Home Learning 23.11.21


Today we revised how to x and divide by 10, 100 and 1000.

Please have a go at the sheet attached.

We used a place value grid and discussed how we moved the digits 1,2 or 3 places to the right or left making them bigger or smaller.

x divide 10 100 1000

place value grid – You can use this to support you if needed.


Today we read, checked and edited our flashback story.  Please have go at checking your story and then you may type it up if you can.


We had a look on the WWF website and read about different endangered animals.  Please make a poster about your favourite endangered animal.


We went outside for PE so please try to do some exercise. Try a Born to Move or a yoga session.

Home Learning 22.11.21


Today we used our story plan from Friday to write our own flashback story.

It should consist of

Paragraph 1 – arrive at firework display.

Paragraph 2 – describe the sights, sounds and smells of the event.

Paragraph 3 – firework display starts

Paragraph 4 – flashback to time fighting in the war

Paragraph 5 – back to present day

Paragraph 6 – head home from the event.

Please have a go at writing your entire story today.  It should take about an hour to write.  You may wish to do it in two half hour blocks.

We will check and edit our work tomorrow.


Today we look at decimals with 3 digit numbers

The powerpoint below contains our questions from the introduction to look through and discuss.  Then try the questions from the text book.  There are 3 challenges.  Try to complete Challenge 2.  You may try challenge 1 first if you’re unsure, or move on to Challenge 3 if you’re feeling confident.


decimals sheet

Geography – following on from our work on Population, we are going to look at conservation and ways we can help our look after our planet.  We will complete a little project learning about the work of Sir David Attenborough and his recommendations for how we conserve our planet.

Have a read through the following powerpoint

PDF Life on our planet -no links

Here are the links to the Video clips as the file was too big to upload.

A life on our planet trailer




Today we started to design our William Morris inspired print.

Please use this sheet to have a go at making your design.  Use the pictures around the outside as inspiration.  Choose either a bird or flower as your focal point and then add leaves to make a background.  Please just do this as one small piece of your pattern.  We will transfer this design to tiles for printing a repeating pattern next week.

william morris design

Home Learning 17.11.21


Today we completed our final maths paper.

Please try the one below.

KS2 Reasoning – Pack 1 – Test 1b


Today we read an extract from Michael Morpurgo’s Private Peaceful which described what life was like in World War 1 trenches and on the battlefield.

We then look at the pictures and tried to detailed ideas of what we would see, hear, smell and feel in that setting.

Please try to print off the sheet and add notes like a spider diagram with ideas for each of the senses.    It is just labelling the pictures with ideas today.   You will use your ideas to write a description tomorrow.

eg Sights – sky – The sky was filled with thick, black smoke from the never-ending explosions that turned night into day.

Description ideas sheet.

Anti-bullying week

This afternoon we thought about how when you say something nice to someone or do something kind for someone it can give them a really lovely, happy feeling.   We tried to think of one word to sum up how it made us feel.

We came up with: loved, valued, respected, equal, confident, courageous…

You may have an idea of your own.  We then used our art skills to write our word on a poster and make it look amazing.

Please try to create your own kind word poster and colour it with whatever you have at home.

Home Learning 16.11.21

Today we continued our test week.


There are 3 maths tests that you will need to complete.  The second two are both reasoning papers – that means they require more problem solving.  Have a go at the paper below.

KS2 Reasoning – Pack 1 – Test 1a


Today we had a visit from the author Sarah Griffiths.  She read her new book to us and told us all about how she made her book.

We then returned to our flashback stories based on World War I.  We watched this advert based on the Christmas Truce.   We regularly paused it and talked about what we could see, what was happening and how the soldiers would be feeling at different points.  We then read our story again and thought about how it related to the video.

1914 | Sainsbury’s Ad | Christmas 2014 – YouTube


church story

French – This afternoon we prepared a short presentation saying in French

Hello! My name is _________.  I am ___ years old.  My birthday is the _____________

Please see if you can research these phrases and write your version in French and practise it.

Talking About Yourself – KS2 French – BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize


Have a go at this if you are well.

Born to Move


We also went to the library to enjoy our reading book.


Home Learning Monday 15.11.21

This week is assessment week across the school.  We will complete a range of tests this week just to help children become more familiar with them and to help us know which areas we need to focus on in the coming weeks.

Please have a go at the following tests.



The mark scheme is at the end.

English – Today we completed a reading test please complete the paper below.  There is a booklet to read and then questions to answer.

Reading Assessment Booklet

Reading Assessment Answer Booklet

Reading Assessment Mark Scheme


This afternoon we began investigating world population.  Have a look at the slides below and try the worksheet.  We use the ipads to research answers to our questions.  There may be differences on some different websites so just find one you think is sensible.

Population Monday

Lesson 1 sheet – Copy


This afternoon we have also continued looking at the work of William Morris.  We will de designing and creating our own little piece of wallpaper using printing techniques.

We used the ipads to look at images of William Morris designs and then created a sketch book page of ideas just focusing on the leafy backgrounds and patterns.  We tried drawing different designs of leaves that we liked.  Please just do this on plain paper.


Forest of Promises

This week we have been talking about the COP26 meeting in Glasgow and the importance of looking after our planet.
We have taken part in a project from the WWF to create a Forest of Promises with children from all around the world.

