Dread Wood Book Post


Thankfully our copies of Dread Wood arrived in school today.  The children were very excited to read them so I have sent them out for over Easter. Unfortunately, the signed book plates didn’t arrive today as I think they were coming separately from the author herself so I will send these out after Easter.

I hope the children enjoy reading their new books.

Mrs Hilditch



Year 6 Homework 6.4.22

This week there will be no usual homework sheets.  On Friday, I will send out some revision booklets for each subject, for use over the Easter holidays.  They are designed to be done for 10 minutes a day, but just do whatever works for you.  I hope you find them helpful.  Please look at the spelling sections of the SPAG revision book and the year 5/6 list.

Just a reminder, SATs week is the week beginning Monday 9th May.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and enjoy all the chocolate!!!

Mrs Hilditch


Born to Move Club

Parents of the children in Born to Move club are invited in to school at 3:45pm next Monday 4th April to watch a few of our routines if you would like to see what we’ve been up to.

Mrs Hilditch



Year 6 spellings

Next week we will complete our end of half term spelling test.  This will be a test involving a range of spelling patterns and rules including some from the spelling lists.

Please can you look through the spelling list and choose spellings that you find tricky and you think you will be able to use in your writing – copy the spellings carefully onto your sheet.

You may also want to look through and do some exercises from the spelling section of your revision books

Virtual Author Visit – Year 5 and 6

I am really excited to announce that we have been given the opportunity to take part in an online author visit with Jennifer Killick, author of the wonderfully spooky Crater Lake.  This will take place tomorrow morning (Wednesday 30th March).

She will be discussing her new book, Dread Wood, and answering questions from the children.

I’m really excited and hope that she will help to inspire the children with their reading and writing.

The children also have the opportunity to purchase a signed copy of her book for £6.50.

Please complete the order form and pay via school money.  Please note, we need to place all orders for the signed books by Friday1st April.

Home Learning Year 6

This week we are beginning to revise and recap all areas of the curriculum to prepare for our SATs tests.

I will upload the sheets for each session for the whole week for you to work through each day.  Please use your revision books to help with any areas you are not sure of or email please.


Monday – Rounding and Negative Numbers

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 4 – Number & Place Value – Problems

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 4 – Number & Place Value – Problems – Answers


Factors and Multiples and BODMAS

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 9 – Calculations – Common Factors & Multiples

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 9 – Calculations – Common Factors & Multiples – Answers

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 10 – Calculations – BODMAS

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 10 – Calculations – BODMAS – Answers


Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 11 – Calculations – Word Problems

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 11 – Calculations – Word Problems – Answers

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 12 – Calculations – Word Problems

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 12 – Calculations – Word Problems – Answers


More Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 14 – Fractions Decimals & Percentages

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 14 – Fractions Decimals & Percentages – Answers

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 15 – Fractions Decimals & Percentages

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 15 – Fractions Decimals & Percentages – Answers

Friday – Yet More!!

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 16 – Fractions Decimals & Percentages

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 16 – Fractions Decimals & Percentages – Answers

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 17 – Fractions Decimals & Percentages

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 17 – Fractions Decimals & Percentages – Answers

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 18 – Fractions Decimals & Percentages

BAM – Assessment Task – Exercise 18 – Fractions Decimals & Percentages – Answers

English- SPAG focus

These are the slides we talked through today.  We tried some sentences using semi-colons and colons.

We then planned our own new short story based on Red we read last week.   Please read through the slides, have a go at the sentences and then do your plan.


Monday 22nd March – PLAN

I will add more English work throughout the week.

Please also read regularly and practise your spellings.

Samba Drumming Workshop – Year 6

You may have seen that after half term there will be a new Samba Drumming club;  I’m very excited to announce that I have managed to organise a Samba Drumming workshop with Peta Piper just for our class on Monday 14th February.  This will be a full afternoon session and will end with a performance to the rest of the school in an assembly.

We would like to ask for a small contribution of £3 per child for this experience. This can be paid via school money or by cash or cheque to the school office (please send correct change in a named envelope)

Many thanks.

Mrs Hilditch

English Home Learning

Today we would like you to research the life of Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Please watch this video and take notes.  If an adult is able to watch the video with you see if they could make up a little quiz for you to see how much you remember, like we did for Rosa Parks.

Please see if you can complete this sheet to help you to plan your Biography next week.


You may also want to use these websites to help you find more information.

BBC bitesize


Kiddle -Martin Luther King