Year 6 Home Learning


Today we would like you to work through some of these reasoning questions.

Don’t worry about completing the whole booklet – just try the first 10 questions.  If there are any you can’t do just try your best and let us know when you’re back in school, so that we can make sure we go over them.  We will continue the booklet next week in school.

KS2 Reasoning Test 2a


Please continue your Rosa Parks biography.  You will need to write a paragraph about the events that followed her arrest.

Who paid her bail money?  What plan did they make? What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott? When did it start? How many people joined the protest? How long did it last?

Please try to finish your work with a short paragraph about her later life.  What awards did she receive? When did she die? How old was she when she died?


Please read your book and practise your spellings.


Please try another Born to Move video if you can.

Born to Move

Home Learning 1.2.22


Today you need to continue your biography about Rosa Parks.

Please write a paragraph about her working life.

Tell me:

  • When she left school and why?
  • Who she married and when?
  • What was her job and where did she work?

Then try to write a detailed paragraph about the event which made her famous.

Tell me:

  • What happened during the day?
  • How did she travel home?
  • What happened on the bus?
  • Where was she taken?

Stop here we will continue her later life tomorrow.


I would like you to continue your work on algebra.

You may like to look at the information on missing number problems here to help you.

Missing numbers

Have a look through the attached worksheets.  There are a few different levels – 1Star being the easiest – 3stars the hardest.  Try the 2 star sheet to start then you can try a challenge if you like.

Algebra sheets

Reading – today we had our ‘Reading for Pleasure’ time.  So please choose any book you enjoy and have a lovely time reading it!


Try this link to see if you can try one of the Born to Move classes at home.

Born to Move -Free


Home learning – 31.1.22


Today we started to look at simple algebra.

Don’t panic – it’s really not that hard it’s just when letters are used to represent a number.

Have a look at the sheets below

Try this one first if you’re unsure – there’s a little explanation and the answers are at the back.  Remember if you want to write 6 x n = we just write it as 6n.  This means 6 lots of n.

No fear algebra

Algebra sheet This is what we worked through in class.  Remember if you work backwards through an equation you need to do the inverse (opposite) operation.

Try to complete Challenge 2 if it’s too hard, try Challenge 1 or too easy try Challenge 3!!


Today we began to write our biographies on Rosa Parks.

We completed an introduction.

We used a rhetorical question to our reader to start, such as ‘Do you think all people should be treated equally?’  or ‘Do you think all people should have equal rights?’

Then we briefly explained what life was like for black people in America in the 1950s.  We then explained that one ordinary lady, named Rosa Parks one day decided it was time for change.

We finished our little introduction with a bit of persuasion to our reader.

‘Read on to find out …

We then wrote a paragraph about her early life.  Please use the video to refresh your memory and your notes from last week to write these first two sections.

Rosa Parks info

Rosa Parks BBC video


31.1.22 i sound

Please practise each day, can you identify the different ways the i sound has been made?

Please read each day and go on TTrockstars if you can.


Today we looked at the famous speech by Dr Martin Luther King Jr.  It was very difficult to understand so we took our time working out his metaphors and finding the meaning within his speech.  Please Read the text version of his speech attached from our history booklet. You will probably need an adult to help you understand it.

Martin Luther King Speech

Martin Luther King Speech – Video Clips


Year 6 Home learning


This week we have learning about Biographies.

Please read the Rosa Parks Biography and have a go at the questions if you haven’t completed this in school.

Rosa Parks Bio-date

Then please do some research online and use the comprehension to help fill in the table.  We will use this information next week to write our own biographies.

Rosa parks biography plan

Please read your reading book each day too.



Y6 – Exciting New Club!

I’m very excited to announce I have some spaces left in my Born to Move club to offer to any Year 5s.  Some of you had a little taster of this at the end of last term and it would be lovely to see you there.  It will be mixed with the year 6s but there should be plenty of space for us to spread out in the hall. You can book via school money. See below for more details.

Born To Move is a really exciting programme designed by the global fitness company Les Mills.  It is specifically designed for school aged children to help inspire a love of physical activity.  It combines: boxing training, martial arts, dance, yoga and games and is aimed at both boys and girls.

I have completed my official training and in order to use the official Born to Move music and materials I will need to charge a small fee to cover the licence costs.

The club will start on Monday 10th January 3:15pm-4:00pm It will be £12 per half term


Today we completed a reasoning paper for our end of unit assessment.  Please try the paper below.

KS2 Reasoning – Pack 2 – Test 2a

The answers are at the back.


Today we finished our plan using the Christmas ideas sheet from yesterday.  We then chose our best ideas and out them into different verses for our Christmas poem.  See if you can write your own like this using your ideas to write 3 more lines for each verse.

Please write your poem out and decorate it or you could type it up.

We did some PE in the hall today you could try a Born to Move if you are well enough.  Click try for free at home.

Born to move


Please read your book and practise your spellings.

Home Learning 7.12.21


Today we completed our end of term maths test.

Please have a go at the test paper below to practise.


The answers are at the back of the test.


This week we are writing a Christmas poem based on the Magic Box.

I would like you to think about the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas time to put in your Christmas box.

Please see the attached poem as an example.  Then have a go at completing the ideas sheet like last week.  Label the sights, sounds, smells etc and then go back and extra detail to your favourite 3 ready for your poem. Remember to add adjectives, adverbs, similes, metaphors, alliteration to make your poem as descriptive as possible.

poem example

ideas sheet (1)

Reading/ Geography

We have started working through this booklet in our whole class reading session to accompany our work on population in Geography.  Have a read of the first few pages and have a good discussion with someone at home if you can, there are some really interesting facts.


Home Learning 2.12.21


Today we solved more worded problems involving length. It is very important that if you have a question where the lengths are different (e.g. 80cm and 1.25m) then you must convert one of the measurements to match the other (e.g. 0.80m and1.25m.) Make sure that you keep one digit per box and give your decimal point a box all of its own too!

Remember the basics:

  • 1.0cm = 10mm
  • 1.0 m =100 cm
  • 1.0 km = 1000m

Have a go at the sheet below.

Converting lengths


Today, we collected out ideas for our own ‘The Magic Box’ poem. We based our ideas on the wonderful things about our planet and what we would like to protect inside our wonderful box.

Please use the Youtube video below to help generate ideas.

Now complete the diagram sheet below using all the wonderful sights, sounds etc from our planet. Remember to think about developing your language skills by adding personification, onomatopoeia, similes etc.

E.g. a host of stars illuminating the dark black ocean of a sky.

or the orange-pink tones of a sunrise on a crisp winter’s morning.

ideas sheet


This afternoon we had PE so please make sure that you spend at least 30 minutes doing a physical activity.

Also, log on the TTRS and please keep your reading up as well. Every little helps!

Home Learning 1.12.21


Today we have been learning how to convert units of measurement and solve measurement problems.

We recapped that 1m = 100 cm

1km = 1000m

1cm = 10mm

We used our knowledge of x and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 from last week to help us convert.

Have a go at the sheet below see how far you can go.  Can you complete challenge 3?

Converting lengths


This week we have started a unit on poetry.  We have been look at the features poets use to create images with their words.   Read through the two poems below and see what you can picture in your mind as you read.  Then have a look at the language features on the sheet below can you write some sentences using each of the features.  Use the best, most poetic language you can.


Language features


Please read your book and talk about it with someone at home.


Try a Born to Move at home if you are well enough.

Please also log in to TTRockstars and practise your times tables.