3

What I’m looking forward to in Year 4

Anything else.

You can set it out how you wish and add any pictures or decoration.


Today we look at pictograms and tally charts.  Please try the sheet below.  You may need to copy out the tally charts if you don’t have a printer.

Maths sheet

This afternoon we designed an ancient Greek vase.  We looked at examples and chose a story to show on our vase.  We also practised some patterns to use to decorate the top and bottom of our vase.  Please have a go at designing a vase – use the patterns below to help you.





Home Learning – 29.6.21

English today we will be doing our assessed writing.  So today I’d like you to practise your story writing.  You could use the picture below and story starter from Pobble 365 as inspiration for your story or you can make up your own.

The Miniature Castle story starter

Try to remember 

A range of punctuation CL . ? ! ,

Paragraphs for each new section of your story.

Exciting adjectives, verbs and adverbs to make your writing appealing to the reader.

Use the rules of punctuating speech ” ” around what is said our loud.  , ! or ? at end of speech but before ”   a reporting clause to tell me who said it, how they said it and what they were doing at the time.


Have a go at a little maths test and see how you get on.

Today I have given you an arithmetic test.  This just concentrates on the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Please use the space to do your working out.  Please think carefully about all the methods we have practised this year.


If you don’t have a printer just copy out each question one at a time and work it out on the paper underneath.

Shadow Puppets 

Please continue making your puppets for your puppet show.

Please read and practise your spellings too.

Home Learning 28.6.21

This week we are completing assessment week in school.

I will attach a few practise papers so they can have a little go at home.  These will not be the same as the ones we will do in school and I will make sure the children catch up on these on their return.

Reading-Booklet-The-Railway-Children Year 3

Answer Booklet – The Railway Children


English Grammar and Punctuation Test

In the afternoons we will be working as little groups to make, plan and act out a shadow puppet show from our Perseus and Medusa playscript.

Please have a go at making your own in the afternoons this week.  I have included some templates to help make your puppets or you can design your own.








Help Needed Please

Hi Year 6 – Mrs Hilditch here!

I really need your help.  I will be sending a letter home today about an after school club starting on Monday next week.

This is the information from the letter

Over the past few weeks I have been training to become a certified instructor for the Les Mills Born to Move kids exercise programme.  This class involves dance, kicking and punching tracks, core exercises, yoga and relaxation.  It is quite a challenging class, but it is good fun and you can take it at your own pace and level.  It is suitable for both boys and girls and I know lots of you will love it.

I really need some of you to volunteer to come to an after school club on a Monday for the next few weeks so we can practise together.  It will be from 3:15 – 4:15pm.  Before the end of term I will need to film myself teaching a group and send it off to my assessor to gain my qualification.   

So if you are willing to join the club for a few weeks – it will only be open to the Year 6 bubble – then please complete the form, return it on Monday and come in your PE kit. 

There will be no session during Arthog week so we may need to squeeze in an extra session or two at a lunchtime.

I really hope some of you can help me out.

Thank you.

Mrs Hilditch

Home Learning 25.6.21


Today we finished our play scripts for the story of Perseus and Medusa.  Please continue your play script and try to get it finished.  You can email your script if you’ve done it on a computer or bring it in to school with you next week.  We’d love to read them.


Today we looked at dividing by partitioning using our multiplication and division facts.

So if we know that 6 divided by 3 = 2 then 60 divided by 3 = 20

If you need to do 69 divided by 3

You partition 69 into 60 and 9 then divide 60 by 3 = 20 and then 9 divided by 3 = 3  so together 69 divided by 3 = 23

Try this partitioning method to work out these questions.

88 divided by 4 =                              63 divided by 3  =                            84  divided by 2 =

96 divided by 3 =                              64 divided by 2 =                            99 divided by 3 =


Please read your book and ask an adult to test you on your spellings.

Please also practise your times tables.

This afternoon we finished our safety posters for building site safety.   You can do yours onto the large poster paper next week if you’d like to enter the competition.


Home Learning


Today we continued our playscripts so please continue to write your Perseus and Medusa play.


Today we continued to practise multiplication using the grid method.  Today we made our own questions using a 2 digit x single digit number. So please make up 8 questions. We used some dice to generate numbers but you can just create any questions.  Just bear in mind using 7,8 and 9 will be more tricky!

Afternoon – This afternoon we had PE so please get out and have some exercise.

Spellings and reading – please practise at some point in the day.