Water Bottles

As the weather is forecast to be warm again this week, please can you ensure that your child has a water bottle in school each day.

We do have some cups but these are not ideal as a member of staff will have to leave the class to get one and then they are often knocked over in class.

The children are also asked to take water bottles outside with them for PE.

Many thanks

Mrs Hilditch

Year 6 Request

I would also like to have a copy of a baby/toddler photo for each child please.  Please can you either send in a photo for us to scan or email a digital version? You can email it to


Thank you

Mrs Hilditch



Year 6 Leavers’ Production

I’m sure the children have already told you that we have started to practise our leavers’ performance and they are really excited about it.

We will be holding the performance on Monday 18th July.  The main performance for parents is at 6pm.  Ideally this performance is for adults only (there will be wine and nibbles!).  There will also be a performance for the school to watch at 9:30am and there will be some space for grandparents or parents with young children to attend this performance.

The evening performance will be a ticketed event so that we can set up the hall appropriately.  Each child may have up to 4 tickets.  Please request only the number of tickets you need and please return any spare tickets to us if circumstances change.  Any spare tickets will then be released for anyone who needs more.

Please use the link below to order your tickets and they will then be sent home via your child.


We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Hilditch, Mrs Giles, Mr Rogers


Year 6 Class Visit to the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre

I am pleased to announce that as part of our Geography unit on fieldwork, we will be attending the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre on Thursday 30th June.

This will be a full day trip learning about map reading skills, completing geographical surveys and completing fieldwork activities at their site.

The trip will cost £12.50 per child and it is now available to make a payment on school money.

I will send a letter with more information and a permission slip on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Many thanks

Mrs Hilditch


Halfway through our SATs tests!

So far, the children have worked really well through their test papers.  They have been very sensible and have tried so hard to remember all the methods we have taught them.  Thank you for ensuring that the children are here on time and they seem to have enjoyed their extra little breakfast.

Our final tests tomorrow and Thursday are maths (arithmetic and reasoning).  Hopefully the children are all feeling confident and ready to smash their final tests.

Please again ensure your children have and early night tonight and tomorrow as the adrenaline seems to be taking it out of them!

Thank you all so much for your support and for helping your children to have such a positive attitude towards this week.  They can all be so proud of themselves, we certainly are really proud of each and every one of them!

Mrs Hilditch, Mrs Giles and Mr Rogers


SATs Week Information 9th – 12th May

As you are all aware, next week will be SATs test week.  The children have worked incredibly hard over the past year and I’m sure they will do themselves proud next week.

Please help your child to be ready to do their best next week by ensuring they get a good night’s sleep and then get to school at 8:45am each day.

We will be providing an extra little breakfast between 8:45am and 9:00am and helping them to get settled ready for each test.  The tests will take place during the morning sessions.

If your child is unwell during test week, please do everything you can to get them here.  We can place them in a separate space away from other children and they may go home as soon as they have completed their test.

On Friday, we will have a special day to celebrate all of our hard work.  This will include an ‘Afternoon Tea’ outside for our lunch.   We will be providing bread and sandwich fillings and the children will help to prepare our buffet in the morning.  Children having a school dinner that day, will be catered for by the kitchen and will be able to bring their lunch outside.   If you could send a small offering of some cakes, then they would be really appreciated.  These can be homemade or shop bought.

If your child has any specific allergies please ensure they have an appropriate lunch or snacks.

If your child would prefer to bring their own normal packed lunch then please do so, they can eat this outside.


Year 6 Mary Webb Transition Meeting

On Friday 6th May, in the afternoon, we will be having a visit from Mrs Mould and Mrs Keeling.  They will talk to the children who are attending Mary Webb and meet with myself and Mrs Giles to discuss children’s individual needs.  (This has been rearranged from today due to a change in Mary Webb’s schedule.)

Children not attending Mary Webb will continue their computing work.   I have not as yet received any communication from Bishop’s Castle Community College, but I will let you know when I hear anything.

Mrs Hilditch


Year 6 SATs and homework

I will not be sending any homework this week.  Instead, I would like you to finish off any parts of the revision booklets from Easter that you still have left to do or go through your revision books.  Please pick out any areas you still feel unsure of. Please also practise words from the Year 5 and 6 spelling list.

SATs week – please see the timetable below. Please can all children arrive at 8:45 during this week, so that we can get them settled early and prepared.

Key Stage 2 SATs Timetable  9th-12th May 2022

Test Time
Monday 9th May Spelling Punctuation Grammar

Paper 1


45 minutes


Spelling Punctuation Grammar

Paper 2



15 minutes approximately 
Tuesday 10th May Reading 60  minutes


Wednesday 11th May Maths 


Paper 1

30 minutes






Paper 2

40 minutes


Thursday 12th May Maths 


Paper 3

40 minutes