The children have thought of one promise they will try to keep to help combat climate change.
It may be ‘I will walk to school more’ or ‘I promise to turn the light off’ we have written these on leaves which you will see around school. The idea being that one little promise may seem to have little impact but if we all do a little act together we can create real change.
On the other side of their leaves the children have thought of one thing they would like the leaders at COP26 to do.

Please take the time to look at our leaves when you collect your children today.

Home Learning 5.10.21


Today we have recapped the method for short multiplication using the formal written method.  (This means setting out in columns – not the grid method.

We have also talked about trying to place any tens or hundreds that we have carried just above the line so that we don’t have numbers in the boxes that may confuse us when we move onto long multiplication tomorrow.

Please have a go at the homework sheet and look at the example on the sheet carefully to help you.  It is so important that you are confident with your times tables facts so please practise on TTrockstars too.

Short multiplication home learning


Today we followed on with our instructions for ‘How to survive at Pontesbury Primary School’ with writing our own independent instructions for ‘How to survive a week at Arthog.   You should have completed your plan on Friday so now it is over to you to do your best piece of writing, showing off all of the skills you have learned.


Please read your reading book.


This afternoon we continued our work on scratch please go to ilearn2  and enter the activity code A324 to have a go at creating a football game.

Home Learning 30.9.21


Today we have been making more nets of 3d shapes.  We have had a go at drawing our own; you need to be very accurate with this otherwise the net wont work.  Have a look at the sheet below and see if you can make a net of your own.  You will need a pencil, ruler and some squared paper would be really helpful.  There three levels of challenge – choose which activity you can manage.

nets 1

nets 2

We have been also creating a poster with the key properties of common 2d and 3d shapes.

Have a look at this website on these pages to check you are familiar with most 2d and 3d shapes (don’t worry about the torus one!).  Click on the shape to see its properties.  You can make a poster to help you remember any if you wish.

2d shapes

3d shapes


Today we have used the model text – How to survive on a desert island – to write our own instructions for ‘How to survive at Pontesbury Primary School’.

We looked at each section together and discussed how we could adapt it to moving to a new school.  Have a read through the desert island text again, then read through the example we wrote as a class.  There are two examples of an introduction as we had two good ideas – you only need to write one type.

Instruction start

When you have read them – think about how you could write your own version just like ours about starting Pontesbury Primary School.  Before we started writing, we looked at the Year 5 and 6 spelling list and picked out 5 or 6 words we thought we could use in this text.  Just jot them on a scrap piece of paper and keep them close by when you are writing and see if you can use them and spell them correctly!

Spelling list

Reading – Please read your reading book.

PE – this afternoon we had PE with Crossbar so please try to get some exercise at home – you may wish to have another go at the Born to Move video

Home Learning 29.9.21


Today we have continued visualising 3d shapes.  Today we investigated nets.  This is where you open out a 3d shape into a flat template.

Have a look at these nets to see if you can match them up and picture what they would make. See if you can name the 3d shapes.

nets for home

Today we focused on cubes of nets.  Have a look at the sheet below can you picture which nets would fold up to make a cube?  Place a tick or a cross in the table to say if you think they would make a cube.  We used clixi to check, I know you won’t have this at home so just try your best to picture it.

Tuesday Home learning

If you are struggling you can try this support sheet.

nets tuesday

You may prefer to try to make these 3d shapes using the nets.   There are lots here to choose from – some are very tricky and you need to be super at cutting! Don’t cut the tabs off!



Today we looked at another example of an instructional text.

Again I’d like you to use the checklist to see if you can spot these features in the text.

You will need a range of colours and maybe even need to put bubbles round parts etc if you don’t have enough colours for all those features.

checklist for home

instructions pg1

instructions pg2


Today we completed independent quiet reading, so please enjoy your book for at least 20 minutes.


We have begun our unit on the Industrial Revolution.  Here is our Knowledge Organiser which contains all of the key facts you will need to learn and remember about this topic.

Pontesbury Knowledge Organisers Industrial Revolution (1) (1)

Please read through the slides below answering the questions as you go.

lesson 2 for home

See if you can fill in this table using the information given.

living conditions


You may have heard that I am very excited to have become a certified Les Mills Born to Move instructor over the summer and I have been very excited to introduce this class to our Y6 group as part of our fitness focus.  It is a great fitness class that combines dance, martial arts, boxing training and yoga and the children have been loving it.  Les Mills do provide some free Born to Move classes for you to try at home so if you are feeling good, clear some space and give it a go – maybe you can even get your adults at home involved too!  Warn them it’s hard work though!

Born to Move

Home Learning 28.9.21

Hi everyone, hopefully you got on ok yesterday.

Here’s the work from Monday


Today we were visualising 3d shapes from 2d drawings

Have a look through the Powerpoint below and think about the questions.  Then try the homework sheet.

monday for home learning

Visualising shapes


Today we were practising using Subordinating Conjunctions to start our sentences.  Have a look through the slides below and try to write your own sentences.

Monday for home

Reading comprehension

Boy on the Canal Stage 6 Comp – Comprehension Pack


Today we revisited programming with Scratch.  Scratch is a free website where you can practise coding and programming to make your own games.

Please visit ilearn2 and enter the pupil activity code 4T46 then click go

This will guide you through how to make a maze game using Scratch – watch the tutorials and then have a go.